Lehigh Valley Regional Homeless Advisory Board

April 14, 2015


In Attendance:

Catholic Charities of Allentown Rob Nicolella

City of Allentown Heidi Baer (Secretary)

City of Bethlehem Kristen Wenrich

Commonwealth of PA-DCED Fadia Halma

Community Action Committee of the LV Chris Cassidy, Roslyn Kuba, Dawn Godshall

County of Northampton Lori Sywensky (co-chair)

County of Northampton, Dept of Corrections Laura Savenelli

Hope for Veterans Kevin Cope

Housing Association and Development Corp. Bob Wittman

Lehigh Conference of Churches Deborah Hendricks, Elly Nieves, Deanne Best

Lehigh County Housing Authority Barbara Cooper (and NCHA, VHDC)

Lehigh Valley Advocate for the Homeless Dale Smith

Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living Kristen Lenhart, Sean Gorman, Heather Cryer

Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council Rich Hudzinski

Mary’s Shelter Cay Galgon Center Theresa Medar, Cory Lamack

New Bethany Ministries Diane Elliott

Office of Congressman Cartwright April Niver

PA CareerLink Lehigh Valley John Haupt

Program for Women and Families Joyce Dougherty

Resources for Human Development Tina Stanley

Safe Harbor Easton Jennifer Collin

Salvation Army-Allentown Eleana Belletieri

Salvation Army- Bethlehem Frances Rader

Self-Determination Housing Project Jeff Fields

Third Street Alliance Paula Panovac, Alisa Barratta

United Way of Greater Lehigh Valley Marc Rittle

Valley Youth House Kathi Krablin (Co-Chair), Diane Dieter, Shane Burroughs, Adah Powell

Victory House Pat DiLuzio

United States Senator Bob Casey’s office Carol Obando Derstine

1. Introductions

The Co-chairs began the meeting by welcoming all in attendance and everyone introduced themselves.

2. Review and Approval of February minutes

Joyce Dougherty made a motion to approve the March minutes as presented, Dawn Godshall seconded the motion. Minutes were approved.

3. Presentation -City of Allentown Consolidated Plan, One Year Action Plan

Heidi Baer gave an overview of the City’s Five Year Consolidated Plan for the use of the City of Allentown’s federal Community Development Block Grant Program, HOME Investment Partnerships Program and Emergency Solutions Grant Program funds. Allentown has developed strategies in the areas of housing, rehabilitation, economic development, public improvements and public services and assistance to homeless persons and families (to name a few) which it hopes to address in the next five years. Heidi also outlined the proposed activities proposed for funding for the upcoming 2015-2016 program year, including the use of Emergency Solutions Grant funds for the operations of four homeless shelter programs and one Rapid Re-housing Program.

Chris Cassidy made a motion to accept and support the City of Allentown’s Consolidated Plan for the period of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2020 and the Annual Action Plan for the period of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Tina Stanley seconded the motion. The motion to approve and support the Consolidated Plan and Action Plan passed.

4. Presentation and Discussion-Improving Employment Option for the Homeless

Leigh Howard of Diana T. Myers and Associates (DMA) began the presentation by outlining some of the barriers that have been identified which prevent homeless persons from increasing income and securing employment. She listed a few items and through much discussion, the following list was compiled.

· The skills (or lack thereof) of clients

· Access to employment opportunities

· Issues surrounding working with people with disabilities

· Familial/childcare issues

· Transportation

· Age

· Competence of clients

· Access to jobs that pay a living wage

· Lack of address/ability to get a shower, look presentable for an interview

· Soft skills

Rob Nicolella stated his concern with trying to determine what the benchmarks are. For the homeless populations, what is good?

Is better than last year a good measure?

Leigh Howard noted that both figures are correct, having a percentage of people improving income, plus measuring improvement from last year are both valid measures. The reality is, to be competitive in the HUD funding world, data is vital. Now the standard is to demonstrate an increase in earned income.

Leigh also noted that eventually our CoC will be measured against itself. As data becomes more exact, we can establish a baseline and demonstrate improvement on how the agencies are assisting their clients. HMIS data can help determine how we are doing.

HUD is looking at possible new performance measures which are a work in progress.

Lehigh noted that HUD language right now is to prevent a return to homelessness, but the question the group posed is- how can you eliminate homelessness without increasing income?

HUD’s ultimate goal is to eliminate a person’s homelessness within 30 days. The group agrees this figure is not reasonable right now, but eventually, it may be possible.

Leigh then asked the group to identify 1 or 2 of the previously discussed barriers to employment and concentrate on developing a plan to address those.

· Increase access to CareerLink (including transportation, hours open and available, child care)

· Educate employers on how to work with clients (and their issues)

· Pre-CareerLink development (so clients are ready and aware of what to expect when going to CareerLink

There was much discussion about these three barriers and the issues which surround them.

The group determined increasing access to CareerLink is a good first topic to address. A volunteer group of Dawn Godshall, Diane Elliott, Chris Cassidy and Rob Nicolella agreed to work with Leigh on this issue.

5. Discussion: Nominations for Co-chair and Secretary

Lori noted that Kathi Krablin will be finishing her time as Co-Chair of the LVRHAB, which she extended to ease the transition of the reconfiguration of the Eastern PA CoC. There is a need for a representative from a non-profit agency to volunteer to serve as co-chair. Historically, the co-chairs have been one representative from government and one from the non-profit sector. Also, there is a need for a volunteer to serve as LVRHAB Secretary to replace Heidi Baer.

Please submit your electronic nominations to Kathi Krablin and the nominations will be announced at the May meeting.

6. Update: Ranking Process

Kathi Krablin noted that a small group met with Barbara Hodas and will make a recommendation to the ranking committee. The NOFA is expected to be released in late May/early June. The ranking process will be data driven and will also include expenditure rates and utilization of beds.

7. General Membership Meeting

Will be held on May 20th, from 11 am to 2 pm, in Williamsport.

8. Coordinated Entry

Kathi Krablin spoke about the contract with Capacity for Change.

There was much discussion about how the coordinated entry model will affect the agencies and how they serve clients. It was recommended that people with concerns join the planning process so the system which is developed will meet the needs of all the participants.

9. Member updates

Lori Sywensky noted that the topic of environmental reviews will be discussed next month.

Dale Smith talked about the regional winter sheltering issue.

Chris Cassidy explained that CACLV is working on completing its 2014 Shelter Census and anticipates it being released soon.

Leigh Howard noted that the PIT count is due to HUD by April 30th and the data should be released soon.

Respectfully Submitted,

Heidi Baer


s:\grants\grants\rhab\2015\minutes\april 14, 2015 minutes.docx