Trousdale County Schools Focused Lesson Plan
Teacher: 5th Grade / Unit Name: Pre-Civil WarUnit #:1 / Unit Length: 4 Weeks
Week:7 / Week 7 of 9
Subject: ELA
Tennessee State Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard)
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. / 5L2
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English, grammar, and usage when writing and speaking. / 5L1
Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. / *5:RI/RL.1
Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to grade 5 topic or subject areas.
Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details.
/ 5RI4
I Can Statements :
I can quote properly from the text and in conversation.
I can spell grade level words accurately.
I can identify the main idea of two texts and identify supporting details for each.
Accommodations for students, both regular and special populations :
All differentiation is individualized upon the needs of the students with center and group based reinforcement of skills.
Unit Vocabulary: Abolitionist, Antebellum, tension, slavery, plantation, prosperous
Compare/contrast, Fredrick Douglas, Sojourner Truth, Grimke Sisters and William Lloyd Garrison
Main Idea, Theme, Confederacy, Abraham Lincoln, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Bloody Kansas, Bloody Congress, The Dredd Scott Decision, The Raid on Harper’s Ferry, The Election of 1860
Daily Agenda / Resources, Technology, Formative and/or Summative Assessments, Assignments, and a Daily Activity for citing text based evidence in conversations and/or writing
Spelling- Lesson 7: Intro words- discuss ones unfamiliar w/ and have students make a list to define and write sentence
Reading- Old Yeller: Intro vocab p. 204-205, have students define, Read “Old Yeller” pages 208-219 Read in small groups, small group identify characters and their defining traits with supporting evidence then whole group share w/ accountable talk strategies, discuss “dialect” and tie in w/ quotations and dialogue, Show a short clip from movie to illustrate character traits
Grammar- Intro to Subordinating conjunctions and Complex Sent. w/ Independent and Dependent Clauses using text pages 320-323: Review coordinating conjunctions and compound sentences then move into lesson with discussion about phrases and clauses- comparison; Note-taking on identifying subordinating conjunctions and types of clauses, focus on identifying “clue words” using white boards, Independent practice using P. 322-323
S.S.- Writing part of CH. 1 Test and written response portion / Shurley Language Sentences(Done in folder activity center)
Daily Language Review Workbook(Done in folder activity center)
Group Read and Discuss w/ accountable talk
Journeys Text for story
Journeys Workbook
Multi media use: “Old Yeller” video clip
Use comparison of characters form video and text
Summarizing characters citing text evidence
Harcourt Language Textbook- copies for students
White board “Survivor”
Sp- Wb. 76 (Synonymns)
Read – Intro to Adages: notes for binder and model/ discuss, Wb. 75 small groups then whole group discussion for clarification; Graphic Organizer for identifying literary elements: Fact/opinion, figurative language specific to text, Main idea/support, problem/resolution, plot/setting, etc.; Text dependent questions for comprehension assessment to be completed small groups then whole share w/ accountable talk strategies
G- Continue working on identifying subordinating conjunctions and types of clauses using P. 322-325 Note-taking for combining the clauses to make a complex sent. Focus on what conjunction means a particular thing and when to use it: Independent work while teacher table for clarification for those needing
S.S.- Ch. 1 Test (the rest) / Shurley Language Sentences(Done in folder activity center)
Daily Language Review Workbook(Done in folder activity center)
Group Read and Discuss w/ accountable talk
Journeys Text for story
Journeys Workbook
Citing from text for questions and graphic organizer completion
Harcourt Language Textbook- copies for students
Sp- Homework Suggestion: Write words three times each for test preparation
R- Story Test
G- Continue working on identifying subordinating conjunctions and types of clauses using Journeys workbook pages 103-104 and 93 as an assessment
S.S. – Begin CH. 2, Lesson 1: p. 48 Anacanda Plan: Students will read in the TN text page 48-49 about the Plan and in the old text page 166. Discussion over the main ideas of the Plan; then students will work on the visual of the Plan as well as summarizing / Shurley Language Sentences(Done in folder activity center)
Daily Language Review Workbook(Done in folder activity center)
Tennessee Through Time Text
A Nation Grows Text
Group Read and Discuss w/ accountable talk
Create visual rep. of key concept
Journeys Workbook
Summarizing the Anaconda Plan’s main points
Sp- Sent. Test; Send home next week’s list
G- Teacher table for clarification for those still needing it and further work with the skill using coordinating Harcourt Workbook pages 87-88 Assessment #2
SS- Pages 49-53 Battles of TN: Students will read from TN Through Time in small groups; then using a TN map locate a nd lable rivers, battles, and forts. Then the groups will summarize the battles on graphic organizer. The stdents will also be using a 2nd text, A Nation Grows pages 167-168. / Shurley Language Sentences(Done in folder activity center)
Daily Language Review Workbook(Done in folder activity center)
Tennessee Through Time Text
A Nation Grows Text
Group Read and Discuss w/ accountable talk
Create visual rep. of key concept
Harcourt Workbook
S.S. –