Junior League Rules and Procedures
All rules in accordance with Little League Divisions of Play with the following exceptions.
1. Mandatory Play – L.L. requires min. of 1 at bat and 6 consecutive defensive outs. We will play by this rule for all post-season games.
For regular season games only – No player will sit the bench for more than 3 innings unless arriving after 15 minutes prior to start of game or disciplinary actions approved by the league director(s). Reasoning is to allow all players an opportunity to play a minimum of 3-5 innings in the field and get 1-2 at bats without hindering the managers ability to make changes while having to wait for the 6 consecutive outs or an at bat to take place.
Defensive Substitutions – Defensive substitutions can be made freely irrespective of whether in the batting order or not. No player can sit on the bench more than 3 innings unless injured, sick, arriving later than 15 minutes prior to the game, or disciplinary actions approved by the Jr. league director(s). Rule of 2 keeps it simple. Rule of 2 is to sub for a player that has not previously been subbed for every 2 innings. If a game goes extra innings, this rule will no longer be applied as every player should have played at least 4 innings by this point. Pitchers do not have to remain in the game to pitch. Free defensive substitution will not be in effect for any post season game. All post-season games will strictly adhere to the L.L. rule book per Jr. Lg rules with the exception of pitch count for 15 year olds.
Offensive Substitutions – A Modified Continuous Batting Order would be set with the number of batting positions based on the team with the least number of players in attendance set 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start of game. Each additional player beyond the set # of continuous batting positions would be required to enter the game as a player sub and must report in as a sub to the umpire prior to the at bat. The sub must stay in the batting order at that position unless the starter reports in to the umpire as re-entering the game. Only 2 players will be allowed to occupy one batting order position in any game unless a player becomes injured before a substitute player has entered into the batting order. (Rule would still require 1 at bat) Substitutions should be given to umpire in the correct form of #8 will be batting/hitting for #15 or #15 will be reentering for number #8. The number of re-entries will be unlimited but must be in the same batting position. In this example, #8 and #15 can re-enter the batting lineup as many times as the game dictates but can substitute freely for any defensive player at any time as long as they maintain the rule of sitting the bench no more than 3 innings.
2. Games- All games will not start a new inning after 2 hours from the scheduled start of the game. Any inning that has started must be completed unless the home team is winning after the top of the inning. 5:30 Game - No new inning starts after 7:30. If a game hasn’t reached 5 innings to be considered a complete game, then that game will be suspended and finished at time to be determined by league director.
7:45 Game – Starts ASAP with no infield taken after 7:45.No new inning starts after 9:45 or 2 hours after completion of prior game but no later than 10:00 to start a new inning. . If a game hasn’t reached 5 innings to be considered a complete game, then that game will be suspended and finished at time to be determined by league director
Saturday/Sunday Game – No new inning starts after 2 hours from start of game. . If a game hasn’t reached 5 innings to be considered a complete game, then that game will be suspended and finished at time to be determined by league director
3. Personnel - All managers, coaches, and scorekeepers must submit the Volunteer application to Jr League Chair. A manager, 2 coaches/scorekeeper, and team players are allowed in dugout area. One adult must be in dug out at all times. No other kids or adults are allowed in dugout during games. Any additional parents on field or dugout during practice must have volunteer application clearance.
4. Pitch Counts– All pitchers will qualify under the 13-14’s rules. 15’s can pitch but with 1314 pitch count rules. See rulebook p 37-38 for days rest and totals. Record all pitch counts in binder after each game located in press box. Do not include pitches past a rest threshold if they were to finish the at bat.
5. Complete game - 7 Inning game - 10 Run Rule after 5 innings, 4½ if home team is ahead. If a suspended game does not go the minimum 2 hours, note must be taken as to how much time has been played to determine the amount of time left to make-up.
6. Special pinch runner is allowed. Once per inning, any player not currently in the batting order may run. A player may only be removed for a special pinch runner once per game. If you have no subs with a continuous batting line-up, you are not permitted to use a special pinch runner.
7. 3rd strike not caught in effect.
8. Balks – One warning per pitcher per game will be issued for the first 6 games. No warnings after the 6th game.
9. Substitute Players - All teams are encouraged to ensure they will have a minimum of 10 players or more for every game. Any manager knowing that they will have less than 10 players should contact the Jr. Lg. Chair, who will assign a player from the substitute player pool list not playing a game that day. Subs will not be allowed to pitch or catch and recommended to play outfield regardless of ability and bat last in the order. Each player agreeing to be in the substitute pool will not be asked to sub for another team again until everyone on the list has played as a substitute one time or can’t be contacted by telephone to play in time. All subs should attempt to be acquired 24 hours or more in advance. A complete sub list will be maintained and available for viewing if contested but not for finding out who the next available sub is before determining if they need a sub or not. Any team with less than 9 players at the start or during a game will have to forfeit but can still continue to play an unofficial game. All players must be GABSA registered players or play can not continue.
10. Game Day - Home team will have the batting cage 1 hour before the start of the game and the infield ½ hour prior to start time if available.
Visiting team will have the infield (put out bases and line field if needed) 1 hour before the start of the game if available and the batting cage ½ hour prior to start time. If time does not permit due to prior game, no infield or warm-up will be taken. All games will start on time if possible.
Winning team is responsible for putting bases away, watering holes in mound and batter’s box, pull loose dirt over mud hole until level and cover with tarp and tires. Tarp and Tires should be stored on 3rd base side out of play during games.
Ask players/spectators to clean up all trash on ground in dugout and around their bleacher area.
No soft toss or hitting into fences at any time. Do not destroy our Complex!