Letter to Parents for SBDM Election for 2016-2017
The Northern Middle School Parents will hold the election for two parent members of the Northern Middle School SBDM School Council on May 12, 2016 from 9:00am – 6:00 pm.
A Nomination Form is attached to this Notice (see below)
What is the school council? The council is the governing body for this school. It determines school policy for curriculum, staffing discipline, scheduling, instructional practices, extra-curricular activities and other matters pertinent to the operation of the school.
Who serves on the council? 2 parents, 3 teachers, and the principal.
Who may run for council? Any parent, stepparent, foster parent or legal guardian of a student who will be attending the school during the parent’s term of office. A parent is ineligible if he-she is an employee or a relative of an employee of that school or the district central office or a local school board member or the spouse of a school board member.
What are the terms of office? July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017.
If I want to run for the council, what do I do? Complete the nomination form (below) and return it by May 11, 2016 to Northern Middle School. You may nominate yourself or another parent, if you have that parent’s consent.
How will I know who is running for council? The slate of nominees will be posted in NMS school office by May 11, 2016.
Who may vote in the election? Parents, stepparents, foster parents, legal guardians of students attending Northern Middle School during the 2016-2017 school year.
When do we vote? Voting will take place at Northern Middle School, May 12, 2016, 9:00am – 6:00pm.
Two parent members will be elected to serve on the council. Absentee ballots will not be allowed.
Nomination Deadline: May 11, 2016.
Marked “SBDM Nomination Committee”
Qualifications: A parent council member shall be a parent, stepparent, foster parent or legal guardian of a student attending the school during the council member’s term of office. A parent is ineligible if he-she is an employee or a relative of an employee (father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, son-in-law, daughter-in-law) of that school or the district central office, or a local school board member or the spouse of a school board member.
The term of Office is ONE year.
Parents may nominate themselves or another parent
Name of Nominee ___________________________________________________________________________________________Date________________________
Children enrolled in this school. (Name)__________________________________, ______________________________,_____________________________________
Nominated By_______________________________________________________________________________________
I accept this nomination and hereby certify that I am eligible to serve on this council and meet all qualifications as described above.
Signature of nominee: ________________________________________________________Date____________________________________