Knitting pattern: Hooded baby sweater with back zipper

(orig. by Edwina W. Coburn in Knitting World)

Sizes: 6 months( 1yr., 2yr., 3yr)


Sport weight yarn. 4oz(4,.6.6) works well with Caron super soft or Bernat Cotton tots also

Needles size 2, 5 24 in :circular,

Either 16”circular or set of dp..size 2.


Worked on size 5 needles

ROW 1: knit.

ROW 2,4, 6: Purl

ROW 3:,5 :* P 2, keep yarn in front & sl 2 *

Repeat across to end, p 2. Repeat the 6 rows for

length desired.


With size 2 cast on 121 (125, 129, 133) sts.

**Note: Keep the first 2 & last 2 stitches of every row in knit garter stitch (for zipper)

ROW 1: K 3, p 1 k 1 across , end with p 1 k 3.

ROW 2: K 2, * p 1,k 1 * across, end with K2

Work above ribbing pattern for 1 (1, 1 ½) 1 ½) in.

With size 5 work in pattern for about 61/2(7, 71/2, 8) in., ending on row 1 of pattern.

K 2, purl 26 (27, 28, 30)sts., bind off 4 sts., purl 57 (59, 61,63) sts., bind off 4 sts., purl 26 (27, 28, 30) sts, k2. (This will be row 2 of pattern).

Put body on stitch holder or leave on circular needles.


These can be worked on straight needles

With size 2 cast on 36 ( 38, 42, 44) st. Work k1, p 1 rib for 1 (1, 1½, 11/2) in.

With size 5 begin pattern, adjusting for stitches added for increased width of sleeve.

Increase : 1 st at each end of the row every 1 inch ( total of 12 added stitches – all sizes)

Work for about 7 (71/2, 81/2, 9) inches ending on row 6 of pattern. Bind off 2 st. at beginning of next 2 rows.

When sleeves are joined to the body, all 3 pieces are at the end of pattern row 2.


Begin with worked body, right side, K2, work in pattern of row 3 to within 3 sts. Of back armhole, k 2 tog., k 1, place marker, add 1 sleeve to needle, k 1, sl 1, psso, work pattern across sleeve to last 3 stitches, k 2tog, k 1 and place a marker. Join front section of body by k1, sl, psso, work across to within 3 st. of this section, k 2 tog, k 1, place marker. Add second sleeve with k 1, sl 1, psso, work across sleeve in pattern to last 3 st. K 2, k1

Continue to decrease at each marker, adjusting pattern at decrease on every right side of sweater. Decrease 13 (13, 15, 16) more times until 97 (99, 101, 103) st. remain on the needle. Work across and place center front, center 12( 14, 16, 18) sts on a stitch holder.

Attach another ball of yarn, work across remaining sts. Continue working, decreasing at raglan shaping and also dec 1 st every other row each side of the center front until 1 stitch remains on the front. On the last right side of sweater decrease row, pick up 9 sts down front extension, leaving front center on the stitch holder. Work across other side, and on return row pick up 9 sts. on the other front extension. Work across to other side.

Change to size 2 needles. Work k1, p1 neck ribbing keeping the first and last 2 stitches in the garter stitch for the zipper as before.


Change to size 5 needles. Keeping the k2 garter ridge work in pattern, inc 1 st at the center back every ¾ in. for 4 times. To increase, k 2 inc 1 st in next st., continue with pattern, adjusting pattern after each increase. Work until piece measure 6 (61/2, 7, 8) in. above neck ribbing ending on row 6 of pattern. Weave pieces together for a neater finish, but can be bound off and sewed together at top.

With size 2 (either circular or dp’s) pick up 48 (50, 52, 54) sts down side of hood, sts from stitch holder, pick up 48 (50, 52, 54) st from other side of hood. K1, p1 for 1 in.

Bind off.

Sew arm sleeves and underarm. Measure for zipper.(Too long a zipper is better than too short). Hand stitch zipper in place, cutting off excess, if necessary. Sew the ends of zipper firmly. Attach a small tassel to zipper pull