LPRS Teaching JPR 3
Lancashire County Council
Job description for the post of: Teacher – Primary Assessment LeaderDirectorate: Children and Young People / Location:
Establishment or team: / Alternative and Complementary Education Service – Lancashire Pupil Reintegration Service / Post number:
Grade: / MS/UPS + 1SEN allowance + TLR2.1 / Line manager: / Headteacher / Car user: / Teacher
responsibility: Yes / Number of staff
directly supervised: Teaching Assistants and other support staff, as appropriate / Which business plan covers this post? ACES / LPRS
Core Purpose
Making Lancashire a place where everyone matters. A place where everyone can enjoy equal and quality life chances and be respected in their communities.
Corporate Objectives.
Lancashire a place where people can:-
· Feel safe
· Lead healthy lives
· Get help if they need it
· Learn and develop
· Work and prosper
· Travel easily and safely
· Enjoy a high quality environment
The purpose of this job is: To carry out the professional duties in accordance with the requirements of the conditions of employment of teachers, contained in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document, the Education Act 1996, other current educational and employment legislation and the Authority’s rules and regulations.
Core Tasks
1. To organise and co-lead training, support and advice on the management and implementation of the assessment policy and practice throughout the school.
2. To review assessment data for the whole school, analyse data at pupil, cohort and whole school level to identify, where necessary, plans to put in place individual pupil programmes.
3. To analyse and interpret relevant national, local and school assessment data, plus research and inspection evidence, to inform policies, practices, expectations, targets and teaching methods.
4. To assist the Headteacher in monitoring and evaluating at how the school compares with other schools within the Local Authority.
5. To assist the Headteacher in monitoring and evaluating at how the school compares with other schools within the Local Authority.
6. To assist the Headteacher in reviewing, implementing and drafting the School Development Plan focusing on issues identified when evaluating the school’s data.
7. To monitor pupil progress on a termly basis from teachers’ on going assessments against key learning objectives and provide the Headteacher with summary information.
8. To assist the Headteacher in providing short, medium and long term plans for the development and resourcing of individual, cohort and whole school level.
The service will be subject to continuous review; therefore responsibilities outlined may change after consultation but initially will be as follows:
Teaching and Learning
To teach throughout the school, across the Key Stages ensuring curriculum coverage, continuity and progression for all pupils.
1. Identify and adopt the most effective teaching approaches for all pupils.
2. To monitor teaching and learning activities to meet the needs of pupils.
3. Identify and teach skills that will develop pupils’ ability to work independently.
4. Liaise with other schools to ensure continuity of support and learning when transferring pupils.
5. To be responsible for the leadership of curriculum areas negotiated with the Headteacher.
Recording and assessment
1. Set targets for raising achievements for all pupils.
2. Collect and interpret assessment data.
3. Planning and preparing programmes, courses and lessons.
4. Preparing records and reports on personal and social needs of the pupils, including Individual Education Plans and Behaviour Support plans.
5. Set up systems for identifying, assessing and implementing individual learning programmes for all pupils.
6. Update the Senior Management Team of the school and management committee on the effectiveness of the provision using local, national and school assessment data.
7. Develop understanding of learning needs and the importance of raising achievement for all pupils.
8. Attend consultation/parents' evenings and keep parents informed about their child’s progress.
1. To co-ordinate the production and review of school policy and guidelines on assessment.
2. To contribute to the formulation, monitoring and review of the school development plan on assessment related priorities.
3. Ensure assessment procedures are clear to all staff.
4. Encourage all members of staff to recognise and fulfil their statutory responsibilities for all pupils.
5. Provide training opportunities for learning support assistants and other teachers to use assessment data.
6. Disseminate good practice in using assessment data to support future planning across the school.
7. Identify individual programmes needed to meet the needs of all pupils and advise the Headteacher of priorities for expenditure and human resources.
Standards and quality assurance
1. Support the aims and ethos of the school.
2. Set a good example in terms of dress, punctuality and attendance.
3. Attend and participate in open evenings and school functions.
4. Uphold the school’s behaviour policy.
5. Participate in staff training.
6. Attend team and staff meetings.
7. Develop links with the Management Committee, Local Authority and area schools.
General Teaching Duties
1. To assist with developing and implementing policy and practice for the provision, which reflects the school’s/centre’s commitment to high achievement and effective teaching and learning.
2. To use assessment and other data effectively to identify pupils who are underachieving in any subject and, where necessary, create and implement effective plans for action to support those pupils, including Statutory Assessment, where appropriate.
3. To analyse and interpret relevant national, local and school data, plus research and inspection evidence, to inform policies, practices, expectations, targets and teaching methods.
4. To assist the Headteacher in providing short, medium and long term plans for the development and resourcing of subjects taught in the unit.
5. With support from Senior Managers, to monitor the progress made in achieving subject plans and targets, evaluate the effects on teaching and learning, and use this analysis to guide further improvement.
6. To teach throughout the school/centre or within agreed areas, ensuring curriculum coverage, continuity and progression for all pupils, including those of high ability and those with special educational.
7. To ensure effective teaching of groups and individuals, so that teaching objectives are met and best use is made of teaching time.
8. To evaluate the resource needs for teaching and learning and advise the Headteacher of any changes or additions needed.
9. To ensure the effective and efficient management and organisation of learning resources for teaching and learning, including information and communications technology.
10. To establish and maintain a purposeful working atmosphere and set high expectations for pupils’ behaviour.
11. To ensure effective development of pupils’ literacy, numeracy and information technology skills through subjects taught.
12. With the support of the Headteacher, to establish and implement clear policies and practices for assessing, recording and reporting on pupil achievement, and for using this information to recognise achievement and to assist pupils in setting targets for further improvement.
13. To ensure that information about pupils’ achievements in their current or previous school or provision is used effectively to secure good progress.
14. To establish clear targets for pupil achievement, and evaluate progress and achievement in the subject by all pupils.
15. To work with staff in the school/centre to ensure that individual education plans are used to set subject-specific targets and match work well to pupils’ needs.
16. To undertake pastoral and tutorial responsibilities for a group of pupils or for an individual pupil, as appropriate.
17. To ensure that support for the behaviour management of pupils and/or the medical needs of the pupil is consistent with the school’s/centre’s policies and programmes.
18. To contribute to activities which will provide opportunities for pupils’ social and cultural development.
19. To set a good example to the pupils, through presentation and personal and professional conduct.
20. To work with the Headteacher, pupils, schools, parents/carers and other providers and agencies to achieve successful levels of re-integration.
21. To establish a partnership with parents/carers to involve them in their child’s learning of subjects, as well as providing information about the curriculum, attainment, progress and targets.
22. To help support staff to achieve constructive working relationships with pupils.
23. To establish clear expectations and constructive working relationships with support staff involved with subject teaching, including team working and mutual support; developing responsibilities and delegating tasks as appropriate and evaluating practice.
24. To maintain good order and discipline among the pupils and safeguard their health and safety both when they are authorised to be on school premises and when they are engaged in authorised school activities elsewhere.
25. To sustain their own motivation and, where possible, that of other staff involved in working with the pupils’.
26. To provide support and guidance, where appropriate to schools and other agencies and providers working on preventing exclusions.
27. To participate in meetings arranged for any of the purposes described above.
28. To participate in arrangements for Performance Management.
29. To participate in arrangements for further training and professional development.
30. To participate in meetings at the school/centre which relate to the curriculum or administration or organisation of the school, including pastoral arrangements.
31. To assist in the preparation, monitoring and revision of individual education plans.
32. To facilitate, organise and implement personalised programmes including work experience, outdoor education and attendance at other providers where appropriate.
33. To undertake any other duties and responsibilities which are consistent with the grade and expertise required of the postholder as may be required from time to time.
34. To ensure the development and progression of equality within the sphere of responsibility of this job description and the fair and equal treatment of all pupils, parents/carers, staff, other personnel in the school or working with the school.
Note: In addition, other duties at the same responsibility level may be interchanged with/added to this list at any time.
Prepared by: / Date:
Equal opportunities
We are committed to achieving equal opportunities in the way we deliver services to the community and in our employment arrangements. We expect all employees to understand and promote this policy in their work.
Health and safety
All employees have a responsibility for their own health and safety and that of others when carrying out their duties and must help us to apply our general statement of health and safety policy.
Safeguarding Commitment
We are committed to protecting and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
Customer Focus
We put our customers' needs and expectations at the heart of all that we do. We expect our employees to have a full understanding of those needs and expectations so that we can provide high quality, appropriate services at all times.
Lancashire County Council
Person Specification FormJob title: Teacher – Primary Assessment Leader / Grade: MS + ups + 1 SEN Allowance + TLR 2.1
Directorate: Children & Young People / Post number:
Establishment or team:
Alternative and Complementary Education Service – Lancashire Pupil Reintegration Service
(based on the job description) / Essential (E)
desirable (D) / To be identified by: application form (AF),
interview (I),
reference (R)
- Qualified Teacher Status with a successful NQT year completed. / E / AF
- Degree or equivalent. / D / AF
- Qualifications in SEN. / D / AF
- Evidence of continuing professional development related to SEN and challenging behaviour. / D / AF
- Recent successful teaching in the appropriate phase. / E / AF/I/R
- Experience of teaching pupils with SEN, particularly those experiencing behavioural difficulties/disaffection. / E / AF/I/R
- Recent and relevant INSET experience. / D / AF/I
- A secure knowledge and understanding of a specialist subject, including progression within the subject. / E / AF/R
- An understanding of the relevant aspects of the National Curriculum. / E / AF/I/R
- An understanding of National Strategies. / D / AF/I
- Curriculum review and development. / D / AF/I
- National Curriculum assessment, recording and reporting. / E / AF/I/R
- Set clear targets for pupils' learning, building on prior attainment. / E / AF/I/R
- Involvement in establishing and developing successful policies and procedures. / D / AF/R
- Development planning and evaluation. / D / AF/I
- Experience of resource management. / D / AF/I/R
Knowledge, skills and abilities
- Establish successful relationships at all levels and have good communication skills both verbal and written. / E / AF/I/R
- Ability to work within a team. / E / AF/I/R
- Ability to participate in multi agency practice, delivery, policy and developments. / D / I
- To understand the needs of mainstream schools. / E / I
- To be aware of Child Protection policy/procedures. / E / AF/I
- Awareness/commitment to Equality and Diversity. / E / AF/I/R
(based on the job description) / Essential (E)
desirable (D) / To be identified by: application form (AF),
interview (I),
reference (R)
- To be able to work in partnership with pupils, parents, schools and the community. / E / I/R
- To be able to manage change in a supportive environment. / E / I
- Willingness to undertake training in Behaviour Management and Care and Control. / E / I
- Skills in ICT. / E / AF/I
- Subject Leadership in (subject). / D / AF/I
- Knowledge of ECM agenda. / E / AF / I
Other (including special requirements)
Access to car / D / AF/I
Requirement to work at another Short Stay School or other service area if required. / 1. E / AF/I
Commitment to equality and diversity / E / I
Commitment to health and safety / E / I
Commitment to attendance at work / E / I
Application Form and Letter
The form should be fully completed and free from error and the letter should be clear and concise and related to this specific post / E / AF/I
Confidential References and Reports
References should provide a strong level of support for relevant professional and personal knowledge, skills and abilities related to above / E / R
Positive recommendation from current employer / E / R
Satisfactory health and attendance record / E / R
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LPRS Teaching JPR 3