International Programs / List created by Amy Samelian, , Harding HS College & Career Center, St.Paul, MN
Updated – February 10, 2012.
For questions about NSLI – See Mai Tong / For questions about Rotary – See Eliora, both Harding Seniors / It pays to plan ahead! You can always study abroad in college, too!
Study Abroad Exchange Programs –
Grades 9-12
Summer terms and Academic Year as well! / SCHOLARSHIPS, too!
NACEL Open Door
SCHOLARSHIPS à: various deadlines, including, Oct., Dec., Jan., Feb. etc.)
Rotary, / See Amy S/CCC
for info
ASSE International Student Exchange Program
?s –Contact their local office at 651-246-0673 or the
Midwest Office at 1-800-736-1760. Visit / 2 scholarships for its Academic Year Programs. Based on financial need and secondarily for academic excellence. A “B+” grade average (3.4) is the minimum required to apply. 1 100% award and 1 90% award. The entire application packet, including fee deposit (partially refundable) should be submitted ASAP, / Apply ASPA but no later than March 1, ‘12/
St. Paul Rotary Club – sponsorship spots available
FOR 2013-2014 school year only – AGES 15-19 / For 2013-2014. St. Paul Rotary has openings for the next cycle only. Act early to get $$ and 1st choice country. John Chandler at #651-789-5218 or to be considered. / 2013-2014 – DUE:
Mid-October 2012
Rotary Youth Exchange
Be an EXCHANGE STUDENT – for the 2012-2013
school year!
Go to for the application.
FYI - There are 2 Rotary Clubs in Saint Paul who could sponsor.
Harding students have gone to Japan & South Korea! / Apply EARLY FALL 2011 (Sept. is ideal) for 2012-2013 year. Send 4 copies of completed application to a local Rotary Club for sponsorship. Interviews are the last week of October. If selected, your application gets forwarded to the District Office by their early November deadline.
Go to and look up the Local Clubs who could sponsor you.
Search by District Numbers. For the Twin Cities, type in 5960 / 5950. / Apply to a Rotary EARLY Fall 2012
The National Security Language Initiative for Youth
FREE! Must be 15-18.5 years old at start of program.
Learn a new language. Live with a host family.
Summer, Spring, Fall OR Full Academic Year.
LEARN: Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Persian, Russian, or Turkish LIVE in: China, Egypt, India, Jordan, Korea, Morocco, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey, and other countries around the world / 550 FULL scholarships to US High School students to study abroad and learn Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Hindi, Korean, Russian and Turkish. Sponsored by the US Department of State, among others, NSLI-Y is designed to increase American citizens’ capacity to engage foreign governments and people through those critical languages. Criteria: US Citizen, be 15-18.5 years old at the start of the program, a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 unweighted scale, Be enrolled in high school at the time of application (gap year between high school and college is an option). Summer = 6-8 weeks, June-Aug. 1 or 2 sem. = 3-5 months or 8-9 months / November 3, 2011
FULL Scholarships
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program – FREE!
Must be 15-18 years old at the START of the program / Full Scholarship to Study Abroad in Germany. Live with a host family and attend school in Germany for one academic year. 3.0 GPA on an unweighted 4.0 scale. Lang. not nec / December 18, 2011– Full Scholarships!
Congress-Bundestag Vocational Exchange Program
Full Scholarship for 20-25
3.0 GPA or better, US Citizen
Contact Nacel Open Door Saint Paul, MN office at
651-686-0080 or 1-800-622-3553 / Spend a year in Germany living with a host family, participating in a school or training program, and getting hands-on work experience through an internship with a German company. MANY DIFFERENT AREAS!
Receive two months of intensive German language training. Must pay for transportation to and from Washington, D.C. and provide own spending money while in Germany (estimated at about $400 per month)
Visit for other great study abroad opportunities as well! / Postmark Deadline:
January 31, 2012
FULL Scholarships!
Leysin American School in Switzerland / Study Abroad Program – generally for students in grades 10 or 11. American high school curriculum and the IB program. Plus skiing! Call #1-888-642-4142 or visit
Visions – Service Adventures #406-551-4423 / 800-813-9283
Alaska, Montana, Mississippi, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Vietnam, Guadeloupe, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Ecuador & the Galapagos, Peru, etc. / Hands-on service work, intercultural living, and active exploration. Live together as a small group (16-25 students and 4-6 leaders) in the heart of a host community. Work construction, sustainable development, environmental, agricultural work, day camps for children, volunteering with the elderly or disabled, creating murals for public spaces, etc. / 3-5 week programs
$3,450 - $5,500
+ airfare from US departure city
Youth Bridge China – for ages 14 & up, 3-week tours
Cost: $3650, not including airfare, personal expenses, etc.
16 minute DVD available for viewing. / June 24 – July 14 or July 16 – August 5. Mandarin Chinese (40 hours), Corporate Internship at a Beijing
based multinational corporation (30 hours). Cultural activities include: kung fu, dumpling making, calligraphy & more. Tour Shanghai, cultural landmarks, and two other cities! / Deposits due
January 2012

Created/updated by Amy Samelian, , Harding High School College and Career Center, Saint Paul, MN