Virco Manufacturing Corporation
1701 Sturgis Road, Conway, Arkansas 72032
June 27, 2002
Commissioners Present:
Linda Westergard, Chairman Sarah Wruck, Vice-Chairman
Laurie Black Carl Garner
Rev. Thurston Lamb Mary Smith
Brenda Jo Williams
Commissioners Absent:
Phyllis Jones Peggy Weidman
Staff Present:
Robert Phelps and Brenda Halbert, Keep Arkansas Beautiful
Guests Present:
Richard Davies and Gloria Robins, AR Dept. of Parks & Tourism
Sharon Vogelpohl and Rob Bell of Mangan, Holcomb, Rainwater, Culpepper
Angie Howard and Charlotte Nabholz, Keep Faulkner County Beautiful
Julie Dickson and Amelia Aughenbaugh, Hot Springs/Garland County Beautification Commission
Marilyn Kearney, Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Clean & Beautiful
Susan Hill Gele', Keep Pulaski County Beautiful
Audra Samuels, Keep Russellville Beautiful
Rhonda Covington, Keep White County Beautiful
Call to Order:
Linda Westergard called the meeting to order, and Brenda Halbert called the roll.
Ms. Westergard expressed delight in such good attendance by KArB Affiliates, stating they would have an opportunity to share their groups' activities and programs during the Affiliate Committee report.
Rev. Thurston Lamb of North Little Rock was welcomed as the newest KArB Commissioner who will represent Congressional District 2 along with Ms. Westergard.
Ms. Westergard announced that Lisa Plaquet, KArB Account Representative from MHRC, had given birth to a healthy baby boy, John Thomas.
KArB Commission Minutes
June 27, 2002 - page 2
Presentation of Minutes:
Ms. Westergard asked for a motion approving the May 23, 2002 minutes.
Sarah Wruck made a motion, seconded by Laurie Black, approving
the May 23, 2002 KArB Commission minutes. The motion passed.
Financial Report:
Mr. Phelps presented the Financial Report for the period ending May 31, reflecting expenditures of 77% of the budget at $396,114. He also presented a report of commitments through June 30, 2002, with expected expenditures of around 91% at the close of the fiscal year, stating he expected an under utilization of the appropriated budget amount by approximately $40,000. Each line item was reviewed in detail, noting that expenditures were particularly low or nil in the areas of business travel and extra help with monies remaining in regular salary as well, since the Volunteer Coordinator position had not been filled.
Ms. Westergard asked for approval of the financial report.
Carl Garner made a motion, seconded by Brenda Williams, approving the
KArB Financial Report as presented for the period ending May 31, 2002.
The motion passed.
Chairman’s Report:
Ms. Westergard reported on the following:
· Reminded Commissioners of their responsibility to appoint committee members.
· Timelines will be reviewed at the July meeting, stating that information can be obtained from MHRC.
· Encouraged Affiliates to utilize their cooperative extension service office and agents in regard to educational material, particularly information available for environmental and beautification issues, i.e., children's gardens.
· The Keepsake: Affiliates can request extra copies for mailing with their own newsletter.
· Website: KArB is in the process of updating and expanding www.keeparkansasbeautiful.com, and Commissioners and Affiliates were asked to familiarize themselves with the site and the advantages of utilization, i.e., saving postage and trees.
Executive Director's Report:
Mr. Phelps presented new magnetic KArB logo name pins to Commissioners and staff. He reported on the following:
KArB Commission Minutes
June 27, 2002 - page 3
· 2002-03 Budget: Other than a 2.5% increase in salary and benefits, the budget is basically the same as the 2001-02 budget.
· Volunteer Services Coordinator:
1) Job description revised with job responsibilities redefined;
2) Ad placed in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette.
· KArB Affiliate Annual Report revised.
· Website:
1) Meeting with Aristotle representative on July 8;
2) Website will be the future responsibility for monitoring and updating by MHRC.
· Great Arkansas Cleanup 2002:
1) Campaign has begun;
2) Teresa Caveness' report as of June, 2002 reviewed, reflecting six firm coordinator commitments;
3) County Judges' Association meeting in Springdale attended to recruit participation;
4) Razorback Head Coach Houston Nutt will return for his fourth year as the state spokesperson;
5) Title sponsor - None, and it is unlikely there will be one this year;
6) State sponsors - Tyson Foods will be a state sponsor along with support from Arkansas Electric Cooperatives and products supplied by Glad Manufacturing and Coca-Cola of Arkansas;
7) Underfunding: serious concern of this year's campaign with further reporting on progress at the July meeting.
· 1/8 of a cent sales tax for KArB: Commissioners and Affiliates were urged to promote the mission of KArB when speaking to groups and the importance of the tax that is being threatened somewhat by the possibility of "no sales tax" on groceries.
· Commission replacement: Mrs. Gelene McDowell of Ft. Smith has been appointed by Governor Huckabee to replace Peggy Weidman in Congressional District 3, effective August 1. (She will attend the July meeting with Ms. Weidman.)
· TR1's: mandated these be completed immediately, so as to process on Friday for inclusion in this year's fiscal budget.
Advisory Reports:
Mr. Davies presented items as follows:
· "No sales tax" on food:
1) Read flyer found on vehicles in the ADPT parking area supporting the issue;
2) Could affect the KArB budget by 10-20%;
3) Economically, the sales tax is the easiest and best economically, consequently is more stable for financial security to those agencies receiving it for funding, i.e., KArB and Parks.
· July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2005 biennium budget process briefly reviewed.
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June 27, 2002 - page 4
· Tourism down 1% for the first time in Arkansas' history, noting it was a much greater problem in some other states, i.e., down 16% in Florida. It is expected tourism will come back up soon with more Arkansans visiting state parks and traveling locally rather than going out of state this summer.
Brenda Williams commented that canoe rental is down in her area. Laurie Black stated an upturn was beginning from the previous slump in the Lake Village area.
Governor’s Office:
Ms. Branch was not present for a report.
Guests Remarks:
See KArB Affiliate Committee.
Committee Reports:
KArB Affiliate Network:
Ms. Wruck asked for reports from the KArB Affiliate representatives as follows:
· Julie Dickson from Hot Springs reported on activities as follows:
1) Liberty Gardens in progress - $1,000 J. C. Penny Golden Rule Award contributed toward the project; Council of Garden Clubs matched with $1,000; Woodmen of the World donated flag pole and flag;
2) Solid Waste District - educational program with color & poster contests;
3) Phone books recycling new this year.
· Marilyn Kearney of Pine Bluff reported as follows:
1) Beautification and cleanup of flower beds on Martha Mitchell Expressway;
2) Bayou Bartholomew cleanup project - education of cleaning illegal dumps first; grant money obtained for cleanup;
3) Great Arkansas Cleanup - planning committee in place;
4) Website being developed by Ms. Kearney;
5) Booth at Farmers' Market.
· Charlotte Nabholz of Faulkner County praised Virco Manufacturing as follows:
1) In-house recycling, reuse and reduction program that has been in place for twelve years (begun at the home office in California);
2) Plant area has served as a natural habitat for schools in Falkner County;
3) Cardboard recycling program monies have been turned back to the 25 schools in Faulkner County.
KArB Commission Minutes
June 27, 2002 - page 5
· Angie Howard reviewed programs of Faulkner County as follows:
1) Membership drive, July-June - $10.00 donations have been very beneficial;
2) Chapter Chatter, quarterly newsletter, utilizing KArB Keepsake in conjunction with that distribution;
3) Recycling Coordinator with education facility being developed at the county landfill;
4) Liberty Garden - flag pole and flag donated by Woodmen of the World.
· Rhonda Covington gave a brief overview of White County's Great Arkansas Cleanup
· Audra Samuels of Russellville said they are new, in the development stage as a KArB Affiliate, and was at the meeting to gather information and ideas.
· Susan Gele of Pulaski County reported:
1) Pulaski County Solid Waste is moving to 401 W. Third on July 31;
2) Liberty Garden is in the development stage near the landfill on Hwy. 67/167: shape of Arkansas with flag and fill composed of recycled glass chips; Woodmen of the World donated flag pole and flag;
3) ARC Conference in Hot Springs, August 27-29 - renowned speakers on use of recycled materials at international airport and the town of Abilene, TX.
After reports were given, Ms. Wruck asked if Affiliates could stay briefly after the regular Commission meeting to discuss 1) Resolution 23 supporting the beverage container deposit bill; 2) KArB Affiliate certification process and the revised annual report form. Additionally, a KArB Affiliate Network meeting will be held before the July 25 Commission meeting.
Mr. Phelps asked the Affiliates to be diligent in their reporting, i.e., annual reports and particularly in thanking sponsors who provide products for the Great American Cleanup, Great Arkansas Cleanup and other events.
The business meeting adjourned for lunch around 12:00 Noon and reconvened at 12:45 p.m.
KArB Affiliate Network Conferences 2003:
Ms. Westergard stated that plans are progressing, and Ms. Jones will give a report at the July meeting.
KArB Awards 2003:
Ms. Westergard reported she would continue to work on the 2003 event after she steps down as Commission Chair, reviewing her ideas as follows:
· Announcing of finalists - hopefully, this will be done in February with finalists recognized in their local communities prior to the main event.
KArB Commission Minutes
June 27, 2002 - page 6
· 2002 critiques have been returned to MHRC, will be compiled and used as a guide for next year's event.
Wildflowers Committee:
Brenda Williams reported the new "Wildflowers Forever Handbook" is a "best seller" with over 700 distributed over a three-week period after the statewide press release. This includes 17 organizations of 20 or more copies and 224 individual requests by mail. It will be six months before the parks sales are checked.
Speakers’ Bureau Committee:
Ms. Smith suggested that Speaking Tips be included in the new manual, asking for Commissioners and Affiliates ideas. There was also strong support for a speakers training session for Affiliates.
Minority Participation Committee:
Ms. Westergard appointed Rev. Lamb as new Chairman of the Minority Participation Committee.
KArB Foundation:
Mr. Garner reported:
· Rockefeller supported Foundation luncheon for potential Board members scheduled after the general election.
· Fred Hueston has donated some of his time to develop a list of potential contributors.
· Funding options: $100,000 to be raised initially as startup money.
· $3,000 approved by the Foundation to pay for grant writing.
· MHRC prepared portfolio for fund raising and potential members.
· Grant book with a list of state foundations prepared by Ms. Lee.
Ms. Westergard asked that Commissioners report to her or Mr. Phelps if they know of anyone serving on any of the state foundations listed by Ms. Lee, as personal contacts are very important.
Mr. Phelps reiterated the importance of the KArB Foundation's strength in being a financial source and safety net to fully fund special events such as the KArB Awards, Affiliate Conference and Great Arkansas Cleanup, inasmuch as all activities cannot be funded with state revenue.
KArB Month:
No report given.
KArB Commission Minutes
June 27, 2002 - page 7
Grants Committee:
Mr. Phelps reported that the Grants Committee has approved grants for Phyllis Mooney of Keep Ft. Smith Beautiful With Pride, Angie Howard of Keep Faulkner County Beautiful and Marilyn Kearney of Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Clean & Beautiful to attend coordinator training at the KAmB Mid-Year Conference in New Orleans.
Mr. Phelps reviewed briefly the KArB and KAmB Grants criteria. It was suggested that the grants applications be put on the website.
Mangan, Holcomb, Rainwater, Culpepper:
Rob Bell presented the MHRC report, reviewing items as follows:
· "Bag More Than Your Limit" concept: relationship begun with AGFC with a
full-page ad to be in the fall Hunting Guide.
· 2002-03 Budget Recommendations:
1) Special events and promotions: $ 89,000
2) Creative/Production: 50,000
3) Media: 146,000
Total $285,000
Mr. Bell reviewed each item/project event, stating the GAC event promotion is back on the shoulders of MHRC, since Tyson Foods will not be producing media materials. Also, the budget includes a new KArB video to the speakers bureau notebook.
Mr. Davies suggested a trailer to the "Take It Back" promotion on the radio with an answer for the listener of "What can I do?". Mr. Bell stated it was a great idea, but there was not a second of room on the ad.
Mr. Bell stated the actual media plan will be presented at the July meeting. After asking for suggestions and recommendations, Ms. Westergard called for a motion approving the MHRC media budget.
Rev. Lamb made a motion, seconded by Laurie Black, approving
the Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper 2002-03 Budget
Proposal as presented. The motion passed.
Old Business:
New Business:
Mr. Phelps stated an additional supply of bumper stickers are available for distribution. Additionally, a second "Please Don't Litter" sticker requested by Ms. Black is currently in production for 10,000 and will be available at the July meeting. Ms. Black asked if we should
KArB Commission Minutes
June 27, 2002 - page 8
ask for a donation to offset cost, and Mr. Phelps replied that inasmuch as they were purchased with state funds, they would be given away to interested parties without charge.
Mr. Garner said he presented a KArB Award of Excellence to White River Planning and Development recently in Batesville that was attended by twenty-five people. The district covers ten counties, and they expressed their support for the "bottle" bill.
There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m.
_________________________________ ___________________________________________
Robert Phelps, Director Linda Westergard, Chairman