Preschool Handbook

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me,

and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven

belongs to such as these.”

Matthew 19:14

11324 Gordon Road

Fredericksburg, VA 22407



This handbook is to help answer any questions parents and volunteers might have about the Chancellor Baptist Church Preschool Department. By encouraging open communication with parents and volunteers, we hope to provide an environment that will bring spiritual enrichment to all those who come in contact with it.


Our Preschool Department at Chancellor Baptist Church is designed for boys and girls from birth to four years of age. It is designed, staffed, and operated as an integral part of the church’s program of Christian Education. Each class seeks to provide an atmosphere in which children can learn of God’s love and care. This department tries to lay an adequate foundation for each child, later in life, to make a personal commitment to Jesus Christ. We believe that a child absorbs his concept of God from people, things, and experiences that are a part of his environment. Thus, a love and appreciation for God, Christ, and the things God has made are stressed through appropriate activities that share simple Biblical truths.

Our Christian Education Program seeks to provide an experienced and caring staff, education environment, and relevant curriculum materials to provide each child with the best educational activities for his age level and understanding. Helping the child develop a love of God and a healthy self-concept as His child is of the utmost importance in our program.



We are happy to provide free childcare for birth through four years of age during regular worship services. No reservations are required.


In order to protect the entire group of children, as well as your own child, we encourage parents to keep their child at home whenever he or she has any signs of

illness, including:

· A temperature over 99° by mouth

· Vomiting or diarrhea

· Any undiagnosed rash

· Persistent cough, colored mucous from the nose

· Any contagious illness

In general, a child should be kept at home a full 24 hours after disappearance of symptoms. If nursery workers notice any of the above symptoms in a child, a parent will be notified. No medication can be given to children by nursery workers.


If there is a behavioral issue, the child will be gently redirected to another activity. If the behavior continues, the worker may place child in a short “time-out” in a designated chair for one to two minutes, or may contact the parent. Children of any age will NEVER be spanked or struck in any way by staff members or volunteer workers.


To ensure the nursery is a safe place for children, the following procedure will be followed if a child bites someone else:

· The area of the bite will be treated according to necessity. If the bite broke the skin, parents will be paged, as it may be necessary to see a physician.

· If the bite has not broken the skin, the nursery volunteer will explain to the child how to behave appropriately, and parents of both children will be informed at pick up.

· If a child continues to bite, after the third occurrence, he or she will not be allowed in the nursery without his/her guardian present for the duration of his/her stay, until nursery staff determines child can be trusted not to bite again.


A “Security Card” is provided for each child in the Preschool Department, including first-time visitors. A teacher will greet you and your child at the counter in each room and you will be given a Security Card to use for pick up. Your child will only be released to the person returning the card. This is especially necessary because personnel may change between worship services.

All volunteers and staff who work with minors on a regular basis will have had a criminal background screening.

Promotion from Class to Class

Our Infant Nursery is for infants, birth through walking. Once the preschool staff observes that a child can move around the room without falling or using objects to assist them, and no longer uses a bottle, we will notify parents and promote the child to the Toddler Room.

The Toddler Room is for toddlers until they are potty trained.

The PreK Room is for children from when they are potty trained until they begin Kindergarten.

Parent Responsibilities

Before you arrive, you can help by labeling all personal belongings, such as bottles and pacifiers. In your diaper bag, be sure to include disposable diapers, wipes, bottle or sippy cup, and a change of clothes. A healthy snack is provided during worship services. Please discourage children from bringing toys from home.

When you arrive, it is important that you complete a “Care Card” (see Appendix E) which are available on the counter in the nursery. This gives you the opportunity to write down care instructions for your child regarding allergies, toilet training, naps, and any special needs your child may have. Nursery leaders will document any diaper changes, feedings, or other information for you on the same card, which you will take with you when you leave. You will also be given a Security Card and pager.

You will be paged should you be needed in your child’s classroom. We understand at times a child may cry or be upset and will do our best to help him or her adjust. Don’t be discouraged; this is a normal reaction during specific periods in a child’s life.

When you pick up your child, please come promptly and present your Security Card to the teacher. Please do not enter internal nursery door as it can create confusion, as well as being hazardous for little fingers, etc. It also may be upsetting to other children who are not being picked up. A teacher will bring your child and his/her belongings to you. Only one parent should come to pick up the child to avoid congestion in the doorway.

Every church member who regularly leaves a child in the preschool facilities is expected to serve as a worker during some of the Sunday morning worship services. There is a sign-up sheet available on the wall outside of the infant nursery.

Parent/Child Dedication

Parents who wish to participate in the Parent/Child Dedication service should call the church office at 786-6927 and speak with the Senior Pastor. The Dedication takes place during a morning worship service at a time agreed upon by the Pastor and parents. It is a special time when a family and the church covenant together to nurture the child in the Christian faith.


For detailed descriptions of daily duties, please see:

Infant Nursery Procedures – Appendix A

Toddler Nursery Procedures – Appendix B

Three and Four Year Old Class Procedures – Appendix C

Interacting With Children

To ensure that everything we do better enables our children to be receptive to the gospel message and the teachings of God’s Word, those who work with our children must commit to loving them as Christ loves them and be models of Christian standards and moral behavior. Get down on their level and join in. Talk with the children using blocks, pictures, nature items, etc., to talk about the theme of the curriculum.


Three and four year olds should be taken to the bathroom at least once during their stay. After use, be sure they wash hands. Babies and toddlers should be changed at least once during each hour. Please use Diaper Changing Procedure (Appendix D). Make sure no child goes home wet!


Nut-free snacks will be provided by the church and stored in the classrooms.


There is a telephone in the Toddler Room with emergency numbers posted.

In case of fire, there is an evacuation map on each wall by the door. There is a metal crib or “fire crib” in the Infant Nursery, in which case, babies are to be placed in it and wheeled out of the building.


If it is necessary for you to be absent on a given Sunday, exchange with another worker or ask a friend in your Sunday School class to help. You serve on a regular basis and should not feel guilty about asking a friend to serve the Lord in this way. Also, try to have your own “buddy system” with a friend you can call on short notice in case of sudden illness, etc.

If you do not have a substitute, and are calling PRIOR to Sunday morning, please contact the Children’s Coordinator. If you are calling ON Sunday morning, please call the church at 786-6927 and speak to a person. If a message is left, no one may hear it until Monday morning.

Appendix A

Infant Nursery Procedures

Set Up:

· Arrive 15 minutes before the service starts and sign in using the Communication Notebook.

· Put away any clean toys and cups that are in the drying rack.

· Make sure necessary supplies are stocked. Extra supplies are stored in the closet.

During Shift:

· Register all children using the Security Card system, Care Cards, and pagers.

· Take attendance.

· As you care for the children, please record the information on the Care Cards for parents to take with them.

· Each child should have his/her own labeled bottle or cup sent with them. If there is no name on it, write it on a piece of tape and attach it to the bottle.

· Change crib sheets after each use.

· Do periodic diaper checks.

· Use snacks provided, unless child has allergies and must have snack from home.

· Use diapers and wipes provided by the parent in each child’s diaper bag. If there are none, use those in cabinet.

· Utilize curriculum the church provides. It is located in the cubby on the wall.

End of Shift:

· Straighten the room. Small toys should be kept in tubs when not in use to keep them clean and organized.

· All used toys should be cleaned with the hard surface sanitizing spray and left to air dry in the drying rack.

· All tables, saucers, swings, large toys, etc., should be sprayed with hard surface sanitizing spray, or wiped with disinfectant wipes if necessary.

· Any used sheets or blankets should be placed in the laundry hamper.

· Any items left behind by the parents need to be placed in Lost and Found in the Resource Room. This box will be emptied once a month.

· Note any needed supplies in the Communication Notebook.


Toddler Nursery Procedures

Set Up:

· Arrive 15 minutes before the service starts and sign in using the Communication Notebook.

· Put away any clean toys or cups that are in the drying rack.

· Make sure necessary supplies are stocked. Extra supplies are stored in the closet.

During Shift:

· Register all children using the Security Card system, Care Cards, and pagers.

· Take attendance.

· As you care for the children, please record the information on the Care Cards for parents to take with them.

· If child has his/her own cup sent with them, make sure it has name on it. If not, write it on a piece of tape and attach it to the cup.

· Do periodic diaper checks and potty breaks.

· Use snacks provided, unless child has allergies and must have snack from home.

· Use diapers and wipes provided by the parent in each child’s diaper bag. If there are none, use those in cabinet.

· Utilize curriculum the church provides to teach a lesson and do suggested activities. It is located in the cubby on the wall.

· If there are any behavior incidents, handle as according to policies, and discuss with parents at pick up.

End of Shift:

· Meet parents at door and give them the child’s lesson, craft, paper’s, etc., so they may be taken home.

· Straighten the room. Small toys should be kept in tubs when not in use to keep them clean and organized.

· All used toys should be cleaned with the hard surface sanitizing spray or disinfectant wipes and left to air dry.

· Stack chairs.

· Any items left behind by the parents need to be placed in Lost and Found in the Resource Room. This box will be emptied once a month.

· Note any needed supplies in the Communication Notebook.


PreK Class Procedure

Set Up:

· Arrive 15 minutes before the service starts and sign in using the Communication Notebook.

· Have an activity prepared to help the child transition in.

During Shift:

· Register all children using the Security Card system.

· Take attendance.

· Do periodic potty breaks as necessary.

· Utilize curriculum the church provides to teach a lesson and do suggested activities.

· Use snacks provided, unless child has allergies and must have snack from home.

· If there are any behavior incidents, handle as according to policies, and discuss with parents at pick up.

End Shift:

· Meet parents at door and give them the child’s lesson, craft, paper’s, etc., so they may be taken home.

· Straighten the room. Small toys should be kept in tubs when not in use, to keep them clean and organized.

· All used toys should be cleaned with the hard surface sanitizing spray or disinfectant wipes and left to air dry.

· Stack chairs.

· Any items left behind by the parents need to be placed in Lost and Found in the Resource Room. This box will be emptied once a month.

· Note any needed supplies in the Communication Notebook.


Diaper Changing Procedure