Schedule for the Math Methods Course (302)

Where: Doudna 209

When: Tuesday 5:00-7:52 pm

Instructor: Timothy Deis

Office: 148 Gardener Hall

Office hours: 12:00-1:00, 3:00-4:00 M,T,R,F

(Just ask for other times! I would be glad to help out.)

Telephone: 342-1948


Textbook: Teaching Mathematics for the 21st Century; Huetinck/Munshin

Mathematics on the Internet; Ameis

Course Description:

This course is designed to prepare prospective candidates to become middle school and/or high school mathematics instructors. Each candidate will be responsible for creating a course portfolio. This portfolio will include topics covered in the course and materials that may help you in the mathematics classroom. Each candidate will be responsible for teaching mini-lessons to the class. This class requires participation.

The course is divided into four strands. Each of these strands are interwoven throughout the duration of the course. These strands are middle school and high school mathematical content, strategies for teaching mathematics, classroom management and professional growth.

Course Content:

The class readings come from the Teaching Mathematics for the 21st Century textbook.

September 2nd

Class Introduction/Options to take during the class

What do you expect from the course?

Student requirements for the course.

Thank you note to high school instructor due next week

Expectations of a High School Teacher

Discussion questions: High School questions from book, Liping Ma’s book

Finding the resources that you will need

Assignment: Read PSSM Chapter 3, Write thank you note

September 9th

Discuss readings from previous week

Introduction to NCTM PSSM document

Content Standards/Wisconsin Content Standards

Illuminations Presentation

Choose a website to discuss next week

Assignment: Explore Web Site, Article on Communication in Mathematics

September 16th

Example of article write up

Presentation of the Web site assigned.

Handout Math Contest Problem: Presentation due next week

The Process standards are introduced. Ideas are discussed on how to model and implement the standards in the classroom.

NCTM Process Standards

Connections/ Representations

Reasoning and Proof – Where it fits in the classroom

Communication - The use of cooperative learning in the classroom is discussed. Issues concerning formation of groups, appropriate uses and procedures of cooperative learning are considered.

Assignment: Prepare Math Contest problem,. Article on Problem Solving in Mathematics

September 23rd

Presentation of Math Contest Problem

NCTM Process Standard - Problem Solving

Assignment: Team Problem Solving Problem

September 30th

NCTM Process Standard – Problem Solving

Methods of Teaching Problem Solving

Assignment: Prepare Problem Solving Lessons; Choose an article to present next week on topics on” No Child Left Behind” and read about an overview of the “No Child Left Behind” summary

October 7th

Presentation of Problem Solving Lessons

Assignment: Find an article about Equity in the classroom

Wednesday October 8th

Talk by Michael Thompson on the federal program “No Child Left Behind”

October 14th

NCTM Principles of Mathematics Education: Equity, Curriculum, Assessment, Teaching, Learning, Technology

Discuss Wisconsin Teaching Licensure

Assignment: Write up key for exam that is handed out

October 21nd

This class focuses on the preparation and planning of mathematical instruction.

Choose topic which you will write up unit plan on

October 28th

Unit Plan Presentations Due.

November 4th

Unit Plan Presentations Due

November 11th

Technology- Spreadsheets

Technology- Graphing Calculators

The role of manipulatives in teaching mathematics are discussed.

Use of manipulatives


Cuisenaire Rods

Algebra Tiles

Assign: Graphing Calculator Presentation

November 18th

Panel discussion- Platteville High School teachers

Assignment: Graphing Calculator presentation

November 25th

Prepare to give presentations to Intermediate Algebra Class

Spreadsheet Work/ Geometer’s Sketchpad

Assignment: Spreadsheet and Geometer’s Sketchpad work

December 2nd

Discussion of mathematics observation of an advanced math course.

Discussion of mathematics observation of a middle/high school math course.

Class visit from teacher

Assessing Student Performance- Chapter 8, 10

Wisconsin Graduation Exam/Write up a Key/Correct an exam

Assignment: Find an article dealing with mathematics education

December 9th

Communicating with Parents and Community-Chapter 11

Classroom Management

Course Wrap up

December 16th

This week students will make appointments with me to discuss the class and the course portfolio. A grade will be given to the student on the unit plan presentation, course portfolio and course.

Course Objectives:

  1. The student will become knowledgeable concerning the current issues in mathematics education.
  2. The student will develop skill in unit and lesson planning and in the presentation of lessons to the class.
  3. The student will learn to use various instruction materials; such as, manipulatives, calculators and computers in teaching mathematical topics.
  4. The course is designed to help prepare the student for a successful start to their teaching career.

Course Requirements:

Attendance is required! It is important that you participate in this class. This is not your normal math class! Any missed class period will require a typed paper covering the material discussed during that class period. Talk to me if you expect to miss a class !

Fifty points You will be required to get a three ring binder that will be handed in periodically during the semester. This is a notebook that I want you to be able to use when you get out and begin teaching. Organization of your notebook is up to you. It must include handouts from this course and any other information that might be beneficial to you when you have your own math class. It should include the notes you have taken during the semester and the following written assignments:

  1. Required Professional Readings: Five articles will be read and discussed in class. For each article, you must write a single page report summarizing the article and giving your reaction to the article. The magazines in the UWP library in which you can report on are: The Mathematics Teacher, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, Journal of Recreational Mathematics and Quantum. The internet is also a great source of information. You may want to check out the internet on possible readings. Please do not read more than two articles from any given issue of the journal. Your readings should cover material that has been covered or will be covered in the class.
  1. Required Write a thank you note to a high school teacher that has been particularly helpful to you. You must give me the name of the high school teacher along with the school address (including street address and zip code).
  1. Twenty points Present a review of a mathematics website.
  1. Twenty points Complete a Geometer’s Sketchpad construction or lesson.
  1. Twenty points Complete a Spreadsheet investigation or assignment.
  1. Twenty points Present an article on Sharing Teaching Ideas from The Mathematics Teacher.
  1. Twenty points Contact an area high school and report on the math curriculum the high school is using. Your report should include: the high school, the book used by the school, how is the book organized, how does the instructor feel about the book, …
  1. Twenty points Observe two mathematics classes, one observation must be of an advanced mathematics course and the other a remedial mathematics course. For each observation, e-mail your observations to me. We will discuss these observations in the upcoming class. Focus the observations on

a)  the level and nature of questions asked by the teacher

b)  how are students motivated to learn mathematics

c)  instructional strategies (who is active in the learning process? the teacher or student?)

d)  Is there anything unique that went on in the classroom?

e)  Is there anything you would change if you were the instructor?

f)  What was the attitude of the teacher? How did s/he interact with their students?

g)  Were assigned seats used?

h)  Did the students stay on task or did the teacher have to remind them about their work?

  1. Twenty points Observe two mathematics classes, one observation must be of a middle school mathematics course and the other a secondary mathematics course. For each observation, e-mail your observations to me. We will discuss these observations in the upcoming class. Focus the observations on

a)  the level and nature of questions asked by the teacher

b)  how are students motivated to learn mathematics

c)  instructional strategies (who is active in the learning process? the teacher or student?)

d)  Is there anything unique that went on in the classroom?

e)  Is there anything you would change if you were the instructor?

f)  What was the attitude of the teacher? How did s/he interact with their students?

g)  Were assigned seats used?

h)  Did the students stay on task or did the teacher have to remind them about their work?

  1. Required You will be assigned to observe an intermediate algebra mathematics teacher. Over the course of the semester you will be required to attend one of their classes and help them in activities that they will have for you to do. This may mean correcting papers or helping students on homework. You will be required to help the instructor a total of three times. This will occur the three days proior to your classroom presentation.
  1. Twenty points This is based on a team problem solving assignment that will be assigned sometime during the problem solving section. Every member of the class will receive these points or lose these points.
  1. Twenty points Present a lesson on problem solving. This lesson will last at most 20 minutes.
  1. Fifty points Unit plan and presentation: Each student will plan a detailed three to five day unit of a mathematical topic of your choice. You will give teach an hour of material to the class from your unit. You must run off two copies. One copy for your notebook and one copy that I will save in my files. I plan to have your presentation videotaped for us to review at another time. Additional information on this assignment will be handed out later in the semester.
  1. Thirty points Present a lesson to an intermediate algebra/ technical math course. You will be required to assign a homework problem(s), correct it and hand it back to the class. This lesson will occur after your unit plan presentation in class.
  1. Twenty points Complete one (depends on the amount of time in the semester) math contest problems and present your solution to the class.
  1. Twenty points Attend the Tristate Instructors of Mathematics meeting on October 8th or an equivalent assignment agreed upon by the student and myself.
  1. Required You will also be responsible for writing up 5-10 questions that you would like to ask a mathematics instructor for the panel discussion. These questions must be e-mailed to me the week before the panel discussion.

I reserve the right to give one or two exams during the semester. I am not sure if we need to or not.

Course Grades

You will be given a grade of 20 points for each class period based on classroom participation. This participation is based on the following system.

Evaluation of participation falls into the following categories:

Above Average:

o  Regularly makes helpful contributions to discussion

o  Regularly asks questions


o  Attends class regularly and pays attention

o  Occasionally contributes ideas or answers

Below Average:

o  Does not attend class regularly

o  Does not pay attention to discussion

o  Seldom contributes to discussions

Making contributions to discussion means:

o  Asking questions about things in the text, or things said in class that are unclear or confusing.

o  Offering answers to questions asked by others in class

o  Making claims or observations about ideas being discussed, offering your own ideas

o  Offering support, criticism, modification or clarification for ideas discussed in class.

o  Asking questions about or pointing out possible flaws in student presentations.

This will give us 300 points that are available to you for the semester by just attending and participating on Tuesday evenings. You will have a total of 250 additional points and various required assignments that you will have the opportunity to work on during the semester. If you complete the course requirements you will receive at least a C in this course. The effort you put into the class with your input in class and the effort that you put in to weekly assignments and your course portfolio will determine whether your grade is higher than a C.