2/8/2012 KCFD #18 Board Meeting Minutes
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Kitsap County Fire District #18
Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2012
Poulsbo Fire Department
Poulsbo, WA
Darryl Milton Commissioner Martin Sullivan Commissioner
David Ellingson Commissioner Conrad Green Commissioner
Jim Ingalls Commissioner Dan Olson Fire Chief
Lise Alkire Staff Craig Becker Staff
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Chairman Milton at 4:00pm.
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Sullivan moved to approve the February 8, 2012 agenda. Commissioner Ingalls seconded the motion. Motion was called with a unanimous vote to approve the agenda.
Public Comment: None.
Executive Session: At 4:10 p.m. Chairman Milton closed the regular meeting and called for a 20-minute executive session to discuss the performance of a public employee. At 4:30 p.m. Chairman Milton closed the executive session and re-opened the regular meeting. There was no action taken.
Action Items:
1. Consent Agenda
A. 01/25/12 Regular Meeting Minutes
B. 02/01/12 Special Meeting Minutes
C. Vouchers
Commissioner Ingalls moved to approve the consent agenda as published. Commissioner Sullivan seconded the motion. Motion was called with a unanimous vote to approve the consent agenda as published.
Discussion Items:
1. 2011 Final Financial Report
Chief Olson provided a detailed review of the 2011 budget, which has now been closed out. The final expenditure amount was $6,684,499.95, which was 93% of the approved budget. It is his expectation that expenditures will always come in less than the approved amount. Chairman Milton commended the employees’ efforts in containing costs; they’re doing an excellent job. Chief Olson also reviewed the 2012-2016 projections, which reflect the actual roll-over amounts into 2012’s budget.
2. NKFR Study Update
Chiefs Olson and Smith are exploring further potential areas of consolidation. It was decided that rather than trying to re-schedule the January 17th meeting that was cancelled due to inclement weather, the focus will be on the February 21st meeting; both February and March’s meetings will be at Station 71.
3. Olympic College Negotiation
Chief Olson has not heard back from the college.
4. Policy 6005 Fire Alarm Activation Response
5. Policy 6006 Sprinkler Activation Response
Chief Olson reminded the Board that both these policies formalize the level of service the District will provide for response and how operations will respond.
Commissioner Green moved to approve Policy 6005 Fire Alarm Activation Response and Policy 6006 Sprinkler Activation Response and their associated Emergency Operations Guidelines. Commissioner Ellingson seconded the motion. Motion was called with a unanimous vote to approve policies 6005 and 6006 and their associated EOGs.
6. New Medic Unit
Chief Olson asked that the Board consider what direction to provide him so that the goal of purchasing a new medic unit in 2012 can be achieved. His priorities focus around decreasing the overall cost a little bit while still providing value and to introduce a four-wheel drive unit into the fleet for efficient response in the snow. There was discussion regarding price versus value and the possibility of researching demo units that may meet most of our specifications that could be acquired at a lesser cost without sacrificing quality. The medic replacement committee will be reconvened to finalize specifications.
7. MOU Extension for PM Leamer
Chief Olson explained this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) extends the certification period until May 1st. Due to circumstances beyond his control, PM Leamer wasn’t able to achieve certification by the original deadline. The following motion was made:
Commissioner Ellingson moved to authorize Chairman Milton to sign the MOU extension for the reclassification of FF/PM Leamer. Commissioner Sullivan seconded the motion. Motion was called with a unanimous vote to authorize Chairman Milton to sign this MOU.
8. Boat Motor
Chairman Milton signed a letter to Mayor Erickson thanking the City for the donation of their old boat motor that has now been replaced. The Inter-Local Agreement to use the City’s police boat in emergency response situations on Liberty Bay is being drafted; it is anticipated that this process will be finalized over the next two months.
Informational Items:
1. New Volunteer Coordinator Introduction
Chief Olson introduced the District’s new volunteer coordinator who was hired in conjunction with the SAFER grant. John “Jay” Melrose was selected for the position. Mr. Melrose stated he is retired from the military and has been a volunteer with the District for the past 13 years; he and his wife live in Keyport. He stated some of the challenges he is facing are: soliciting volunteers from the Poulsbo and North Kitsap only; clarification of NKF&R’s residence program and their expectations; and, timing of the academies (EMS and Fire). Mr. Melrose currently has approximately 10 applications, but he has a grant budget of $4,700 for recruitment advertising, so it’s important to get the program function established to efficiently process new volunteers while not losing their interest.
2. Committee Reports
Commissioner Green reported on today’s Kitsap Risk Management Group’s meeting. A very favorable loss report for the group was presented; this, of course, of one of the reasons the group receives such competitive premium rates. A draft drug and alcohol policy was also presented which may be explored further within each participating organization. Commissioner Green was very positive about the policy as it builds confidence both among the employees as well as the public thereby protecting jobs and avoiding adverse consequences.
Commissioner Ellingson reported he has recruited members to join various committees, but he still needed a representative to serve the Kitsap County Fire Commissioners’ Association Joint Chiefs/Commissioners Legislative Committee; Commissioner Green volunteered.
Commissioner Comments:
Commissioner Green noted that the final 2011 financial report again exemplifies the staff’s hard work to contain costs and it illustrates that it will take that kind of discipline to lead us through the economic recovery. He went on to say that Chief Olson has laid the foundation for success through his leadership in redefining the budget process to achieve this goal.
Chief Olson reported he has again met again with the City’s Planning Director to discuss the ILA for services; attorney Brian Snure is reviewing the document that was drafted by the City’s attorney.
Chairman Milton noted that Commissioner Sullivan will now serve on the Board for Volunteer Firefighters (BVFF).
Public Comment:
Good of the Order:
· Next Regular Meeting, Wednesday, February 22, 2012 at 16:00
· Bi-North Efficiency Study Special Meeting Tuesday, February 21, 2012, 2012 19:00 St 71
· Kitsap County Fire Commissioners’ Meeting Tuesday, February 28, 2012 BIFD St 21
· Tri-North Meeting, Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 19:00 BIFD Station 21
· WFCA 2012 Saturday Seminars: Ocean Shores, March 24th and Chelan, June 2nd
· PDC Deadline – April 15, 2012
The meeting was adjourned by common consent at 6:02 p.m.
Lise D. Alkire
KCFD #18 Secretary to the Board