Name: ______
Leaving Cert. Biology Revision Questions
The following questions are taken from past Leaving Certificate Examination Papers (2004 - 2013). Questions on the same topic have been separated to provide random revision. If questions are repeated it only highlights their greater significance or importance as they have been asked more often over the years.N.B. These questions do not cover the entire syllabus. Knowing the answers to these questions only is not a guarantee of an excellent result.
E.& O.E.
No. / Question / Answer1 / State a function of the cell membrane
2 / Explain how Rhizopus gets its food.
3 / State one feature that would allow you to identify an eukaryotic cell
4 / Name a human cell that is haploid
5 / What term is used to describe a cellular reaction in which large molecules are broken down to smaller ones?
6 / By which type of cell division does the zygote divide?
7 / What process results from the contraction of the muscles of the small intestine?
8 / Give two examples of harmful members of the kingdom Fungi.
9 / In carbohydrates, which two elements are in the ratio 2:1?
10 / What term is used to describe an individual’s genetic makeup?
11 / What form of heterotrophic nutrition does Rhizopus have?
Outline the importance of this type of nutrition in nature.
12 / Further divisions result in the formation of a morula. What is the next developmental stage after the morula?
13 / Name a scientist responsible for the Theory of Natural Selection
14 / Which of the following most accurately represents the pH of the contents of the small intestine: Acidic. Neutral. Alkaline.
15 / Name two tissues that are present in the walls of arteries and veins and give a function of each of these tissues.
16 / Name another form of nutrition employed by some fungi, other than heterotrophic.
17 / What is an hypothesis?
18 / The placenta forms from tissues of the mother and the foetus. Give two roles of the placenta.
19 / What is the source of the heat that keeps the body at a fairly constant temperature?
20 / Cellulose is a polysaccharide. Explain the term polysaccharide.
21 / Name two glands that pass their secretions into the small intestine.
22 / To what kingdom does Rhizopus belong?
23 / To which group of molecules do enzymes belong?
24 / In humans, widening of the female hips is one example of physical changes that distinguish the sexes but are not essential for reproduction. To what term does the definition in italics refer?
25 / Saprophytic nutrition is a form of heterotrophic nutrition. What does the term heterotrophic mean?
26 / To which kingdom do yeasts belong?
27 / State a location in a flowering plant where a growth regulator is secreted
28 / 1. What are symbiotic bacteria?
2. Give two functions of symbiotic bacteria in the human alimentary canal.
29 / Give one advantage of bioprocessing using an immobilised enzyme.
30 / What term is used for the time in a young person’s life when such changes take place?
31 / Give an example of the use of a synthetic growth regulator.
32 / Name one economically harmful fungus.
33 / The nutrition of Rhizopus is described as being saprophytic.
1. What does the term saprophytic mean?
2. Explain the importance of saprophytic nutrition in the overall scheme of nature.
34 / State a role for cellulose in living organisms.
35 / Where in the human alimentary canal is most water absorbed?
36 / Name the hormone that maintains such changes throughout the life of a male.
37 / Name a polysaccharide other than cellulose.
38 / Describe a test for a named polysaccharide.
39 / What is meant by the term segregation as used in genetics?
40 / In relation to protein synthesis what is transcription.
41 / State a function of the rhizoids of Rhizopus.
42 / Where in the human female reproductive system does 1. Meiosis, 2. Zygote formation, 3. Implantations occur?
43 / State two ways, other than colour, in which red blood cells differ from white blood cells.
44 / Mushrooms belong to the Fungi kingdom. A restaurant owner decides to collect and cook wild mushrooms from a local forest.
Suggest one reason why this may not be a good idea.
45 / Write a balanced equation to summarise the process of photosynthesis.
46 / In which of the stages of photosynthesis does ATP form?
47 / Where precisely in a plant cell would you expect to find cellulose?
48 / Veins contain valves whereas arteries do not. What is the function of the valves?
49 / Name a group of white blood cells, other than lymphocytes.
50 / Name the two scientists mainly associated with the cohesion-tension model of transport.
51 / Describe the role of oestrogen and progesterone in the control of the events of the menstrual cycle.
52 / Distinguish between breathing and respiration.
53 / What structures attach a muscle to a bone?
54 / What is a ‘denatured’ enzyme?
55 / Where do cilia occur in the breathing system? What is their function?
56 / Lymphocytes may be divided into B cells and T cells. B cells produce antibodies
1. What is the role of antibodies in the body?
2. Name any three types of T cell.
3. State a role of each of the T cell types that you named in part 2.
57 / Name the reagents used to test for a reducing sugar.
58 / Give one change experienced by the mother that indicates to her that the birth process is starting.
Plants have evolved certain adaptations that protect them from adverse conditions. List two such adaptations.
59 / Describe the principal features of the cohesion-tension model.
60 / Name a test or give the chemicals used to demonstrate the presence of a reducing sugar.
61 / State one possible cause of asthma or bronchitis.
62 / Which upper arm muscle contracts to raise the lower arm?
63 / Explain the term homeostasis.
64 / From what does a seed develop?
65 / Give a short account of the birth process.
66 / Give two examples of the use of plant growth regulators.
67 / Name an enzyme and matching substrate
68 / The cohesion-tension model of transport attempts to explain water movement in plants against a particular force. Name this force.
69 / Where does fertilisation normally occur in the reproductive system of the human female?
70 / What is a disaccharide?
71 / Homeostasis often requires an organism to exchange materials between different tissues or between itself and the external environment by diffusion, osmosis, and active transport. Explain each of the underlined terms.
72 / When using Fehling’s or Benedict’s solution which of the following is correct?
1. No heat needed, 2. Heat but do not boil, 3. Boil.
73 / What is meant by the term antagonistic pair in reference to muscles?
74 / What are growth regulators in plants?
75 / What term is used for the type of asexual reproduction that produces a daughter plant by runners?
76 / Where precisely does water enter a plant?
77 / Name the tissue in plant stems through which water rises to the leaves.
78 / Give an example of a treatment for asthma or bronchitis.
79 / State one way in which each of the following contributes to homeostasis.
1. Liver.
2. Lungs.
3. Nephrons of kidneys.
80 / What might a hypothesis develop into?
81 / What do the letters ATP stand for?
82 / Explain the term transpiration.
83 / Would you expect a daughter plant produced by a runner to be haploid or diploid? Explain your answer.
84 / State one way in which carbohydrates differ from fats.
85 / Name the type of joint at the elbow.
86 / Give one way in which xylem is adapted for the transport of water.
87 / Describe the role of the skin in controlling body temperature.
88 / From which structure in the seed does the root develop?
89 / Give one method, other than runners, and not involving seeds, that is used by horticulturists to produce new plants.
90 / What process is responsible for the uptake of minerals in a plant?
91 / By what process does water enter a plant?
92 / State one way in which yeast is beneficial to humans.
93 / State the products of segregation when an organism is heterozygous in respect of the dominant allele A.
94 / What is meant by the term immunity?
95 / Give a brief account of the role of each of the following in flowering plant reproduction.
1. Petal.
2. Anther.
3. Stigma.
96 / Give a precise location of xylem in the stem.
97 / Apart from movement, give one other function of the skeleton.
98 / When investigating digestive activity during seed germination: 1. How did you supply a substrate suitable for the digestive enzymes? 2. How did you ensure that no digestive enzymes were available on the control plate?
99 / Through which microscopic structures does water enter a plant from the soil?
100 / Name a monosaccharide and state a role for it in living organisms.
101 / Suggest a benefit to the plant of the phototrophic growth response.
102 / When may it be considered that the process of fertilisation is complete?
103 / Name one structure through which the pollen tube grows in order to reach the embryo sac.
104 / State precisely the events that take place at the alveoli.
105 / State another function of xylem tissue other than water transport.
106 / A virus has been described as a piece of genetic material that has escaped from a cell. Give one piece of evidence that supports this description.
107 / Suggest a treatment for a named disorder of the breathing system.
108 / How are the alveoli adapted for their function?
109 / Suggest one reason why the bones of birds are almost hollow.
110 / Name the reagents used to test for a protein.
111 / Within the pollen tube the generative nucleus divides to form two male gametes.
1. What type of division takes place?
2. With what does each male gamete fuse in the embryo sac?
3. Name the product of each fusion.
112 / Breathing rate in humans is controlled by the concentration of a gas dissolved in blood. Which gas is this?
113 / Name the nutrient medium on which you grew yeast.
114 / Viruses are examples of obligate parasites. Explain why this is the case.
115 / Suggest a possible cause of a named disorder of the breathing system.
116 / What is the function of the semi=circular canals in the ear?
117 / Give an example of a regulator in plants that inhibits growth.
118 / Cellulose is a polysaccharide. What is it formed from?
119 / As the seed forms following fertilisation, a food store develops in one of two structures. Name any one of these structures.
120 / Through which microscopic structures does water enter a plant from the soil?
121 / Energised electrons play a central role in ATP formation during photosynthesis. What is an energised electron?
122 / In relation to protein synthesis what is a triplet and state the role of a triplet.
123 / Give an example of how a virus might be beneficial to mankind.
124 / Name one disorder of the human breathing system.
125 / What is the function of the Eustachian tube in the ear?
126 / Name the organelle (component) of the cell in which photosynthesis takes place.
127 / 1. Name the three germ layers in the early human embryo.
2. For each germ layer name a structure in the adult body that develops from it.
128 / Why is a control important in an experiment?
129 / Give two uses of plant growth regulators in horticulture.
130 / By what process does water enter a plant?
131 / What term is used for glands that secrete hormones?
132 / Describe in detail how we inhale air.
133 / Suggest one way in which a person might adapt his/her lifestyle to minimise the effects of asthma or bronchitis.
134 / Name the part of the ear in which nerve impulses is generated.
135 / From which tissues does the placenta develop?
136 / State the Law of Independent Assortment.
137 / In relation to flowering plants explain what is meant by vegetative propagation.
138 / Distinguish between endospermic and non-endospermic seeds.
139 / How do these glands differ from those that do not secrete hormones?
140 / Explain what is meant by germ layers and name the germ layers that appear in early human development.
141 / One large muscle and one set of muscles are involved in inhalation. Name both.
142 / Name the tissue that water travels through in a plant.
143 / 1. What is the amnion?
2. Explain the importance of the amnion for the foetus.
144 / In what part of the eye are nerve impulses generated?
145 / Define predation.
146 / Give an example of the use of a synthetic growth regulator.
147 / Name the process responsible for the entry of water into a plant.
148 / In which tissue does water ascend through the plant?
149 / When we breathe we inhale air. What gas in the air is essential for respiration?
150 / Explain why the pancreas may be described as a dual-function gland.
151 / Sexual reproduction in Rhizopus is normally triggered by an adverse environmental stimulus. Suggest one such stimulus.
152 / How do phospholipids differ from other lipids?
153 / Suggest one way by which the ear may be protected.
154 / Name one process that causes water to move upwards in a plant.
155 / To which group of blood cells do lymphocytes belong?
156 / Explain the term niche.
157 / Give two advantages to Rhizopus of zygospore formation.
158 / Explain in detail how the eye works.
159 / What is the chemical nature of many hormones?
160 / Explain the part played by NADP- in photosynthesis.
161 / Comment on the difficulty of describing a virus as a living organism.
162 / Explain how a corrective measure for a named defect of hearing or vision works.
163 / Distinguish between active and passive immunity.
164 / Consider that night has fallen and the plant is in darkness.