Kansas Excellence in Math and Science Teaching Conference
“Explore A New Day In Education”
Monday, June 20, 2016
8:30 am – 9:15 am Registration – Stringer Fine Arts Center
9:15 am – 9:25 am Welcome and Announcements -Stringer Fine Arts Center Auditorium
Denise Kahler, Kansas State Department of Education
9:30 am – 11:00 am Keynote Speaker
11:15 am – 12:15 pm Lunch – Fine Arts Gallery Theater
(Note: after lunch we will move to the Science Hall for the afternoon sessions)
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Concurrent Share Sessions – Science Hall
Mastering the Continuum of the Kansas Mathematics Common Core Standards
MSP Dr. Lee Anne Coester, ESU; Shelley Banzhaf, Burlingame Elementary; Lanette Bazil, Burlington Elementary; Marsha Jackson, Lyndon Elementary; Lindsay Smith, Burlingame Elementary Project
In our three years with this MSP Grant, 42 K-8 teachers from 10 schools were asked to develop lessons based on the KCCRS Practice Standards. As do all great teachers, they did this with flare, going above and beyond grant expectations! Teachers from 1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th grades will share a few of these great ideas. 1. One school, wanting to address questions and concerns from a somewhat skeptical community, held a K-6 MATH NIGHT. Lindsay will share the details of this successful idea. 2. Many teachers began using MATH TALKS following an introduction to the concept. Shelley found great success in this and will share how this idea provided rigor, relevance and relationships as students developed deeper understanding and connections between concepts and real life situations through communication. 3. Marsha will share a simple GROUP PROBLEM EVALUATION strategy. Students collaborated when evaluating the accuracy of the computation of a math problem. They then shared their observations with their small group and the group formulated a thorough explanation to share with the class. Lanette focused on amazingly creative STEM ACTIVITIES. She will explain how she started with a math or science objective and built a STEM lesson around it then share some of her most successful ideas. You don’t want to miss this plethora of innovative teaching ideas!
1:45 pm – 4:00 pm Math Workshop Sessions
Bonnie Austin & Kelley Clark
The Power of Mathematical Mindsets
This session will be based on the work of Jo Boaler and her book “Mathematical Mindsets” and the work of Carol Dweck and her book “Mindset.” We will explore how the brain works and what we can do to help students move from just “learning mathematical information” to “knowing the math and how to use and apply it.” We will learn and experience how struggle and mistakes are critical for mathematical learning. We will develop rich mathematical tasks to meet our grade level standards, and we will practice methods of teaching for a growth mindset.
Middle School:
Elizabeth Peyser & Raelynn Pfaff
Connecting Important Middle School Math Concepts through Science Investigations
Participants will think like a scientist by using white-boarding, Math Practices and Science/Engineering Practices to explore statistics, ratios and number sense.
High School:
Marybeth Bano – Rizzo & Rachel Aponso
In Making Statistics Accessible: Intuitive, Hands-on and Collaborative Way
Have you read the Kansas College and Career Ready statistics standards and feel like you need to get a better review, if not a better understanding, of the basics of statistics? Well, this is what this session is all about. You will experience descriptive statistics in a personal and authentic way; draw appropriate pictures to represent or understand underlying patterns and trends or compare one group to another. You will also experience statistical inference hands-on first and then simulation or randomization-based for possibility of large number of repetitions. You will take home lesson plans, ideas and materials that are ready for implementation.
Science Workshop Sessions
Elementary Science:
Charlotte Neugebauer and Toni Osterbuhr
Digging Deeper into NGSS: Integrating instructional units using the BSCS 5E Instructional Model
Focus will be on integrated instructional units which will include laboratory experiences that are explicitly linked to other science learning activities in a sequence of lessons. We will model how to assess students’ understanding from formative assessments that are embedded in the sequence of instruction. Participants will participate in laboratory experiences and have an opportunity to develop a BSCS 5E lesson.
High School:
Denise Scribner and Kara Luce
Build a Better Campfire to Fire Up Your Science Classes
Increase student engagement, boost your creativity and transform your life as a science educator. Just like building a campfire you need tender (something that ignites interest quickly)--session 1, kindling (things that add a little spark)--session 2 and fuel (things that sustain the momentum and apply the knowledge gained)--session 3. Earn your campfire "badge" with Denise and Kara. Bonus: the fuel includes science techniques and idea in physics, chemistry, ecology, biology and even forensic crime science with a little bit of math and writing skills toss in for some added spark!
2:45 pm – 3:15 pm Networking Break
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm Student Showcase - Emporia State University Robotics and Reception
Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center - Lobby
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm Presidential Awards for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching
Awards Banquet
Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center - Lobby
Recognition of 2016 Presidential Award Nominees and Announcement
of 2016 State Finalists
Immediately Following Short meeting with 2016 State Finalists at registration table
*All conference participants and guests are invited to tour the Cosmosphere Museum for free
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
7:45 am – 8:15 am Registration – Stringer Fine Arts Center
8:15 am Announcements -Stringer Fine Arts Center Auditorium
Denise Kahler, Kansas State Department of Education
8:20 am – 8:35 am Westar Energy Presentation
8:40 am – 9:50 am KATM Presentation
Dr. Ollie Bogdon & Elizabeth Peyser
Connecting Math and Science through Ratios, Statistics and Modeling
What are the RP and SP standards in our NGSS standards? What are MPs and SEPs? How can white-boarding be used to connect multiple representations of situations, and encourage discourse, and in both the math and science classroom? Audience participation will be encouraged during this interactive keynote.
10:00 am – 11:00 am Concurrent Share Sessions – Science Hall
MSP Dr. Ollie Bogdon, University of St. Mary
Project: PRISM- Pioneers Receiving Instruction in Science and Math MSP Project
11:15 am – 12:15 pm Lunch – Fine Arts Gallery Theater
(Note: after lunch we will move back to the Science Hall for the afternoon sessions)
12:30 pm – 4:30 pm Math Workshop Sessions
Bonnie Austin & Kelley Clark
The Power of Mathematical Mindsets
This session will be based on the work of Jo Boaler and her book “Mathematical Mindsets” and the work of Carol Dweck and her book “Mindset.” We will explore how the brain works and what we can do to help students move from just “learning mathematical information” to “knowing the math and how to use and apply it.” We will learn and experience how struggle and mistakes are critical for mathematical learning. We will develop rich mathematical tasks to meet our grade level standards, and we will practice methods of teaching for a growth mindset.
Middle School:
Elizabeth Peyser & Raelynn Pfaff
Connecting Important Middle School Math Concepts through Science Investigations
Participants will think like a scientist by using white-boarding, Math Practices and Science/Engineering Practices to explore statistics, ratios and number sense.
High School:
Marybeth Bano – Rizzo & Rachel Aponso
In Making Statistics Accessible: Intuitive, Hands-on and Collaborative Way
Have you read the Kansas College and Career Ready statistics standards and feel like you need to get a better review, if not a better understanding, of the basics of statistics? Well, this is what this session is all about. You will experience descriptive statistics in a personal and authentic way; draw appropriate pictures to represent or understand underlying patterns and trends or compare one group to another. You will also experience statistical inference hands-on first and then simulation or randomization-based for possibility of large number of repetitions. You will take home lesson plans, ideas and materials that are ready for implementation.
Science Workshop Sessions
Elementary Science:
Charlotte Neugebauer and Toni Osterbuhr
Digging Deeper into NGSS: Integrating instructional units using the BSCS 5E Instructional Model
Focus will be on integrated instructional units which will include laboratory experiences that are explicitly linked to other science learning activities in a sequence of lessons. We will model how to assess students’ understanding from formative assessments that are embedded in the sequence of instruction. Participants will participate in laboratory experiences and have an opportunity to develop a BSCS 5E lesson.
High School:
Denise Scribner and Kara Luce
Build a Better Campfire to Fire Up Your Science Classes
Increase student engagement, boost your creativity and transform your life as a science educator. Just like building a campfire you need tender (something that ignites interest quickly)--session 1, kindling (things that add a little spark)--session 2 and fuel (things that sustain the momentum and apply the knowledge gained)--session 3. Earn your campfire "badge" with Denise and Kara. Bonus: the fuel includes science techniques and idea in physics, chemistry, ecology, biology and even forensic crime science with a little bit of math and writing skills toss in for some added spark!
2:45 pm – 3:15 pm Networking Break
4:30 pm Adjourned – Dinner is on your own
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
7:45 am – 8:15 am Registration – Stringer Fine Arts Center
8:15 am Announcements -Stringer Fine Arts Center Auditorium
Denise Kahler, Kansas State Department of Education
8:20 am – 8:35 am Hutchinson Community College Presentation
8:40 am – 9:50 am KATS Presentation
Brian Cole, M.Ed. 2015-16 KATS President
10:00 am – 11:00 am Concurrent Share Sessions – Science Hall
11:15 am – 12:00 pm Lunch – Fine Arts Gallery Theater
12:00 pm – 12:15 pm Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center Presentation
(Note: after lunch we will move back to the Science Hall for the afternoon sessions)
12:30 pm – 4:30 pm Math Workshop Sessions
Bonnie Austin & Kelley Clark
The Power of Mathematical Mindsets
This session will be based on the work of Jo Boaler and her book “Mathematical Mindsets” and the work of Carol Dweck and her book “Mindset.” We will explore how the brain works and what we can do to help students move from just “learning mathematical information” to “knowing the math and how to use and apply it.” We will learn and experience how struggle and mistakes are critical for mathematical learning. We will develop rich mathematical tasks to meet our grade level standards, and we will practice methods of teaching for a growth mindset.
Middle School:
Elizabeth Peyser & Raelynn Pfaff
Connecting Important Middle School Math Concepts through Science Investigations
Participants will think like a scientist by using white-boarding, Math Practices and Science/Engineering Practices to explore statistics, ratios and number sense.
High School:
Marybeth Bano – Rizzo & Michelle Fields
Changing Perspectives on Angles/Study Designs & Inferential: Univariate
The first part of the session will focus on Geometry. Teachers will learn how the multiple perspectives for an angle (as given in the standards) impact how students view and use the idea of an angle. They will use these perspectives to work through the geometry standards to think differently about various angle pairs and how trig ratios are connected to circles and similar triangles. The focus for the second part of the session will shift to statistics. This session is about the appropriate use of randomization and study designs for conclusions and generalizations; understanding and interpreting margin of error.
Science Workshop Sessions
Elementary Science:
Charlotte Neugebauer and Toni Osterbuhr
Digging Deeper into NGSS: Integrating instructional units using the BSCS 5E Instructional Model
Focus will be on integrated instructional units which will include laboratory experiences that are explicitly linked to other science learning activities in a sequence of lessons. We will model how to assess students’ understanding from formative assessments that are embedded in the sequence of instruction. Participants will participate in laboratory experiences and have an opportunity to develop a BSCS 5E lesson.
High School:
Denise Scribner and Kara Luce
Build a Better Campfire to Fire Up Your Science Classes
Increase student engagement, boost your creativity and transform your life as a science educator. Just like building a campfire you need tender (something that ignites interest quickly)--session 1, kindling (things that add a little spark)--session 2 and fuel (things that sustain the momentum and apply the knowledge gained)--session 3. Earn your campfire "badge" with Denise and Kara. Bonus: the fuel includes science techniques and idea in physics, chemistry, ecology, biology and even forensic crime science with a little bit of math and writing skills toss in for some added spark!
2:45 pm – 3:15 pm Networking Break
4:30 pm Adjourned