
K.CC Assessing Reading Numbers

Alignment 1: K.CC.A

Domain CC: Counting and Cardinality

Cluster Know number names and the count sequence.

The teacher will need numeral cards 1–10 and 10–20.

In a one-to-one setting, a student is shown the numbers from 1–10, one number at a time, in random order. The teacher asks, “what number is this?"

If a student is not able to identify all of the numbers 1–10, there is no need to continue with the teen numbers; the area for instruction is identified. The number that is shown and the student's responses to that number should be carefully recorded. Note hesitations, sub-vocal counting, and false starts as well as errors. This information can be used to distinguish between numbers the student knows, numbers the student almost knows, and numbers the student does not know. This information can then be used to provide the appropriate amount of emphasis during instruction.

If a student is able to identify all of the numbers 1–10 accurately, the teacher should repeat the same steps using the set of cards with the numbers 11–20. Again, be sure to record successes, hesitations, and mistakes to target instruction.


· Students should be able to identify numbers when they are given numerals in random order. Identification of numerals when they are sequenced does not necessarily indicate facility with reading numbers because the sequence of the numbers offers students support for identification.

· A long pause when identifying a number may indicate that a student is counting in order to get a “running start” to help identify a target number. The student may use “sub-vocal” counting (like counting under their breath) from another number to arrive at the correct number name. This is a common student strategy that should be noted as this indicates that additional practice with this number is needed before they can be considered facile.

· This are other ways to check for number recognition. It is demonstrated when:

1. A student can point out a 6 from a group of numbers when he or she is asked, “Where is the 6?”

2. A student says, "That is 6," when asked, “What number is this?”

The second of these two approaches is slightly harder for a student and suggests a more sophisticated understanding of number recognition. In the first, the teacher has supplied the number name and the student has only to recognize the numeral. In the second, the student must recall the number name.

· Some students will confuse particular numerals. Two pairs of numbers that are commonly confused are (a) 6 and 9 and (b) 6 and 8. If the student doesn't correctly identify (recall) a randomly presented number, it may be useful to re-pose the question so that is only necessary for the student to recognize it. (For example, quickly turn several of the number cards - including the problem number - face up, and ask, "Where is the 8.")

Common confusions for the set of numbers 11–20 include (a) confusing 12 with 20 or with 21, (b) identifying thirteen as “three-teen”, or fifteen as “five-teen,” and (c) confusing teen numbers from (13 to 19) with decade numbers (30 to 90).


If a student is unable to identify the numbers 0–10 in the first part of the task you may want to re-pose the task as a number recognition task by laying out all the cards from 0–10 in random order on the table and then asking “what number is the __?” Ask the question for each of the numbers that the student missed in the identification task. While each of these variations will not indicate that a student is proficient or facile in this area it will give the teacher an idea of what knowledge about the number the student has to help drive additional instruction for them.

If a student can read numbers 0–10, continue on to check the numbers 11–20. Students may have trouble with the “teen” numbers as noted in the commentary. Make note of any additional support that you give the student when assessing; ultimately students should be able to read numbers without hesitation. The inability of a student to do so simply indicates that additional instruction is needed in that area.

K.CC Assessing Sequencing Numbers

Alignment 1: K.CC.A

Domain CC: Counting and Cardinality

Cluster Know number names and the count sequence.

The teacher will need numeral cards 1–10 and 11–20.

This task can be used with a single student or a small group of students. Each student needs his or her own set of numeral cards.

The teacher asks student(s) to put the numbers in order from the smallest number to the biggest number or in the order they would say them if they were counting. Next, students read the numbers in their arranged order (one student at a time). The teacher records each student’s sequence. Students who have numerals out of order may be able to self-correct as they read what they have done. This, too, should be noted.

If students are able to sequence 1–10, trade sets with them so they have only the 11–20 cards. Use the process described above to have students order the cards and read their results, again, recording the responses. To be clear, some students will have a 1–10 set of cards and other students will have a 11–20 set. This lets students struggling with 1–10 to practice and lets the teacher gather information on those students ready for the "teen" numbers.


· Students may be able to identify numbers in sequence although they missed those numbers when randomly posed. (See K.CC Assessing Reading Numbers). They still need additional instruction with those numerals.

· The goal is for students to be able to identify numbers when they are given numerals in random order. Identification of numerals when they are sequenced does not necessarily indicate facility with reading numbers because the sequence of the numbers offers students support for identification.


The student should be able to sequence the set of cards from 1–10 or use the oral counting sequence when prompted to “read them” to correct the sequence on his or her own.

Students may have a hard time starting the “teen” sequencing task from 11. In this case you could give the student the 10 card from the first part of the task as a new starting point, or, if that is not enough support, give them the whole set from 1–20. Ultimately students should be able to sequence a group of numbers from various starting points so make a note if a student is unable to do so.

K.CC Find The Numbers 0-5 or 5-10

Alignment 1: K.CC.A

Domain CC: Counting and Cardinality

Cluster Know number names and the count sequence.

The teacher will need to create 2-3 sets of six number cards (0,1,2,3,4,5) and a matching number die (0,1,2,3,4,5) for each set of students. Materials can be made from index cards and blank wooden cubes.

Students can play in pairs or trios. Each student places a set of the number cards 0-5 face up, in sequence, in front of him or herself. The students will take turns rolling the 0-5 die. After rolling he or she needs to find the matching number in the row of cards, say the number name out loud to the other student(s) and turn it face down. If a student rolls a number that they have already turned over they lose that turn. Students continue to roll until one student has no cards left face up. The student with all cards turned over first wins the game. Students may use a number line to help set up the cards in sequence.


· It is sometimes helpful to use cards that include a pictorial representation of the quantity on them so students can count to identify a number (while also associating a quantity with a numeral). If you are making the cards, organize the quantities with tally marks or familiar dot patterns from dice so students begin to recognize groups.

· Students should be able to identify numbers when they are given numerals in random order. Identification of numerals when they are sequenced does not necessarily indicate facility with reading numbers because the sequence of the numbers offers students support for identification. Sequence is a great support during instruction and is the reason that students should sequence the cards for this activity but is a support that should be removed for assessment.

· This game can be helpful with another common confusion for students, 12 with 20 or 21. If students have mastered other numbers but still have trouble with these, this game can be modified to include only the numbers 12, 20, 21 on the cards and die. In this variation the teacher would make 2-3 copies of each number and a die with 12,20,21. Students should arrange the cards in pairs rather than in a line.

· Another approach for students struggling to identify numbers is sorting. Students can sort numeral cards into categories such as 6 and not 6, 12 and not 12 or “teen number” and not a teen if they are having trouble identifying certain numerals. For example 6 vs. 9 or 12 vs. 21.


Cards can be numbered from 0-5 or 1-6 with a matching die, 5-10 with a matching die, 10-15 with a matching die, then 16-20 with a matching die.

The whole class can work on the same range initially but as students progress you may have some students still working on 0-5 but others who can move on to 5-10 or 10-15. In this way all students can be doing the same activity but it is differentiated for individual student needs.

K.CC Five by Two

Alignment 1: K.CC.A

Domain CC: Counting and Cardinality

Cluster Know number names and the count sequence.


The students will need a deck of playing cards including some of the face cards. It is a good idea to remove the extra symbols from the 2-10 cards with whiteout and change the Ace to a 1. Alternatively, the teacher can make cards 1-10 using 3 by 5 index cards; four of each numeral will be needed.

Rules of play

a. Player One passes out 10 cards to each player; the remaining cards go face down in the middle of the table for a draw pile.

b. Without looking at the cards, each student arranges their 10 cards face down in two rows of five cards, one above the other (in a 5 by 2 array).

c. Player One draws a card from the draw pile. If it is a face card, the student discards it next to the draw pile. If it is a number card from 1-10, they replace one of the cards in their array of cards by placing it in the correct sequential place. The card that was removed from the array is placed face-up in the discard pile.

From that point on, that player is collecting whatever color of card (red or black) they drew in the first pick.

d. The student turns over the card he or she just replaced and plays it in the correct sequential place (if that space is available) or discards it next to the draw pile. The student continues trying to place cards until he or she can’t, and then it is the next player's turn.

e. Player Two draws a card or picks one up from the discard pile and places that card if possible, that card tells the color they are now collecting. Player Two continues placing cards in the same way as Player One did until he/she cannot. Play continues on until one player has all ten cards in order with the correct color face up in front of them.

This game is best played with 2-3 players and only 2 people can select red or 2 people can select black. With 3 players two can be red and one can be black or vice versa.


· This game will reinforce number before and after as well as reading and sequencing numbers.

· This is good to do initially as a committee activity in a small group until students get the hang of the set up and rules. It is also fun to teach to parents or siblings so it can be played at home.

· Another version of this game is to lay the cards out in a line like a number line instead of a ten-frame.

· For an extended version the teacher can make cards 10-20 using 3 by 5 index cards; four of each numeral will be needed.


One player will have either all red or all black cards in order from 1-10 in two rows (1-5, 6-10), face up in front of them.

For example, suppose three students are playing the game. Player One draws a red 5 and places it in the 5th spot in his first row of cards. The card he picks up from that spot is a red 3 so he places it in the 3rd spot of his first row of cards. The card he picks up from that spot is a red Queen so he places that face up in a discard pile next to the draw pile and his turn is over. Player Two draws a card and gets a red 8 so places it in the eighth spot in her second row of cards. The card she picks up is a black 9 so she discards the 9 and her turn is over. Player Three can draw a card or pick up the black 9. Both other players are already red so the third person will have to be black. Player Three picks up the black 9 from the discard pile and places it in the 9th spot of the second row of her cards. The card she picks up is a black 4 so she places it in the fourth spot of her first row of cards. The card she picks up is a red 2 so she places it in the discard pile. Play continues until one player has all ten cards of one color in the correct order.

K.CC More and Less Handfuls

Alignment 1: K.CC.A, K.CC.B, K.CC.C

Domain CC: Counting and Cardinality

Cluster Know number names and the count sequence.

Cluster Count to tell the number of objects.

Cluster Compare numbers.


· A variety of manipulatives for counting

· Student recording sheet (see setup)


On a sheet of plain paper write the following sentence frame at the bottom; I have ____ counters. I have _____ (more than/less than/ the same as) my partner. My partner has _____ counters. Copy one sheet per student.