Introduction to Sewing

¨  General Supply List for Textiles and Clothing

¨  Supply List for Projects #1 and #2

¨  Supplies for Sewing Machine Project #3

General Supplies

_____ Fabric Shears

_____ 6” Hem Gauge or 12” ruler

_____ Seam Ripper

_____ Marking Tool

¨  Tracing Paper & Tracing Wheel


¨  Marking Pencil

_____ Sharp or Between Sewing Needles (size 5 to 7). Packs of assorted

needles can be purchased which contain Sharps, Betweens, &


_____ Dressmaker pins- regular, silks, or ballpoint

_____Pin Cushion or box to store pins

Hand Sewing Project #1

__X__ Embroidery Needle (1 will be provided)

__X__ 7” Embroider Hoop (will be provided)

_____ 5 colors embroidery Floss, in contrasting shades that compliment

each other (For example: red, violet, blue, green, yellow, orange)

_____ 2 Flat Buttons

_____ 1 Shank Button

Fleece Throw, Project #2

4 yards (your choice) of fleece (fuzzy, blanket type, not sweat shirt type!). 4 yards will yield a 6’ finished throw.

** If you would like your blanket to have 2 different sides you can choose 2 fabrics. Just divide the amount of fabric needed in half for each of the 2 fabrics. (Ex: For a 6’ blanket purchase 2 yards of a striped fleece for one side and 2 yards of a polka dot fleece for the other side.

Pillowcase #3

The pillowcase will be made using a sewing machine. Each student will need to purchase fabric and thread from a local fabric store such as JoAnn Fabrics or Hancock Fabrics. Please select a woven cotton or cotton flannel fabric.

Option 1: If you would like your pillowcase to have the same fabric throughout (body and trim) purchase:


¨  _____ 1 1/2 yards fabric

¨  _X___ Matching Thread

(Cotton or polyester – not a shiny silky thread)

Option 2: If you would like the trim piece to contrast the body of your pillowcase purchase:


¨  _____ 1 yard fabric for pillowcase body

¨  _____1/2 yard fabric for pillowcase trim

¨  __X__Matching thread (cotton or polyester – not a shiny silky thread). Pick one that best works with both fabrics – sometimes white, cream, or gray is the best choice.

****Supplies are needed at school by Monday November 10th.

****Having everything on your list by the assigned date will earn you an additional 10 points toward your participation grade. (You cannot full participate without supplies).