Planning template
Children in care

This template supports teachers to plan a responsive kindergarten program to cater for each child’s individual needs. It uses the decision-making elements explained in the Queensland kindergarten learning guideline (QKLG), pages 19–31, as the planning framework.

Teachers may find this template particularly useful for children with specific support needs, such as children in care. See Children in care: Case history, for a detailed example of the template in use.

Child’s name: / Click and enter child’s name
Date: / date
Brief summary of their specific support needs
Planning template
Children in care / Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
July 2014
Page 3 of 3
Decision-making elements
Responsiveness (QKLG p. 20)
How can we plan for this child’s safety at kindergarten? / gies
How can we build professional knowledge about strategies for working with this child? / gies
What relationships and processes can be established to support a smooth transition to school? / gies
ails / row
Building inclusive partnerships (QKLG p. 22)
How can we build a team to support this child? / gies
What processes can we put into place to ensure consistency of care and communication about this child’s learning progress? / gies
ails / row
Creating inclusive learning environments (QKLG p. 24)
What adjustments to the physical environment would support this child? / gies
What adjustments to the social environment would support this child? / gies
What adjustments to the temporal environment would support this child? / gies
Developing learning contexts (QKLG p. 26)
How can routines and transitions be adjusted to support this child’s needs? / gies
How can we use play-based learning opportunities to support this child? / gies
How can we use real-life engagements to support this child’s learning? / gies
Promoting children’s learning and development (QKLG p. 30)
How can we support this child’s growing sense of identity? / gies
How can we support this child’s growing sense of connectedness? / gies
How can we support this child’s growing sense of wellbeing? / gies
How can we support this child’s engagement with active learning? / gies
How can we support this child to be an effective communicator? / gies
Planning template
Children in care / Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
July 2014
Page 3 of 3