Kate Ravilious


88 Dalkeith Road (GF)


EH16 5AF

Tel. 00 44 (0)131 667 8528

Date of Birth 1st October 1974 Nationality British

Marital Status Single E-mail

Web Page http://www.ravilious.net/kate


City University London. (October 2001 - December 2001)

Attending the advanced features workshop. Weekly evening classes for adults on writing feature articles.

University College London. (October 98 – September2002)

PhD in palaeoclimatology. Studied climate cyclicity in the late Cretaceous time period by observing changes in oceanic productivity in rocks from the Tarfaya Basin in Morocco.

Reading University. (October 97 -September 98)

M.Res in Earth and Atmosphere Science (Distinction).

New Hall, Cambridge University (October 94 - June 97)

M.A. Honours degree in Natural Sciences (Geology), achieving a 2:1 class.

Whitby Community College, Whitby, North Yorkshire (September 89 - June 93)

June 93: A levels in Physics (A), Chemistry (B), Maths (A) and Further Maths (A).

June 91: 10 GCSEs. 8 at grade ‘A’.

Science Writing Awards

Winner of the Daily Telegraph/BASF Young Science Writer of the Year 2000.

Runner up in the New Scientist/Wellcome Trust Millenial Science Essay Competition 2000.

Runner up in the Geologist’s Association Rockwatch rockwriters competition 2000.


I write science news and features for both specialist publications and the popular press. My work has appeared in mainstream publications such as New Scientist, The Economist, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent and The Guardian, as well as more specialist publications like Trends in Cognitive Sciences. My degree in Natural Sciences has given me a diverse scientific background and has enabled me to cover a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines in my writing. Previously I have written on topics ranging from the archaeological analysis of parasites to mathematical models of human language evolution. Links to a selection of my published articles can be found on my web page at http://www.ravilious.net/kate/publications.html

Employment and Work Experience

Holiday cover at The Guardian (various dates from August 2004 onwards)

I have provided holiday cover for the science desk at The Guardian on a number of occasions.

Post Graduate Teaching Assistant. (January 99 – April 2001)

I was employed by University College London to assist in the practical classes and field trips of Geology undergraduate students.

Language School Activities Coordinator (Summer 97)

I worked for Studio School in Cambridge on their summer program.

Secondary School English Teacher (Gap Year)

For 9 months during 1994 I worked in a secondary school in Northern Tanzania. In addition to teaching I also jointly organized a school expedition up Mount Kilimanjaro (5895m.)

Leisure Pursuits

I spend much of my spare time rock climbing and am a keen mountaineer. In addition I enjoy orienteering and helping out with a local conservation group. I also make the most of the culture on offer in Edinburgh and reguarly go to various drama, film and music events.


Available on request.

Last updated 8th November 2004