A brand New Year, New cycle and maybe even a brand new YOU!
This is the start of a brand new 9 year cycle, so it is time to plant new seeds of growth. A time of new beginnings, you will feel the need to make big changes in your world. A great time to start new projects, manifest new visions and bring new energy into your life! It’s a year of being open to these changes too, and making the decisions that need to be made to better yourself and your life.
This year as you plant new seeds, think of what you want to be sprouting and reaping in this next 9 year cycle. Be creative, independent & determined to take control of your life!
This year IS about you, following your dreams and manifesting what you want in your life!
-New beginnings
-Becreative and independent
-Be open to change
-Start new projects
-Make decisions
-Be determined and take control of your life
-Focus on what you want, put yourself first this year
-Do some soul searching, start to be who you really want to be
This year is a year of growth, as you witness and watch your seeds, thoughts and ideas that you planted last year begin to sprout.
This year is about being patient, gentle and kind with yourself; there is no need to force anything this year. It’s a year of balance, of cooperation and partnerships; these aspects are favoured greatly! You may crave companionship in any form so surround yourself with people who you work well with, who inspire you or people you can bounce off and share this beautiful and harmonious year with.
A great year for developing your intuition, strengthening it and then listening to it. Meditation is greatly beneficial this year.
-A year of growth in all areas of your life
-Love is favoured this year
-Find balance this year, start meditating!
-Great year to develop, strengthen & listen to your intuition
-A year of co-operation and developing companionships
-A year to not be hard on yourself or force yourself to live or be a certain way
-Relax, surrender, travel gently
This is a great year of mental activity and stimulation. You will want to learn, study, share information and network… lots! You may even travel to a different culture just to learn something new. Think of this year as a school year, lots of learning, being involved in new and different experiences, a very exciting and creative year indeed! You may feel like a child in a playground as this is a year full of fun, laughter, dancing, singing, creating magic and joy! A very social year with lots of gatherings, people & parties. A great year to express yourself, your ideas and who you are! What you planted 2 years ago will start to be recognised this year, the growth is beginning to show; this is a year of progress! As you let go there will be lots of opportunities that arise for you all in relation to your desired outcome.
-A great year to study and learn new things
-A year of communications, mental activity and the need to be stimulated
-Travel, travel, travel! A wonderful year to learn about different cultures and even learn a new language.
-A very social year full of friends, parties, people and fun
-An exciting year full of joy, wonder, magic, singing, dancing and laughing. You will feel like a child again, innocent, free and full of life.
-Try new things this year, be daring and get involved in new and different experiences
-Let go and express yourself! It’s the year to do it, communication is the key
A year to rest, ground, anchor in and allow the roots of your seeds to grow deep into the Earth. This year is all about the solid foundation on which you are standing, it’s about stability. Not a great year for dramatic changes. You will want to stay focused, be productive and organised in your personal 4 year. It’s a great year to consolidate and tie up all those loose ends, especially financially, and solve problems that are occurring in your life. A very practical and realistic year that urges you to keep your feet on the ground. It is also a year of rest and rejuvenation for the body. Tend to your body, love it, move it, nourish it, give it treatments like massage and acupuncture. It’s the perfect year to nurture it and tune it up!
-Stay grounded this year and focus on stability
-Nurture the physical body, detox, rest and rejuvenate
-A good year to consolidate the changes of the past 3 years. Tie up loose ends, especially financially and solve other problems in your life
-Be productive and organised
-A very practical year to be realistic, spend time with the family in the home and keep your feet on the ground
-This year feels like a big warm bowl of homemade soup!!
This is great year of freedom, change, action and being pushed out of your comfort zone; being comfortable within the uncomfortable will serve you well this year. You will want to rid yourself of the constant mundane and boring routine, you will crave freedom, flexibility and fulfilment this year; freedom will call you! You will feel the desire for this freedom in any areas of your life that are feeling frustrating, stagnant and in need of a shake up; they will be the areas you will desire change and freedom the most. This year you will begin to see the fruition of what you planted 4 years ago and may want to start making some changes. Maybe there are things hindering you, weeds that need to be pulled out, anything that is outdated or hindering your growth will be up for review and change in a 5 year. This is a year to pay real attention to your feelings, do some inner emotional work and clearing out. It is definitely a time to try new things, take risks and actively make changes to your entire life, this inspire others along the way to do the same. This is one of the greatest years of change and movement, and in a 5 year I highly recommend saying no to things you usually say yes to and yes to things you usually say no to!
-A year to actively make changes in your life
-A year to review your life & give it a makeover; you may even change the hairstyle you’ve had for 20 years!
-A year where you will crave freedom and need to spend time alone to reflect and go within
-If there is frustration in any area of your life, especially your work, you will want to change it and break free from routines and the mundane
-A year to pay attention to your feelings, do inner emotional work and clear out the old.
-Travel is also very possible this year
This year for you is all about harmony, balance, rhythm and sweet sweet love! YUM! This is one of my favourite personal years, a year absolutely FULL of love, giving and sharing. This is the time to nurture your crop; you got rid of the weeds last year now it’s time to give it lots of love and attention. Your crop is flowering and you want to share its benefits with everyone.
It is a year about relationships, the best year to get married actually, and any friendship connection you make this year will usually last and be very solid. Working on relationships is important this year, renewing them or letting them go. Home and music will be very important this year too. You may be redecorating or beautifying the space that you live in. Give yourself wholly to everything you do and everyone you encounter this year!
-A year of abundance in all areas of your life
-This year is all about relationships, great for marriage and a major relationship is possible for people who are single
-Long lasting friendships, if founded this year
-A time to work on the relationships in your life too, renew them or let them go
-This is a year of harmony, family, loving, giving and sharing
-Home will be of great importance this year, you may even want to redecorate it
-You will want to be surrounded by beauty this year.
-Music will be important this year
-Give yourself fully to everything you do and everyone you encounter this year
-A beautiful year of balance, flowing rhythm and happiness
This is the BIG year, the “What it’s all about” year. If you are in alignment and following your purpose, truth and heart callings this year should flow so smoothly it’s not funny however if you aren’t following your truth or what you know you should be doing this year can be described as the “Mac Truck” year because that’s often what people feel like they’ve been hit by.. Now, don’t get scared, this year is a bloody brilliant one actually, as you will question all old beliefs; you will feel like you want more out of life. This year you will want to look at what you have reaped & may wish to go deeper into what you are creating, beginning to question it all!
You may become more open and want to study religion, philosophy or metaphysics too. You may feel like you want more out of life and find the deeper meaning behind all things. You will want to find and explore a deeper you. This can be a challenging year, with big lessons being learned, wake up calls and this year asks of you not to be the victim, but to learn, to be grateful, and to take the time to reflect. What would you like to change about yourself? This is a great question to ponder on this year! It’s not a year to force things, anything, let things come to you and be discriminating.
A 7 is a very spiritual year to learn about your soul and really become YOU!
- Be discriminating this year, challenge your old beliefs
- Interests developing in philosophy, metaphysics and spirituality
- This year you will want more out of your life
- The Mac truck year… YourWake up year!
- A year of learning lessons and not playing the victim
- What would you like to change about yourself? Do it this year!
- A time to discover and explore you, then be grateful for what you find
- A year of reflection and not a time to force things
- A very spiritual year to learn about your soul and become the real you!
This year is powerful year of abundance, opportunity and rewards.
Your crop has come to fruition and you will be reaping the rewards of the last 7 years; all your hard work has paid off!
All those seeds you had planted will be flowering and it is a year to be open to the abundance that will be bestowed upon you. This is a great year for business, of wealth and receiving monetary gifts. Material gain will be here for you in abundance.
This year be confident and efficient for many more opportunities will be coming your way.
-A year of power and wealth
-Be open this year to receive all of the gifts of your harvest
-Material and monetary wealth is here for you in abundance
-Be efficient and confident
-A great year for business
YAY!!! Your harvest is complete, you’ve completed another 9 year cycle. How did your harvest go? You’ve learnt lessons, made changes and reaped all the rewards. Now it’s time to release, to get rid of everything and anything you do not wish to take with you on your next 9 year cycle. Give things away, reevaluate; it’s time to clear the slate. Reflect on how far you have come and then let go of all that you wish to take no further. A year of endings, completion. A time to be compassionate & tolerant as things fall away but a great time of excitement! Excitement about all that is to come, all the changes that will be happening; be open, embrace them and get ready for your next trip around the numerology cycle.
-The year of completion, change and getting rid of old habits
-Clear the slate and don’t hang on to things, ideas or people that are just not working
-Changes are inevitable, be open and trust
-A year of endings, so not a good time to start new projects
-Reflect on how far you have come, journal your achievements and be proud
-Give things away to charity and friends
-Get excited about all the changes that are happening or will happen, embrace them and get ready to create another amazing 9 year cycle in your new 1 year
Tiarnie Vidler & The Self-Love Movement