Administration of Justice Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

April 30, 2003 – Page 3



Wednesday, April 30, 2003

4:00 P.M. Room 1603



· Chief Gary Thuman, ACSO/Dublin Police Department

· Lt. Mike McQuiston, Albany Police Department

· Dr. Neal Ely, Dean of Academic Services, Las Positas College

· Captain Mike Fraser, Pleasanton Police Department

· Bruce Harter, Union City Police Department

· Sgt. Greg Morgado, ACSO / Regional Training Center

· Mark Tarte, LPC Faculty/Administration of Justice Program Coordinator

· Chief Steve Krull, Livermore Police Department

· Scott Rohovit, Pleasanton Police Department/ ROP Instructor

· Anna Lisa Hutchinson, Tri-Valley ROP

· Bob Kreitz, Superintendent / Tri-Valley ROP

· Dave Martin, Livermore Police Department

· Tony Esquivel, Livermore Police Department


Dr. Ely welcomed everyone to the meeting and offered special gifts:

· A voucher for two passes to all LPC Performing Arts events. The vouchers must be redeemed at the LPC Bookstore.

· An application to receive an LPC Library Card.

· A new parking pass for Advisory Board members that are good through June 2005. Vehicle registration information is required.

Approval of Fall, 2002 Minutes:

Sgt. Brian Ballard made a motion to approve the minutes for the Fall 2002 meeting. Mark Tarte seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Minutes were approved unanimously.

ROP Update:

Bob Kreitz reported the five high schools are doing very well this year with their Administration of Justice 50 classes. Livermore High School has an enrollment of 44; Dublin High School has 43; and Amador High School’s enrollments are not in yet.

Scott Rohovit reported there is an upcoming field trip planned to Alcatraz with Dave Lang’s class.

College Report to the Board:

Dr. Ely reported the LPC schedule for Summer and Fall classes would be combined into one catalog in the interest of saving money in printing and mailing costs, as well as a smaller summer program. The catalogs were also available for Advisory Members to take and review, and the schedule of classes being offered in Fall, 2003 was distributed. Dr. Ely noted that the campus program remains solid.

Dr. Ely explained that the college would be seeing a 44% cut in the summer and 10% in the Fall; the Spring is undecided at this time. We are looking at significantly bigger cuts for next year in 2003-2004. There will be some real concerns for the school year 2004-2005.

The current budget crisis is not good but there have been no changes in staffing at the college, which is good. Dr. Ely indicated that the college is implementing an Enrollment Management program to manage the cuts.

Mark Tarte announced a new class: Report Writing Review. This class will review Department Manuals and will have three actual uncorrected and corrected reports to be used as learning tools.

Mark thanked Gina Stewart of the Livermore Police Department for the evidence collection lectures. The students really liked the lecture, and it was very much appreciated.

Mark reported there is an online course being considered, and it possibly could be available within a year, if approved.

Dr. Ely announced there is a new Division III website. Division III is the first Division to have a website. It is still a work in progress but very informative and there is an Administration of Justice link and a link to the Regional Training Center. Dr. Ely further noted that if Livermore and Pleasanton Police Departments are interested in adding their links, please let him know and he would be happy to do so.

Dr. Ely reviewed handouts on the Tri-Valley Connections Internship program and the LPC Reorganization Chart.

Recommendations from the Advisory Board Members to the College:

Dr. Ely discussed how important feedback is from Board members and that the recommendations are taken seriously and valued. It helps LPC to take the appropriate direction with courses.

Chief Krull inquired about an ethics component in the classes. He added the importance of education of ethics should start within the high schools. This may help increase more qualified candidates. There is some frustration with the amount of time a department spends on recruiting to find out that candidates were not truthful about some of their past.

Scott said that there is an ethics component already in place at the high school level.

Mark added that maybe an introduction of the importance of ethics and morals at the junior high school level could help increase more qualified students at the high school and college levels.

Bob Kreitz recommended that students who have gone through the program be invited to come back and talk about their experiences and how they got where they are today.

Special Guests:

Dave Martin is a former student of Dave Lang and Mark Tarte. Tony Esquivel is his P.O.. He explained his experience and how he got where he is today, with the Livermore Police Department. Dave said he had excellent training at both LPC and the Regional Training Center.

Mark asked Dave how he felt his education helped him as a cadet. Dave said he felt ahead of the class because of the great education he had behind him from high school and college.

Bruce asked if there was anything Dave could think of that he needed to know and didn’t get in his education. Dave said he felt that all the components were there and he couldn’t really think of anything that should be improved or added at this time.

Date of the next meeting - Las Positas College:

Wednesday, October 15th at 4:00

Minutes submitted by Anna Lisa Hutchinson

Tri-Valley ROP