The Warrior’s Mission
Study Agreement
I, ______
covenant with my men’s study group to do the following:
1. Complete the Bible Study for each week before the group session.
2. Bring my Bible, completed Bible study, a pen/pencil and paper to the group sessions.
3. Participate in all group sessions unless urgent circumstances beyond control prevent my attendance. When unable to attend, I will make up the session at the earliest possible time with the group leader or another group member.
4. Participate openly and honestly in the group sessions.
5. Pray regularly for my fellow group members.
6. Keep confidential any personal matters shared by others in the group.
7. Pray at least weekly for my senior and associate pastor.
8. Not try to manipulate or pressure others to do what I think is best. I will simply bear witness to what I sense God may be saying to us and watch and see how His Spirit leads.
Signed: ______Date:______
Men’s Group Study Itinerary
The Warrior’s Mission: Jesus said He was anointed by the Father to preach the gospel, proclaim release for captives, recover sight for the blind, and set free the oppressed (Luke 4:18). This section contains knowledge and skills to train you in effectively sharing the gospel of Christ with those who are within your sphere of influence. Men who follow Christ are to free people who are captives to the world, the flesh, and the devil. The Free the Captives bible study equips men to effectively lead others to Christ and free them from powers of darkness.
Date / Text / FormatPrayer – Study Covenant /
Workshop / Discussion
1. Know the Enemy – Ezekiel 28:11-19; Is 14:12-15 / Bible Study Discussion2. Recognize the Trinity – Matthew 3:16-17; 28:18-20 / Bible Study Discussion
3. Preach a True Gospel – 1 Corinthians 15:1-28 / Bible Study Discussion
4. Sow God’s Word – Mark 4:1-20 / Bible Study Discussion
5. Fish For Men – Matthew 4:12-35 / Bible Study Discussion
6. Seek Lost People – Luke 19:1-10; Gal. 3:26-4:7 / Bible Study Discussion
7. Serve Others – Mark 10:32-45 / Bible Study Discussion
8. Help People in Need – Luke 10:25-37 / Bible Study Discussion
9. Work Wholeheartedly – Genesis 2-3; Col 3;23 / Bible Study Discussion
10. Develop World Vision – Acts 1:1-9; 10:23-48 / Bible Study Discussion
11. Live by Faith – Hebrews 11:1-40 / Bible Study Discussion
12. Wage Spiritual Warfare – Ephesians 6:10-20 / Bible Study Discussion
for more information write or call: ______