James A. Ziegler - The Alpha Dawg
Opening Remarks and Conference Theme
James A. Ziegler, CSP, HSG Ziegler SuperSystems, Inc. Snellville (Atlanta), Georgia.
For 37 years, Jim Ziegler's been a recognized industry, writer, magazine columnist, professional speaker and super performer... a record setting manager with some of the top automobile dealerships in the country his credentials include…
· Was a record-setting manager with several of the top performing dealerships in the country
· Worked with more than15,000 dealerships nationwide
· Eagle Scout
· 100,000 Dealers, Managers and Executives attended his seminars
· He’s worked in more than 1000 showrooms in 200 cities in 49 states. (not Alaska yet)
· The featured keynote speaker 80 State Automobile Dealer Association Conventions
· rated in top ten workshop speakers at 17 National NADA Conventions
· featured speaker at 3 J.D. Power Roundtables
· keynote speaker 4 AICPA Conventions
· More than 100,000 friends and followers on Social Media
· Speaker at three Digital Dealer Conventions, including Keynote DD2
· Widely Read National Columnist, Automotive Retail - (www.AlphaDawgBlog.com)
· Respected industry futurist and forecaster
· Columnist for Wards Dealer Business Magazine
· Columnist for F&I/Showroom magazine
· writes for ADM Community and Dealer Elite online communities
· more than 100,000 friends and followers in Social Media
· Prolific Automotive Blogger with thousands of followers
· Jim's "Internet Battle Plan" events have been attended by hundreds of dealers, managers and automotive executives
· Jim is regularly called on by top industry executives for his input on dealer matters
· 2012 Jim was awarded the "Passion Award" for lifetime achievement in the industry
· 2012 Jim was awarded the ‘AutoCon’ lifetime achievement award
Paul Potratz - Potratz Advertising
The Dynamics of Retargeting Marketing
Jim Ziegler holds Paul Potratz in high regard and says Paul is the master of the medium. Retargeting is a highly effective way to cause visitors to return to your website after they visited initially. In this session Paul will detail exactly how to set up the process and how to use retargeting with the greatest return.
Your Dealership Needs a Dynamic Strategy for Recapturing Lost Customers
· Do you honestly believe consumers shopping online for a car actually remember what sites they've visited?
· Are you sure they've bookmarked your dealership and they're really going to return to your website once they've clicked off and went elsewhere?
· Have you ever visited a dealership website... or any business site for that matter, and then started seeing their ads everywhere you went online?
· What if once a customer visited your website they began to see repeated banner messages about your company everywhere they went online?
· Does your website have the ability to follow shoppers on the internet and continually reinforce your message with repeated impressions and, ultimately bring them back to your dealership?
If your dealership doesn't have a strategic Retargeting Strategy to continually stay in front of your potential customers after they leave your website, then you're wasting a lot of money on leads that evaporated and disappeared in the black hole of cyberspace never to return.
Paul Potratz is the master of the medium. When Jim Ziegler first became aware of Potratz and his powerful retargeting advertising methods The Dawg was so impressed he had to meet this guy and learn more. Once Jim clicked on Paul's website, it was amazing. It seemed as if everywhere Jim went online there was a Paul Potratz banner ad...even when Jim was watching YouTube videos Paul's banner popped up before the video played. The dealership advantages became obvious.
Finding Potratz wasn't difficult, Paul Potratz is an award-winning speaker on the subject of a complete integrated advertising strategy of traditional and technology enabled-internet advertising in complete harmony for the best accelerated results, including Retargeting. Ziegler and Potratz have become good friends. Paul's presentation on 'Retargeting' is something every dealership can load into your arsenal of internet marketing techniques. Don't miss Paul at Internet Battle Plan.
JD Rucker - KPA
7 ROI-based Social Media Campaigns Vendors DON’T want you to Know About
If movies came to life, JD Rucker would be Dr. Emmett Brown in the Back to the Future movies. The word ‘Genius is thrown about so lightly, it might be redundant to put JD Rucker and Yago Paramo in different both presenting at the same time. Two of the industry’s best minds… dueling geniuses. Can you hear the banjo music yet? Choices-choices-choices right?
JD is the Social Media ‘wunderkind’ of our industry… one the few that can translate online relationships into tangible measurable ROI. In high demand he’ll amaze you.
When we asked him to provide bullet points and an outline for his presentation, he laughed at us.
“Bullet Points? I don’t need no stinking bullet points.”
So it’s top secret. He doesn’t want to tell you the exact direction of his content until you see it. How can he possibly get away with this you ask? Well, the answer is simple… “He’s JD Rucker.” Enough said.
Yago de Artaza Páramo- Paramo Group
Everything but websites: The other things you need to build online
Yago Paramo brings to the stage over 20 years of experience in selling/marketing cars while he was in college. After earning his bachelor degree for e-commerce Marketing and Computer Science, Yago followed his passion and landed in the field automotive e-commerce.
He’s assembled a team of e-commerce, sales and marketing professionals developing innovative technologies bringing e-business marketing programs to automotive dealerships. Within a year, the company grew to serving more than 400 franchised and independent dealers in the WA area and well over 1000 across the U.S.
Yago will show the audience a multi-faceted marketing strategy that has yielded incredible results for the hundreds of dealerships he’s helped with these specific enhancements to your current methods and processes.
· Internal and external Blogs
· Microsites
· Content and Link-Building
· RSS Feeds
· Page Scripting
· Social review content as SEO in all digital assets
…another eccentric genius with high-performance credentials, you’ve never seen anyone quite like Yago, and; you’ll never forget him once you’ve met him. This one-hour session is guaranteed to be unique and highly productive. www.pgiauto.com
Peter “webdoc” Martin -
How to Double Your Internet Closing Ratios Within 90 Days
…is a dealer’s gold mine to success. This workshop will teach dealers how to reactivate dormant leads from their Internet Department CRM tool rather than having to purchase new leads.
Dealers will learn how to re-engage old prospects and generate new sales. Martin brings the latest and greatest email marketing practices including how to effectively utilize mobile technology. He will show you how to accurately report and track your marketing campaigns to better target potential prospects.
Most importantly, dealers will walk away from Martin’s workshop with an alternative to their regular marketing efforts. Internet leads have typically never been marketed to for service, but the advantages they offer are endless, not to mention cheaper and faster. http://www.CactusSky.com
Rachel Haro - Mouthful Social Media
Say it-Don’t Spray it - Organic Social Networking Strategy
Using Social Media to Generate Leads & Create Test Drive Opportunities
Bright, versatile and intelligent, native San Francisco Bay Area resident Rachel Haro is Co-Founder & Partner of Mouthful Social Media and one of Jim and Debbie’s closest friends. Her company handles all of Jim Ziegler’s Social media platforms, and her methods have transformed the Social Media marketing of dealerships and businesses nationwide.
An award-winning marketer and brand expert, Rachel has spent the last twelve years working with dealerships across the country on traditional, strategic, grass roots, and social media advertising. Her background in natural language search system development and contribution to the 2001 AskJeeves.com patent, gives Rachel an innate understanding of how to maximize digital efforts and increase online relevancy. Combining the conventional principles of marketing with down-to-earth networking practices, Rachel teaches dealers how to use their social media accounts to connect with the online shopper to generate leads and create test drive opportunities.
Rachel is the creator of Facebook Fan Friday, a growing movement that is a grass-roots effort to support local businesses on Facebook and facilitate online business-to-business networking. Similar to Twitter’s Follow Friday, Facebook Fan Friday is at the very root of the idea of social networking.
Using traditional sales practices, Rachel and show you how to set the table for lead generation and test drive opportunities by:
· Identifying your community’s online & offline influencers & learning how to interact with them
· Building an online “Chamber of Commerce” devoted to your dealership
· Developing an offline relationship with local organizations & businesses
· Generating leads & creating test drive opportunities from your social media accounts
· Once the stage is set, Rachel will share her tips & suggestions for best practices and strategies to building & maintaining an organic, dynamic and interactive online presence:
· Facebook - When to post, how to post, what to post and how to successfully page-to-page network to create lead opportunities
· Twitter - Sharing or creating content; using re-tweets or quote re-tweets to develop online & offline relationships
· YouTube - the necessity of proper tags and descriptions; interaction tips & networking suggestions
· Klout & Kred - learn the networking opportunities these services provide
Keith Shetterly - Car-Research CRM
Selling to the Invisible Customer
Brooming Customers on Your Showroom Floor and On Your Website is Losing You Sales!
Change CRM? The thing you need to “change” about your CRM is USING it! Don’t like your website? Maybe your customers do, but maybe you don’t know. And who in your old leads and/or equity lists are really in-market?
Both of these issues create unsellable invisible customers. Shetterly has the fix…
· Four years of aggregated client data (no identifying information) proving the #1 problem with all of your CRMs is usage by the sales staff
· Customers that don’t buy become invisible and fade into obscurity …therefore they become invisible and unsellable.
· Call Center data to show you that when folks are logged and followed-up with your sales always increase dramatically
· Methods and tools you can use with your current CRM to improve usage and with calls to improve Be Back and overall sales results!
· Methods and tools you can use to help make sales to your invisible website customers as well as improve your results from aged internet leads and equity.
Gary May- im@cs
Simplified Analytics for the Non-Analytical Mind
In this spectacular session Gary will break it down and take the ‘Anal’ out of ‘Analytics’.
Gary May says… "You can't control or improve what you can't measure."
· Using Analytics and Measurement to react and change quickly in today's evolving online space
· This session defines simplified analytics for the non-analytical mind
· 10 processes to get a handle on your results, what's working and what's not
· Most importantly what to change and adjust for maximum results in your dealership's internet marketing strategies
· One of the most popular and talked about sessions from previous events
This session is for people that hate analytics but know you have to do it. Interpret figures trends and ROI; if this is one of your weaknesses, learn it and love it. http://www.IMACSweb.com
Ken Potter - TrueCar
Behind the Scenes Look at TrueCar
· An overview of the extensive changes made to the program
· How program changes have been beneficial to dealers
· How program changes have been beneficial to consumers
· Open Q&A on any topics relating to TrueCar
How to institute change into your dealership to drive higher monetization and better customer satisfaction
· What’s missing in your process for the 85-90% of monthly traffic you drive that doesn't buy from you?
· Why customers’ needs are not being addressed.
· Behaviors that drive traffic and lead customers to start shopping. to create practices that move shoppers into buyers, service customers, or friends.
· Using the principles of the New York Times and Business Week bestseller "How Full Is Your Bucket"
Additionally, the Dealers attending the presentation will receive a copy of the book “How Full is Your Bucket”.
Jennifer Sultzaberger - Nusani Corporation
Engine Branding Optimization - (EBO)
Understanding the importance of branding online
Engine Branding Optimization (EBO), is the latest strategy being implemented by some of the top companies globally.
Understanding the differences in strategies of SEO, SEM, PPC, VSEO, IRM and EBO
The benefits of including Engine Branding Optimization (EBO) in your overall digital plans.
With a strong Engine Branding Optimization (EBO) strategy you can:
· Eliminate monthly Search Engine Optimization (SEO) charges
· Reduce overall Pay Per Click (PPC) budgets while increasing returns
· Gain market share within your market and your competitors
· Gain market share targeting non-brand competitors
· Increase returns on traditional offline marketing
· Reduce or eliminate overall costs from 3rd party lead and inventory websites
· Increase and control your online reputation
· Incorporate branding across all the social media channels including, Facebook
· Increase your brand’s online visibility utilizing Engine Branding Optimization
Best dealership practices of Engine Branding Optimization (EBO) http://www.Nusani.com
Cocktail Reception with food sponsored by TrueCar
Dave Page - Dealer eProcess
Exploding Website Conversion -
An Insider’s Road map on how to Benchmark and Convert 50% of your website Visitors into leads…
In this content-rich session, Dave will detail exact website strategies and statistics showing the audience exactly how consumers react to your website and what works, and; more importantly what doesn’t. Even though Dealer eProcess is in the business of building dealer websites, Dave will share information that you can use to greatly improve your own website conversion from visitor into active leads.
Dave Page is the Owner & Director of Dealer e-Process. No Doubt. Make no mistake about it. This presentation is about Dealer e-Process’ processes and techniques to greatly enhance conversion of website visitors into active working leads. Regardless of who your web provider is, you will get great value and insight from this presentation.
Unlike all of the other conferences, Ziegler does not totally discourage presenters from showcasing their products and services onstage AS LONG AS they give usable and tangible value that the audience can reproduce. Our speakers are mindful not to hammer their product or services with a sales pitch to the audience.