Labeling Theory

 Review of “Classic” Labeling

 Reflected Appraisals

 Reintegrative Shaming

The Classic Labeling Process

Criticisms of Labeling

1. Typically history of antisocial behavior prior to formal labeling

 Society doesn’t “identify, tag, and sanction individuals as deviant in a vacuum.”

2. Controlling initial levels of deviance, formal sanctions have little (no) effect.

3. No “negotiation,” obsession with “formal” sanctions...

Matsueda (1992)

 Reflected Appraisals, Parental Labeling, and Delinquency

 Move from formal to informal labels (appraisals)

 Back to “symbolic interactionism” roots

 Much more complex, rich

 Allows early deviance to play a role

 Difference between actual appraisals, reflected appraisals, and self-appraisals

Formation of the “self”

 Transactions

 Interactions between 2 or more individuals

 “Role-taking” appraising from others’ shoes:

 The situation
 Oneself in the situation
 Possible lines of action

Role-taking as socialization

 Early socialization

 Take the role of significant others who are present in situations

 Later socialization

 Take the role of “generalized other,” or the whole social group

Elements of the “self”

 How others actually see you

 Actual Appraisals

 How you perceive the way others see you

 Reflected Appraisals

 How you see yourself

 Self-Appraisals

Matsueda’s Model

Initial Behaviors

Reflected Appraisals

of Others


Actual Appraisal

by Others

John Braithwaite

 Austrailian Criminologist

 Crime, Shame, and Reintegration

 Pretty complex theory (Not parsimonious)

 BUT, Central concepts are not that complex

 Reintegrative Shaming vs. Stigmatization
 Interdependency
 Communitarianism

What is “shaming?”

 Behaviors (from others) that induce guilt, shame

 snide comment, verbal confrontations

 stocks/pillory, the “scarlet letter”

 Naval tradition of “captains mask”

 In Western society, shaming has become uncoupled from formal punishment

 Offenders sent away to warehouses

Braithwaite II

 Interdependency

 “attachment” with social others (indirect control at micro level)

 Communitarianism

 similar to “collective efficacy” (control at macro)

 In communities that lack collective efficacy, and among people who are less bonded, stigmatizing punishment is likely.

Types of “Shaming”

 Reintegrative

 Love the sinner, hate the sin

 Spank the child, but tell them that you still love them

 Stigmatizing

 no effort made to reconcile the offender with the community

 offender as outcast, “criminal” as master status

 degradation ceremonies not followed by ceremonies to “decertify” deviance

Examples of Shaming

 Stigmatizing

 United States

 Court, prison, etc. (remove and shun from community)

 Reintegrative

 Japan

 Ceremonies to shame and welcome back

The Model

Evidence for Reintegrative Shameing?

 Japan vs. U.S. crime rates

 Since WWII, Japan and U.S.

 Why?

 High Interdependency and Communitarianism

 Reintegrative Shaming emphasized

 Community has duty to shame and welcome back transgressors

Implications from Braithwaite?

 Restorative Justice

 Victim/Offender mediation

 Emphasis on “repairing harm”

 Build up community, victims, offender

 Shaming Conferences