AmCham Bahrain Internship Application

Please complete the below application and submit the required documents to info@amchambahrain. To be considered for an AmCham summer internship, your application must be received by Thursday, 23June 2016. All fields marked by an (*) are mandatory; please read the application in its entirety before submitting it.

Candidate Background
First Name*: Family/Last Name*:
Other Names (Maiden Name, if applicable):
Sex*: ▢Female ▢Male
Date of Birth*: Country of Birth*:
Present Nationality*: Second Nationality (if applicable):
Mobile Phone Number*: Home Phone Number:
Home Address*:
List your higher education (i.e. University/college or equivalent)*:
Name of Educational Institution, City, Country / Years attended / Degrees obtained or expected (indicate expected date of graduation) / Main course of study
From / To
Please list below earned or expected certifications and licenses (if applicable):
Name of Certification/License / Date Attained / Awarding Body
Expertise, Knowledge and Skills
Please check the appropriate box for your knowledge of the following languages. Add other language if applicable*:
Languages / Elementary Proficiency / Limited Working Proficiency / Professional Working Proficiency / Full Professional Proficiency / Native or Bilingual Proficiency
Please check the appropriate box for your knowledge of the following languages.1 refers to beginner and 5 refers to proficient/fluent*:
Skills / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Communications (Research, Editing, Writing)
Marketing (Social Media, Public Relations, Publications Design and Layout)
Technology (Database Management, Coding such as HTML, CSS, Photography, Video Recording and/or Editing, Website Design and Development)
Please describe any other skills you have.
Work History
Describe any previous practical experience you may have had including paid employment, internship and volunteer experiences:
Organization/ Company Name / Job Title / Date / Brief Description of your responsibilities (100 words)
Start / End
Host Member Company Matchmaking
The Internship is structured in a flexible 3:2 model, where interns work with AmCham Bahrain three (3) days in the week and with a host member company two (2) days in the week. Our host member companies come from variety of backgrounds, sectors and industries. Please rate (In order of priority 1-5) for the industry that you like to work in.
Internship Field of Work:*
▢Architecture ▢Communications ▢Consulting ▢Construction ▢Education ▢Financial ▢Human Resources ▢Healthcare ▢Marketing ▢Oil/Gas ▢Telecommunications ▢Technology ▢Other______
Please list other fields of works not listed above.
Do you have access to a laptop/computer and internet connection?* ▢Yes ▢No
Do you have means of transportation?* ▢Yes ▢No
Where did you hear about the AmCham Bahrain Internship Program?*
▢Email ▢Social Media (Platform:______) ▢Word of Mouth ▢Work Colleague
▢Referral (Name of Person:______) ▢Direct ▢Other______
Short Essays
Select the position(s) for which you would like to apply. Descriptions of each open position are available at. Please review position descriptions to ensure you meet the desired experience and qualifications for the positions you select.
You may apply for up to two different positions, but only one is required. You will be evaluated for each position you select independently of your other position selections. The order in which you list the positions below does not mean an order of preference.
Below, please select up to two internship positions, and write a brief essay describing your suitability for each. Please take care to select the correct position based on the position codes noted on the website. Each essay below should be tailored specifically to the position you are applying for; do NOT copy and paste an identical essay for each position.
Internship Position 1*:
Internship Position 2 (if applicable):
If you are applying for a second internship position, please submit a second essay for Essay #2. Do NOT copy and paste an identical essay for each position.
Internship Start Date*: Start Date Flexible?
__Day____, ____Month_____, ___Year____ ▢Yes ▢No
Internship End Date*: End Date Flexible?
__Day____, ____Month_____, ___Year____ ▢Yes ▢No
1- Why do you want to be an AmCham Bahrain Intern?*(Maximum 200 words)
2- Why are you applying for this particular position, and what skills or experiences do you have that qualify you for this position? What do you hope to accomplish in this position during your internship?*(200 words)
3- Tell us about a time when you were part of a team that faced an obstacle and you delivered a creative solution. What was creative about this solution? Please focus on your role and its impact on the group.*(300 words)
4- Describe a time when you identified a problem and took action to make a change. What did you do and what did you learn?* (250 words)
Additional Documents
Please email the following documents to no later than Sunday, 1 May 2016:
●AmCham Bahrain Internship Application
●Resume and/or CV
●Academic Transcript: If you have completed your undergraduate/graduate university degree, please upload a copy of your academic transcript. If you are in the process of completing your undergraduate/graduate university degree, please upload a document which indicates that you will complete your studies.
●CPR and/or Identity Document: Please upload a copy of an identity document (National ID card, passport, driver’s license, etc.). Please make sure your document is not expired.
I verify that I have read and understood this form and also certify that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of applicant*: Date*:
Electronic signature with candidate’s full name is acceptable.

Thank you for your interest in becoming an AmCham Bahrain Intern!

Upon submitting this form, you will receive a confirmation email and one of our team members will contact you regarding the status of your application.

Summer Internship Application Deadline:

Thursday, 23June 2016

American Chamber of Commerce in Bahrain Tel: (00973) 17 574743

Ground Floor, Ministry of Industry & Commerce Fax: (00973) 17 574742

Diplomatic Area – PO Box 11294 Email:

Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Website: