Jeopardy Questions

Category: Polymer Chemistry


Q: What is poly(vinyl alcohol)?

A: This kind of chemical can be used to undo crosslinks in polyvinylacetate.

Q: What is acid?

Answer: This chemical change modifies whether a polymer acts like a liquid or a solid

Question: What is cross-linking?

A: This chemical can crosslink both polyvinylalcohol and polyvinylacetate.

Q: What is sodium borate?


A: The type of polyethylene that forms small crystals. When melted, the polymer turns clear.

Q: What is high density polyethylene?

(HDPE not enough—must know meaning of acronym)

A: This polymer forms a rubbery material that can be used to make bouncy or squishy balls.

Q: What is polydimethylsiloxane?

A: During the field trip to the Polymer Processing Lab, a machine used this manufacturing technique to make plastic Bucky Badgers.

Q: What is injection molding?

A: A block of this polymer has the dimensions of 4 cm by 4 cm by 4 cm and has a mass of 76.8 grams. (Density notes: polystyrene –1.05 g/cm3,

polycarbonate – 1.20 g/cm3, nylon – 1.15 g/cm3)

Q: What is polycarbonate?

A: This polymer sinks in a liquid with density = 1.08 g/cm3 but floats in a liquid with density = 1.18 g/cm3. (Density notes: polystyrene –1.05 g/cm3,

polycarbonate – 1.20 g/cm3, nylon – 1.15 g/cm3)

Q: What is nylon?

Answer: This property can be measured by bouncing a polymer ball.

Question: What is the coefficient of restitution?

Answer: The temperature that a polymer has to be heated in order to become like a liquid.

Question: What is glass transition temperature Tg?


Answer: The way numbers are represented in Binary

Question: What is zeros and ones?

Answer: 01111

Question: What is 15 in binary?

Answer: Binary numbers are represented on this device with magnetic fields.

Question: What is a hard disk?

Answer: Binary numbers are represented on this object by the presence or absence of small pits.

Question: What is a DVD (or CD)?


Answer: The type of photoresist that, as a final step, breaks apart when it is exposed.

Question: What is a positive photoresist?

Answer: The step in lithography where the exposed photoresist is washed away.

Question: What is development?

Answer: A form of lithography that gives the exact opposite of the stamp.

Question: What is replica molding (or nanoimprinting)?

Answer: A device produced with lithography that does computations in a computer

Question: What is a computer chip?


Answer: The human hair is about 100 of these units wide.

Question: What is a micron (or micrometer)?

Answer: Objects on this device are less than 400 nm in size.

Question: What is a computer chip?

A: This stores information in tracks that are approximately 1.6 um apart, and is read by a laser.

Q: What is a CD?

A: This device has the ability to store information in multiple layers, on both sides of a single disc.

Q: What is a DVD?

A: This can be used to measure the dimensions of things that cannot be seen with the eye or a microscope.

Q: What is light? (or laser OR electron microscope)

A: This device has lines that are 34 um apart and easily seen under a microscope.

Q: What is a Ronchi ruling?

A: This colored laser had the shorter wavelength, 0.532 um.

Q: What is the green laser?


Answer: Provides a relationship between current, voltage, and resistance.

Question: What is Ohm’s law?

Answer: An LED works only half the time with this type of current.

Question: What is AC or alternating current?

Answer: This type of light bulb works equally well with AC or DC current.

Question: What is an incandescent bulb?


Answer: This particle moves through wires when an electrical signal is transmitted.

Question: What is an electron?

Answer: This is the color of LED that requires the most voltage to light up.

Question: What is blue?

Answer: This is the term for how much electricity is flowing through a circuit.

Question: What is current?


Answer: A form of lithography in which light is used to write a pattern.

Question: What is photolithography?

Activities for Friday:


Ask for questions about the course and how things fit together


Careers!/Ice cream?