203 East Main
Anamosa, Iowa 52205
(319) 462-5030
Jeanette Shoop, President
Minutes- Wed. March 12, 2014, 11:30 a.m.
Wyoming Senior Dining Site/Memorial Hall -Lunch made by Methodist Church ladies—casserole, salads, rolls, and homemade pie! Thank you!
It was so good!
In attendance: Amber Quartier, Amy Doerrfeld, Brenda Hanken, Carrie Johnson, Greg Graver, Jeanette Shoop, Jennifer Husmann, John Klein, Karmen Jamison, Katie Shaull, Kelly Dodge, LaVonne Owen, Lori Reynolds, Michael Elmore, Phil Owen, Julie Furne, Cassandra Streets, Jeff Meyers, Ed Ahouse, Lauryn Eganhouse, Nicole Guenther, Amy Manning, DeeAnn Flenker, Shirley Jones and John Jamison, plus at least 4 other Wyoming United Methodist Church ladies.
1. Introductions. Welcomed Jackson County folks!!
2. Approval of February’s Coalition minutes and Executive minutes- approved by Kelly and seconded by Lori.
3. Kaizen results priority one- Community Change- a few more Time and Talent Sheets were collected. See attached if you have not filled out yet. We will talk more about this priority area at the next meeting.
4. An Honest Conversation about Marijuana- Tuesday, April 1, 7 p.m. – Please register yourself at: And help promote in any way you can! Flyers posted- any other ideas? National Motorcycle Museum- Karmen will take around town in Wyoming.
5. Legislative Update- Jennifer (Day on the Hill too)- The Day on the Hill went very well. The state Social Host bill should be voted on in the House Public Safety Committee yet this week before the funnel. If it passes, it go to the whole House for a vote and then back to the Senate where it already passed, but will need to be voted on again as the House amended it. It is not too late to contact the House Public Safety Committee members yet tonight. Shared just a little about what is happening with discussion about “medical” marijuana. Nothing official, but there was a hearing last week at the Capitol and there was an Iowa Board of Pharmacy hearing today that may have some bearing on how things proceed. AC4C (Iowa’s Alliance of Coalitions for Change) and the ODCP (Office of Drug Control Policy) welcome any advancement of FDA approved clinical trials of products with CBD (non-psychoactive component of marijuana) to include children who are suffering with a form of epilepsy.
6. Improved logic models- A one page write up to help you understand/explain was distributed. See attached. (part of Kaizen results priority two) - Planning Committee- The write up was distributed. Newly revised logic models with the data are available. Thanks to Phil Owen for making the logic models look so nice.
7. SPF SIG update- Amber and John shared the Policy Committee work. They spoke at the Wyoming City Council about potentially drafting an ordinance for Responsible Beverage Service Training. The Council was very in favor of this. The city attorney will be contacted with this idea and a draft ordinance brought back to the council next month. Also, Amber and John spoke to the Little Bear Country Club Board on Monday night and they were very receptive. Follow up will be done to see if they want any TIPs training in the future for employees or for volunteers with events.
8. We discussed the K9 policies for schools to have a minimum number, especially in light of the meth lab fire in Anamosa. The question was asked if K-9s could also be used in parks and at the swimming pools. The answer was yes, but usually when there is already suspicion and with the permission of whoever is in charge of the venue. We also discussed the bongs being seen back at Lost Nation and also at Baldwin. Katie Shaull, Cassie Streets, and possibly Karmen Jamison will write letters to the editor about this. We also discussed the legalization of marijuana and how it is affecting Colorado and schools there.
9. Town Hall- Tues., April 29, 5:30 p.m. at Youth Development Center @ Fairgrounds- Amber/Amy (and other BEASTS work, Pop w/ Cops, surveys, etc.!)- Amy shared about how well the Pop with Cops has gone, that the schools are completing surveys to guide our action steps regarding how near peers provide alcohol to underage kids and also about Rx drug use. BEASTS are helping lead the Town Hall. Amber shared about the progress of the planning of the Town Hall. We are working with the Creative Corridor to make it a celebration event of those businesses and individuals who have done things to make Jones County a safer and better place to live. We Create Here is the theme of the Corridor’s campaign and so we took a picture of our entire group saying, We Create Safe and Healthy Environments. Amber encouraged everyone to fill out nomination forms to say who they believe has made a difference in Jones County.
10. Marketing Committee work- show ideas for near peers- we will show these products at our next meeting.
11. The two Elmo students- shared about their group’s purpose to raise awareness with the middle school aged kids. They are working on blankets for the Ronald McDonald House and are going to deliver them there.
12. Outreach/Sustainability work- Financial Advisory Brainstorming meeting- Tuesday, April 8, 6:30 p.m.
Upcoming meetings: -Policy- Tues., March 25, 9 a.m. - Coalition office
- BEASTS- meeting twice a month on Sundays, 1:30- March 30th is next.
- Marketing- Thurs. April 17, 11:30 G & G
- Planning/Assessment- Thursday, April 3
- TIPs training- April 22- On premise, April 30- Off premise, both 5:30 p.m. at office
- Outreach with Sustainability- Thursday, March 13, 2:30
Other sharing? Curriculum Based Support Group- Training will be May 30, school personnel and others can be trained. Next Coalition Mtg.: Wed., April 9, 11:30 a.m. at the Coalition office.
Engaging our communities in efforts to reduce substance abuse through creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for youth and adults in Jones County.
203 E. Main Street I Anamosa, IA 52205 I 319.462.5030 I www.jonescountycoalition.org