Name Kansas County 4-H Member Project Award Area Leadership

Date of Birth County/District Any county

Club 4-H Forever Years in Project 11

Instructions for organizing the Kansas 4-H Award Portfolio (KAP)

Complete this form and submit a separate award portfolio for each project or award program. For area and state judging, the form should be typed or computer generated to increase legibility. The words should be those of the member, but it is acceptable for someone else to type the form. See “The Kansas 4-H Award Portfolio Instructions” (New Publication) for detailed instructions, definitions and examples of how to complete this application.

Throughout this application, the following definitions apply. See “The Kansas 4-H Award Portfolio Instructions” (New Publication) for more expanded definitions, detailed instructions, and examples of how to complete this application:

Citizenship means helping out in your community and serving others without compensation.

Leadership is teaching another person or a group skills or information and includes organizing or coordinating an activity, event, or meeting; selecting and preparing materials, and selecting presenters.

Hours include the activity time and preparation/organization/practice time. They would not include personal time (travel, sleeping, meals, etc).

Level of participation: L - club/school/local community; C/D - county/district; A/R - area/regional

within Kansas; S - State (Kansas or one other state); N - National (Nat’l) - two or more states; I – International (Int’l)

Non-4-H Experiences: May include, but is not limited to, school (FFA, clubs, groups/teams, activities); community (clubs, groups/teams), faith based activities/organizations; breed associations.

Page: Use one side of the paper only (front). No printing, pictures or other information is to be included on the back side of any page. Use white paper only.

Contents: Put each portfolio inside a cover and secure pages so they don’t fall out. Do not use plastic sleeves, dividers, or table of contents. Label the front of each cover with your name, county/district, club, and name of the award program. Font size - must be at least 10 point. Assemble the information in this order:

1.  Personal Page from 4-H Record Book (clear photocopy is acceptable on all records)

2.  4-H Story - Not to exceed 6 pages, double-spaced on one side of paper. Use the story to expand on your project knowledge, skills, accomplishments, personal growth, etc.

3.  Kansas Award Portfolio (KAP)

4.  Photographs - include a maximum of three one-sided pages (no more than six pictures per page). Photos should be captioned and show project involvement, leadership and citizenship within this award program. The KAP now includes formatted pages and further instructions; however, digital photos, computer generated photo pages, color photocopies, and cropping, are acceptable. Photo paper or card stock is acceptable. Photos cannot be hinged.

Key Changes:

1.  The Permanent Record is not included in the portfolio. It may be used as a supporting record keeping document, training tool or for evaluation at the local level but should not be included in the packet sent to area or state judging.

2.  Photography project; DO NOT add any additional photo pages.

3.  Communications (formerly Public Speaking) project no longer includes a speech.

4.  Interviews will be included in final selection of the State Project Winners.

Statement by 4-H Member

As a person of character who is trustworthy, responsible and fair, I have personally prepared this portfolio and certify that it accurately reflects my work. I will respect the judge’s final decision.

Date______4-H Member ______

Approval of this Portfolio

We have reviewed this portfolio and believe it is correct and I/we will respect the judge’s final decision.

Date______Parent/Guardian ______

Date ______4-H Club Leader ______


Learning / Leadership / Citizenship / My goals for this project or award program were:
(Examples: Learn to knit with two colors of yarn; Learn to operate a lathe; Prepare and present a program on bike safety; Bake sugarless cookies for the senior center once a month.) Indicate whether the goal is project learning, leadership or citizenship with an X in the appropriate column. One goal may involve multiple levels, for example; I want to learn bicycle safety, teach bicycle safety to our club and the after-school day care program might have an X in learning, leadership and citizenship.
X / X / Develop new leadership skills in working with children and youth of my age
X / Apply and be selected to the 4-H Ambassador program
X / X / Participate in the County Trip, County Club Day, Fair Demonstration Day, and Club Tour
X / Serve as President of my 4-H Club
X / Serve as assistant Horse Project Leader
X / Exhibit Leadership Notebook in the County Fair
X / Be very active in Highschool – Sports, Clubs, Programs, Academics
X / X / Help to run kids’ summer programs within the Recreation Commission
X / X / Assist with summer Sunday School classes
X / X / Be selected to participate and hold office at the Steamboat Springs Energy Seminar
X / Provide volunteer mission service through the Christian Citizenship Seminar to Washington, D.C. & NYC


Maximum 1 page – front side only.

(This page only – Do NOT add pages)

Provide examples of learning experiences, (including, but not limited to, judging schools, camps, contests, tours) and things learned that provide evidence of growth in this project. Include challenges you have faced and how you overcame them. Where appropriate, indicate level of participation (L, C/D, A/R, S, N, I). Record keeping tools that may be helpful include: Kansas 4-H Permanent Record Section 2 and 3, project records, income expense records, etc. Use any format of your choosing, (narrative, bullets, charts, tables).


Activities and Experiences:

4-H Activities;

Led Three horse project meetings for nine project members (L, C)

Served as club President at ten regular meetings (L)

Participated in county trip to Santa Fe / Albuquerque, NM , 4 days (C)

Member of county horse judging team – 4-H and FFA- 7 times (D), (S), (N)

Helped gather 20 used gift items to donate to local charity through my 4-H club during Christmas season

Helped carry grocery boxes for two hours at local Sr Center (C)

As 4-H Ambassador helped prepare 40 “bottle rocket” kits for kids rocket launch at County Fair (C)

Presented one demonstration and one vocal solo at County Club Day and Regional Club Day (C), (D)

Prepared one leadership notebook for exhibit at the County Fair (C)

Local Community ;

Volunteered 4 hours to spend time with five little girls at local DoVES shelter during Christmas season (L)

Volunteered two hours to work craft show raffle booth to benefit local DoVES shelter (C)

Baked two dozen cookies for kids’ storytime at the public library (C)

School Activities;

Helped serve breakfast for approx. 50 Highschool staff at FHA teacher breakfast (C)

Participated in community performances with Show Choir five times (C)

Volunteered five hours to help run Show Choir garage sale fund raiser (C)

Helped plan and run annual Cheerleaders Golf Tournament fund raiser, profiting nearly $1600 (C)

Church Activities;

Served as Litergist one time (L)

Sunday School teacher for 2 & 3 yr olds – 5 times (L)

Washed dishes for two hours at United Methodist Women’s Church Bazaar (C)

Volunteered 2 hours to deliver Christmas “manger gifts” to local needy families (C)

Decorate tables and prepare food for Senior Breakfast for five church member graduates and families (L)

Helped Jr. High Youth group decorate and deliver giant Valentine cookies for group fundraiser (L)

Helped cook and serve youth group spaghetti dinner and church potato bar, each for approx 200 people (L)

Donated three gifts to Christmas “angel tree” (L)

Attended 10-day Christian Citizenship Seminar with 24 other Kansas Youth (S)

State & National Activities;

Worked 4 days to help choreograph State FFA Chorus routine for group of 10 dancers (S)

Attended 6-day Rural Electric Energy Seminar with approx. 80 youth from KS, WY,CO& OK (N)

Presided over mock senate legislature for 3 hrs during consideration of 5 “bills” (N)

Presided over 80 REA Seminar trip participants as General Manager (N)

Prepared and gave two speeches for election as REA Energy Seminar Ambassador for next year (N)

Helped design and construct one banner for Women’s Wellness Center in Washington D.C. (N)

Helped serve breakfast for approx. 110 homeless in downtown Washington D.C. (N)

Knowledge Gained:


How to be an effective leader among youth my age by listening as well as leading (L)(S) (N)

How to conduct productive horse project meetings addressing interests of all members (L)

What qualities my peers seek out in a strong leader (L) (S) (N)

How to build more confidence when communicating with others from a podium (R)


How to serve a cooperative organization through the position of General Manager (N)

What leadership skills are needed in running of a cooperative business organization (N)


How to conduct a meeting in the position of president (L)

How to provide leadership in the role of “President of the Senate” (N)

What types of leadership are required within the Senate legislature (N)

What actions are being taken by legislators in different states to serve the people through their government (N)

Social Aspects;

How to assist national and worldwide causes through my church (N)

What different social and ethnic groups around the nation are doing to express their views and take effective action on controversial issues



Do not exceed space provided in form.

Summarize your 4-H meetings/committees/organizations, your level of involvement (were you a member or an officer or chairperson) and the level of participation. Project meetings or project club meetings should only be included if related to this award portfolio. To the extent possible, include the actual numbers, not just an “X”. The # Attended should equal the total for all levels of participation (the sum of L, C/D, A/R, S, N, I). See Kansas 4-H Permanent Record Section 1.

Meetings, Committees, Offices / #
Held / #
Led / #
Attended / Local / County/
District / Area/
Regional / State / National/ Int’l
Club President / 11 / 10 / 10 / 10
4-H Ambassador / 10 / 10 / 10
4-H Horse Judging Team / 7 / 1 / 7 / 7

Include leadership, citizenship and presentations given or prepared i.e., talks, demonstrations, webpage development, articles written, slide shows, numbers of hours, number of people reached (audience), money raised, and number of times at each level of participation within the table below. Record keeping tools that may be helpful include: Kansas 4-H Permanent Record Section 2 and 3, project records, income expense records, etc.

Leadership is teaching another person or a group skills or information and includes organizing or coordinating an activity, event, or meeting; selecting and preparing materials, and selecting presenters.

Citizenship means helping out in your community and serving others without compensation.

Leadership / Citizenship / What You Did / Local / County/
District / Area/
Regional / State / National/ Int’l / Hours / Audience /
As 4-H Club President / 34
xx / Conducted monthly 4-H Club Meetings
xx / Helped Club decorate museum for Christmas
xx / Helped teach line dance for parade float
xx / Helped decorate and tear down club float
xx / Served as narrator for club skit
xx / Helped run 4-H Concession Stand
As 4-H Ambassador
xx / Helped unload boxes of food supplies
xx / Helped prepare “bottle rocket” kits
xx / Helped conduct the rocket launch @ fair
xx / Helped serve “Home Products Dinner”
xx / Helped plan and conduct “Barnyard Olympics”
xx / Helped clean up after 4-H Fashion Revue
xx / Helped serve lunch at camp counselor training


Leadership / Citizenship / What You Did / Local / County/
District / Area/
Regional / State / National/ Int’l / Hours / Audience
x / Served meat for county fair free barbeque / X / X
x / Delivered promotional fliers about fair auction / X
x / Helped present awards at 4-H Achievement Banq / X
x / Helped tabulate scores at County Club Day / X
x / Helped eartag animals at spring weigh-in / X
As assistant Horse Project Leader
x / Gave instruction on grooming & showmanship / X
x / Gave instruction on horsemanship / X
x / Gave instruction on trail / X
x / Helped handle and ride @ local horse judging / X
x / Helped tabulate scores for horse judging / X


List the most meaningful awards and recognition you received this year. Place asterisks (*) beside awards & recognition relating directly to this award portfolio. See the Kansas 4-H Permanent Record Section 4 or other record keeping tools.

* = project related / Awards and Recognitions / Local / County/
District / Area/
Regional / State / National/ Int’l
County Champion – Horse
County Champion – Citizenship
* / County Champion – Leadership
“I Dare You” Award


Do not exceed space provided in form.

Summarize your non-4-H meetings/committees/organizations, your level of involvement (were you a member or an officer or chairperson) and the level of participation. To the extent possible, include actual numbers, not just an “X”. The # Attended should equal the sum of L, C/D, A/R, S, N, I. See Kansas 4-H Permanent Record Section 1.

Meetings, Committees, Offices / #
Held / #
Attended / #
Lead / Local / County/
District / Area/
Regional / State / National/ Int’l
FFA / 9 / 7 / 2
REA Energy Seminar / 15 / 15 / 5
FHA / 9 / 8 / 0
Kids Vote Committee / 2 / 2 / 0
Junior Class Prom Committee / 6 / 6 / 3
National Honor Society / 3 / 3 / 0
Flag Corp - Captain / 9 / 9 / 9

List your most meaningful non-4-H experiences related to this project. May include, but is not limited to, school (FFA, clubs, groups/teams, activities); community, faith based activities/organizations; breed associations, etc. See Kansas 4-H Permanent Record Section 2 and 3.