DATE: April 1, 2001



SED-Cincinnati Operations files available via Form OI 7550:

Date of Birth/Date of Death file - This file is updated quarterly in SED-Cincinnati. The file contains SSN, DOB and DOD, gender, and citizenship.

DUPTIN file – Database of all dependents claimed by taxpayers for tax years 1997, 1998, and 1999. The file contains Dependant TIN, Primary TIN, filing status, service center, and other indicators and source codes

Employee IDRS Numbers - File contains home IDRS number, foreign IDRS number, SSN, and the employee name.

Employee Information – Database of IRS employee restricted TIN listings showing restricted TIN, relationship, and spousal information.

Entity file - SED-Cincinnati currently has one entity record for each taxpayer for tax year 1999. The file contains primary and secondary SSN's, and name and address.

The entity data accessible through TIGTA’s Central Site is for 1997, 1998 and 1999, through cycle 9945.

Pseudo SSN's - Database of historical and current employees using pseudonym SSN’s. The data includes employee number, pseudo SSN, name, SSN, Series, Title, POD.

Return Transaction File “Invalid SSN's” – Database of invalid SSN’s, primary and secondary, for tax periods 1996, 1997, 1998.

TIMIS - Database of current and separated IRS employees. The data includes personal identifying information such as name, address, date of birth, SSN and IRS identification information such as EOD date, title, series, division, bargaining unit status, separation date, etc.

Data Files from Outside Sources Available through SED via Form OI 7550:

CBRS- CBRS was developed by the IRS and is housed at the Detroit Computing Center. CBRS contains data on Forms 4789, Forms 8362, Forms 8300, Forms TD 90-22.1, Forms 4790, criminal referral forms, and Forms 7501.

LEXIS/NEXIS – An on-line provider of support information. NEXIS offers a compilation of public records, legal, financial, and news information. The information available through LEXIS/NEXIS is comparable to Auto Track, and can be utilized for supplementing Auto Track for specific searches. Comprehensive searches are not available through LEXIS/NEXIS, searches have to be performed on specific databases. Credit header information is available through LEXIS/NEXIS for the three major credit services, Equifax, Trans Union, Experian. This is summary type information, which includes current and two previous addresses.

Pacer On-line - This system gives access to Treasury checks that have been negotiated. SED-Cincinnati can obtain information about the checks such as payee name, payment date, payment amount, address or banking information about returned or cancelled payments, and request online digital images through Treasury Financial Management Services, the quality of which is as if the original check was photocopied, of negotiated checks for all payments that were issued by IRS. The Pacer database contains checks dated 10/01/97 and later.

TIGTA Central Site Files – SED-Cincinnati also utilizes TIGTA’s Central Site Files in providing data analysis. These files are also directly available to TIGTA personnel through requests to the Central Site. A direct request to Central Site should be used in requests where there is no UNAX issue, or where no analysis is required by SED-Cincinnati.

IRS Data Files – SED-Cincinnati has searched for IRS data systems, identified, and secured access to data sources. Most information, if urgent, is obtainable through SED-Cincinnati within five workdays. SED-Cincinnati will need SAC-Field Division justification for urgent requests.

Operations Manual 15 Chapter 400