Joey Packing List – Pirate Sleepover

Need to bring
o  Sleeping bag
o  Pillow
o  Blanket (if required)
o  Mattress –Rubber Camping mattress or self inflating / Toiletry bag containing:
o  Soap
o  Toothbrush and Toothpaste
o  Hairbrush
o  Towel
o  Full uniform to be worn on arrival
o  2 T-shirts or Activity shirts
o  2 pair of shorts
o  1 long pants (if cold)
o  2 Pairs of socks
o  Sandshoes (joggers) - no sandals
o  1 jumper/cardigan/jacket
o  Pyjamas
o  2 pairs of underpants
o  Hat
o  Plastic bag for dirty clothes.
o  Drink Bottle
o  Torch
o  Cuddle Toy (if they sleep with one) / Dilly Bag
o  Plate
o  Cup
o  Bowl
o  Cutlery
q  Electronic games, gizmos and gadgets (as these often get lost and are not cheap to replace). / q  Lollies, biscuits or other foods (we will provide sufficient food and treats).

Every item MUST be labelled with the Joey Scout’s name and packed in an appropriate bag


·  Please sign your child in on arrival and sign out on departure.

·  Please leave a phone number that we can contact you on over the weekend

·  Please ensure that any medication is given directly to a Leader – please do not leave medication of any kind in the Joey’s bags.

·  If your child needs to receive medication please complete the medication log on arrival at the hall.

·  The menu will be displayed in the hall – if there are any allergies please let a leader know so an alternative can be arranged.

·  If there is any information that would be helpful to the leaders to ensure that your child has a positive experience please let us know.

If you have any queries or concerns please feel free to call or email
Lorikeet – 9795 7047 or