100 N. 5th Street
Leavenworth, Kansas 66048 / City Commission Regular Meeting
Commission Chambers
Tuesday, July 23, 2013 7:00 p.m.

CALL TO ORDER - The Governing Body met in regular session and the following commission members were present: Mayor Laura Janas Gasbarre, Mayor Pro-Tem Mark Preisinger and Commissioners Larry Dedeke, Lisa Weakley and Davis T. Moulden

Others present: City Manager J. Scott Miller, Assistant City Manager Paul Kramer, Finance Director Dan Williamson, Public Works Director Mike McDonald, Deputy Public Works Director Bob Patzwald, City Planner Ralph Moore, Parks and Recreation Director Julia Anderson, Attorney Chuck Cavanee, Public Information Officer Melissa Bower, Licensure Coordinator Pauline Rodgers, Deputy City Clerk Carla Williamson and City Clerk Karen J. Logan.

Mayor Gasbarre opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance followed by silent meditation.

Proclamation National Farmers Market Week August 4-10, 2013 – Mayor Gasbarre read the proclamation for the Leavenworth Farmers Market 2013 and presented the document to Bill Kromer with Leavenworth Farmers Market. Mr. Kromer thanked the Mayor for the proclamation. He then spoke about: Haymarket Square is a good venue and the best in the State of Kansas; support of city staff and police department helps; good vendors; 30 stalls available; variety of items; social event; food petting zoo; cooking demonstrations; one of seven registered markets by the Land of Kansas; and Leavenworth Farmers Market will celebrate market week August 4-10th.

Consideration of Minutes – Commissioner Dedeke moved to approve the July 9, 2013 regular meeting and July 16, 2013 special meeting minutes, as presented. Commissioner Preisinger seconded the motion and was unanimously approved.

Tabled Item and Old Business:

Eagles Ball Fields Design Project – Parks & Recreation Director Anderson asked for consensus to sign the agreement for professional services for Eagles Ball Fields Design. She stated on May 14, 2013, staff presented the concept and chronological history for funding the construction of a men's softball field in the Capital Improvement Projects. The Eagles ball fields were funded in the 2013 -2017 budget in the amount of $970,000. The Eagles project will also allow Cody Park to be used for the women's softball program, providing an adequate sized field. Staff recommends acceptance of the contract agreement for professional services from VSR Design for the Eagles Ball Fields in the amount of $70,000.

Commissioner Preisinger stated he was not in favor of this project at this time. He supports the recreation programs, discussed the leagues and current use of the ball fields. Mr. Preisinger discussed other needs for streets that would accommodate the traffic in the area; additional costs for parking lots and roads; project to look at in the future; not denying anyone the ability to play ball; plenty of capacity; regulations concerning field sizes and accommodation; and the softball World Series fence line is 200 feet. He commented that is not the time to spend the $70,000 for design of the ball field and there were additional costs for staffing and upkeep of the ball field.

Commissioner Weakley asked for clarification for the parking. Ms. Anderson stated that there was a plan to include shared use of parking off Choctaw with the Eagles. Ms. Weakley also asked for the potential annual expenditures for maintenance and staff. City Manager Miller stated he estimated total costs could be $18,958 for league and tournament play. He also discussed fees associated with adult softball.

Ms. Anderson explained the annual expenditure costs and diverting funds from Hawthorne to Eagles ball fields. She discussed a potential donor for the maintenance costs at Eagles ball fields; parking issues; and streets. She stated staff will still need to mow and maintain the Eagles ball field since the city does own the property. Ms. Anderson then reviewed the overall project; fence regulations and height; appreciated the city commission support; economic impact; infrastructure; Cody Park modifications; and the fact that this was diverting the money from Cody Park to Eagles ball field.

Commissioner Weakley stated that this has been programmed since 2010 and she supports the project. This is a good smart use of tax dollars for families and youth; amenities for families; and good investment for community.

Commissioner Moulden stated he was not against the ball field. He then discussed: felt there were discouraging finance issues; the need to pull in the want list to balance issues; $970,000 budgeted for project; the need to pay the bills; cutting the staff and budget issues; and until the economy gets back on a level playing field he cannot support the project. He did not want any more cuts for the city.

Commissioner Preisinger suggested moving the million to do street maintenance and improvements; again he could not support the project at this time.

Mayor Gasbarre stated a lot has happened since May 14th concerning the city’s budget. She spoke about her discussion with City Manager Miller and the Finance Director Williamson concerning the financial issues, budget cuts that included LCDC, Main Street and staff. She spoke about the maintenance costs; how parks staff does an excellent job; and to consider using the $70,000 funds for Eagles Ball Field.

Commissioner Dedeke agreed with everyone that the parks staff does an excellent job; stated that this was not the time to do the project; he mentioned the need for street upgrades; and to use the $70,000 for minimal upgrades to Eagles Ball Field.

Ms. Anderson suggested differing funds to a later date and agreed with the concessions. She understood the City Commissioners position.

City Manager Miller suggested that this project be brought back through the CIP process for the City Commission to consider.

Commissioner Preisinger moved to deny the Eagles Ball Fields design project. Commissioner Moulden seconded the motion and was approved 4-1 No: Weakley.

2014 Budget – City Manager Miller and Finance Director Williamson stated they gave a brief presentation on July 16, 2013 of the proposed budget for fiscal year 2014 (January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014) on July . Mr. Miller stated that staff needed direction in order to publish the 2014 Budget for the public hearing on August 13, 2013.

Mayor Gasbarre discussed the telephone calls she received and after discussion with staff she recommended placing this item on the agenda. She asked for discussion from the governing body concerning the 2014 Budget.

Commissioner Weakley discussed the following options:

•  Discussed adding Main Street, LCDC and the fire fighters position back in the budget at a cost of $156,495

•  $156,495 cost would be a mill levy equivalent .803 increase

•  Cost to residents – about $1.20 per month based on a home value of $150,000

Commissioner Preisinger discussed the mill levy rate for our city which is the highest in the State; we have the lowest sales tax; he suggested adding a half cent sales tax to off-set property taxes; the half cent sales tax would decrease the mill levy 9.5 mills; and for one year the cash reserves of $42,000 for Main Street could handle this cut. He had a lot of calls both proponents and opponents of the proposed 2014 Budget. Mr. Preisinger then suggested adding 1/40th of a cent to fund Main Street and LCDC which would require a vote of the people. Main Street and LCDC could help market the sales tax initiative; Main Street and LCDC can use reserves for one year; the sales tax could help to off-set the property taxes; and he does not support an increase to the mill levy at this time.

Blaine Weeks with LCDC discussed:

•  Understands the budget issues

•  Fund balance in previous years and should have off-set the mill levy earlier

•  Mill levy has not increased over 10 years

•  Understands the economy, but cutting the funding to LCDC and Main Street is not a good time

•  Housing market and optimism

•  LCDC has multi-jurisdictional funding and the City’s share is $47,510

•  The need to increase the budget and now was the time to do that

Cindy McGuire, employee of Main Street

•  Strongly urged the Commissioners to reconsider the funding for both Main Street and LCDC

•  Discussed the Leavenworth Main Street program which helps with the occupancy for the downtown buildings

•  She discussed the economic development efforts of LCDC and Main Street to bring in businesses

•  Discussed the renovations currently underway in the downtown area

•  To completely cut funding of LCDC and Main Street – does not encourage economic development

•  These cuts may cause our City to revert back to a stagnant community

Tony Kramer with LCDC

•  LCDC’s mission to bring businesses and jobs to area

•  Discussed the taxes and government services

•  Federal institutions and property taxes

•  Marketing today and changes for economic development

•  Shift focus to more cash incentives and the reason for reserves

•  64 leading businesses in the Lansing / Leavenworth area

•  City’s participation is important; this sends negative vibes if City not participating in LCDC

•  Important to the County and metropolitan area

•  City is a leader in economic development; could send a negative message to potential development

Randal Allison owner of properties downtown

•  Understands the budget problems and the need to be fiscally responsible

•  Need to pay the bills

•  Beautiful downtown and it needs to be developed

•  Traffic from the Fort leaving the city and sales tax dollars being lost

•  Need to push for development in the downtown area

•  Property taxes, mortgages and other costs

•  Development and we need to stop the vacuum cleaner that is taking the tax dollars from the City

Louis Klemp

•  Member of LCDC

•  Firefighter cuts

•  Sales tax and using funds to reduce property taxes

•  People purchasing a home look at property tax costs

•  LCDC and Main Street could live on reserves until the sales tax is considered

•  Discussed the funding, two entities market their needs, and he agrees with the sales tax initiative

Greg Kaaz lives at 2120 Lecompton Road and owns several businesses

•  Urged funding for LCDC

•  Discussed the fierce competition for businesses and development

•  We cannot let up for even one year and discussed the need to promote development

•  He discussed the economic development process and the needs compared to other cities

o  Olathe funds $943,000

o  Lawrence funds $841,000 and $220,000 Chamber of Commerce

o  Lenexa funds $1 million

o  Leavenworth funds $48,000

•  Cannot lose the initiative; puts an investment in and gets back for the community

•  40 cents per month to put funding back to LCDC and Main Street

•  Need to bump the mill levy .75 mills and he suggested to make it happen

Sherry Stitch, property and business owner

•  She is a current Main Street member

•  Tough job – loss of parking attendant and loss of funding for Main Street

•  Need to continue to build businesses

o  25% taxes rate for businesses versus 11.5% on residences

•  Main Street serves a vital part for the City to include businesses; events; and other activities

•  Leavenworth is the favorite hometown

•  Reserves for Main Street are $42,000 and the City is cutting $50,000

•  Only so much Main Street can do to raise money and reconsider slashing the funding

•  Asked for support to fund Main Street

Bob Hatch current business owner

•  Attracted by LAD (LCDC) and growth of his business

•  Need to repeat experience to bring in new businesses

•  Discussed his economic incentives and the growth of his company

•  Approximately 100 employees working at his company now and 33 live in Leavenworth / Lansing

•  Currently expanding their business and potential to add 20 more jobs in the area

Joe Jones current business owner in the downtown

•  Member of Main Street

•  Over the last ten years very active

•  Recipient of aide from Main Street and put a lot of time and effort in building

•  Federal employees – need to get them to eat and shop in the City

•  Keep Main Street active to include LCDC

•  Think positive, keep funding here in the downtown and develop the area

Fire Chief Nietzke

•  Understands the tough position concerning the budget

•  Losing a firefighter will affect the department and the calls

•  Discussed furloughs at the Fort and lack of support from their fire department due to cuts

•  2,000 calls per year

o  Commissioner Dedeke asked how many of those calls were for fire and Mr. Nietzke stated around 300

•  Currently there are 14 staff members on duty and discussed the staff needs to address the fire calls

o  Mayor Gasbarre clarified that with the reduction in a firefighter was a result of a retirement and not filling the position. She stated that we will still have a minimum of 14 firefighters on duty available to respond.

Ken Bower

•  Agreed with Greg Kaaz and suggested funding LCDC, Main Street and the firefighter for less than a mill

Wendy Scheidt, Main Street Director

•  Discussed grant funding through the Main Street Program - more than $4 million

•  Renovation of deteriorating buildings in the downtown

•  Hosting events in the downtown area

•  Marketing incentives and investments for advertising

•  Utilization of volunteers and filling the void

•  Negative signal to not fund the Main Street Program

•  Please think about some budget for Main Street

•  Economic development is the theme and funding to help bring in economic development growth

•  Sales tax issues and review budget

•  Investment in Main Street – everyone benefits from services

•  Funding through memberships, grants and the city

Jeannette Labbee-Holdeman

•  Supports both LCDC and the Main Street Program

•  This is a team effort county wide

•  Potential growth for economic development in this community

Commissioner Weakley suggested funding LCDC, Main Street and the firefighter would only cost each resident around $1.20 per month. These are worthy projects to consider; understands it has been over 10 years since there was a mill increase; constituents support the mill levy increase for these projects; and asked to consider raising the mill for funding LCDC, Main Street and the firefighter position.