Interpreting the Likert Survey Information

A total of sixteen people expressed their views in my Likert Survey. Everyone in the class did not complete my survey posted on the discussion board, though everyone I individually called or asked in person completed my surveyJ. Of the participants, 11 (69%) were students taking part in Project Linus, three (19%) were parents of students taking part in Project Linus, and two (13%) were students who had formerly taken part in Project Linus. The results of my Likert Survey were interesting to analyze.

Analyzing Statement One

Positive results were concluded from statement one in my Likert Survey. 63% of the people surveyed responded that they strongly agreed Project Linus was an enjoyable “hands-on” experience. In addition, 25% of participants agreed to the statement. This means that 88% of the participants strongly agreed, or agreed to the statement. (Great results! J ) The remaining 13% (percentages round up, sometimes resulting in a total over 100) had no opinion on the statement.


· Keep in mind that parents have not experienced the project to the extent that students have, making it difficult for them to respond to the statement.

Analyzing Statement Two

There was a vast difference in opinions concerning whether a community service project should be required in the eighth grade curriculum. However, the majority of respondents were eager about the idea. Reviewing the results, 38% agreed, 31% strongly agreed, 25% had no opinion, and 6% disagreed with the suggestion.


· Depending on what service project is required, this may have caused the respondents’ opinion to sway.

Analyzing Statement Three

Like statement two, the opinions varied in statement three. Statement three suggested that Project Linus teaches altruism, and encourages one to participate in more community service. 44% strongly agreed with the statement, and 38% agreed with the statement. Again, these results display that the bulk of participants were inspired to do more community service in their lives. 13 % of people had no opinion on the topic, and only one person at 6% disagreed with the inspiration.


· 82% of people associated with the Linus Project were inspired to volunteer in more community service. If more people were exposed to community service like the Project Linus, the world could make an effective difference for those in need!

Analyzing Statement Four

Everyone that completed statement four liked the choice of community service Ms. McFadden picked for our class to participate in. 63% strongly agreed with the choice of Project Linus, while 44% agreed with the choice of Project Linus. (Again, percentage totals do not always add up to a perfect 100% in the software used). Great choice Ms. McFadden!


· Project Linus should be known to everyone. Based on the likings of Project Linus in my survey results, more people may like it also! Project Linus is a great choice of community service to be involved with.

Analyzing Statement Five

Question five in the Likert Survey expressed that “The Linus Project was beneficial to me.” Concerning the statement, 31% of respondents strongly agreed, 50% of respondents agreed, and 19% of respondents had no opinion. Over half of the people surveyed conveyed that Project Linus was indeed, beneficial.


· Because over half of the participants in my Likert Survey at least agreed that Project Linus was beneficial, this act of community service should without doubt, be carried on. Project Linus is a community service project that should be continued at our school, as well as across the country!