L’aeroport et l’avion

Know: Basic Vocabulary related to the airport and airplane

General idiomatic expressions related to airport and airplane

Conjugate ir regular verbs: finir, sortir, partir, dormer, and servir

Describe people and things as a group using “Quel” et “tout”

Understand: How air travel operates in France

Information posted on TV screens at the airport

The airline attendants’ safety direction

General activities that take place during the flight

Do: Check in for a flight

Read the arrival and departure screens

Go through security checking

Read and understand boarding passes: row and seat – window or isle seating

Fill out a customs form while declaring goods

Talk about some services aboard the plane

Ask related questions

Talk about people and things as a group

Discuss air travel in France

Plan a trip to a French speaking country

Culminating Activity:

Time (2 computer class days)

Part I:

1. Select a French speaking city/country that you would like to visit.

2. Research flights from Paris to your destination (selected French speaking country)


“Feuille de travaille”


The following will be performed during the search for a flight:

a) read arrival screen

b) read departure screen

c) fill out a boarding pass

d) fill out a customs form

e) order a meal (possibly)

Part II:

Your plane is late and so you have a chance to explore the airport terminal. Answer the following questions about the terminal and the stores and services there.

(Attach the worksheet here)

Unit Essential Questions:

What are the general procedures for taking a flight at the airport?

Where do you find out about arrivals and departures?

What do you need in terms of identification in order to go on flight?

What do you do with your luggage?

Where, when and how do you board the plane?

What do you do with goods and products that you are traveling with?

Concept: 1

Getting around the airport!

Essential Questions: Where should you go when you first arrive at the airport?

What documentation should you present to the agents?

What do you do with your luggage?

What do you do while waiting for your flight?

Vocabulary: le hall de l’aerogare, une passagere, le comptoir de la compagnie aerienned, une valise, un baggage a main, une carte d’embarquement, un passeport, les arrives le numero du vol, passer par le controle de securite, l’avion atterit, l’avion de la porte 32 la porte d’embarquement, l’avion decolle,

Extended Vocabulary: un vol a destination de Paris –un vol qui va a Par

Un vol en provenance de Lyon –un vol qui arrive de lyon

Un vol interieur – un vol entre deux villes du meme pays (Paris-Lyon)

Un vol international – un vol entre deux villes de pays differents (Paris-Rhome)

Concept 2:

A bord!

Essential Questions: What do you do with your carry-on or hand bags.

What activities take place at the airport?

Vocabulaire: Le personnel de bord, le pilote, le steward, l’hotesse de l’aire, la cabine, une ceiture de securite, un coffer a bagages, un siege, sous le siege, une hotesse de l’air,

Concept 3:

IR Verb conjugation

Essential Questions: What verbs do you recall ending in “ir”?

Vocabulary: Finir, choisir, dormir, servir, partir, sortir

Grammar Lessson:

Concept 4:

Quel et tout!

Essential Questions: How do you distinguish between items when asking questions?

France airplane safety


