Give me 5 minutes and …

“I’ll Show You How to Pick Up an Extra

$3,660 For Just a Few Minutes Work.”

Dear Bob,

I found your newsletter in the Directory of Ezines. Great newsletter! I love your lawyer jokes, especially since I’m a recovering lawyer myself. After reviewing your newsletter and checking out your website, I think your readers would be very interested in my Great Gizmo.

I created the Great Gizmo to help people solve the mysteries of the universe. While this might seem like an outrageous claim, check this out:

“I have personally tested every gizmo ever created. The Great Gizmo is the clear winner. For the first time, I was able to solve the mysteries of the universe in under 10 minutes … without breaking a sweat.”

John Q. Insightful, Big Time Universe Guy

I’d like to propose a joint venture with you to offer my Great Gizmo to your subscribers. I’ve made other publishers some quick cash for just a few minutes of their time.

For example, Bubba loved the Great Gizmo and sent a letter to his newsletter list a couple of weeks ago. He worked harder than most on the ad so he probably invested about an hour. But, what payment for an hour’s work … he collected $3,660!

We would split the profits 50/50. I’ve got a strong sales letter, proven ad copy and real-time tracking. I’ll make payment to you 15 days after your mailing.

As you know, many people buy gizmos in the spring so this is an ideal time to make this offer.

You can check out the Great Gizmo at

I look forward to hearing from you shortly so we can develop a mutually profitable relationship.

Yours in success,

Your Name


Phone (if you choose to share this)