IPE Rules Revised following 2007 International Meeting Page 1



Section 1 administration

1. AIM:

To create an opportunity for a cultural and sporting exchange amongst Pony Club members with similar interests in riding and horse mastership, from the countries bordering the Pacific Ocean.

The Inter-Pacific Exchange to include friendly competitions and good sportsmanship and not be seen as a Junior Olympics.

2. PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES: (in order of rotational hosting)

New Zealand 1989

Australia 1991

Canada 1993

Japan 1995

Hong Kong 1997

USA 1999

New Zealand 2001

Australia 2003

Canada 2005

USA 2007

Hong Kong 2009

NZ 2011

Japan 2013

Australia 2015

Canada 2017

If at any time in the future any additional nation applies to be included in the Inter-Pacific Exchange, all nations presently involved must be notified and be in agreement to an additional inclusion, prior to any invitation being issued to a new Nation. To be included in the Exchange, any new Nation can only be accepted if they are prepared to take their rotational turn in hosting the Exchange.


Exchanges to take place on a biennial basis; if possible (but not essential), to be in the months of July/August.

The acceptance of an invitation to take part in an Inter-Pacific Rally by a Pony Club nation automatically creates an obligation for that nation to host an Inter Pacific Exchange in rotation.

Host Nations to supply sufficient suitable horses for all invited riders, accommodation, travelling and hospitality to invited team members whilst they are in their country. These privileges are reciprocated as each nation takes their turn of hosting. Invited pony club riders should not be charged for the use of their competition horses. The supply of horses is the responsibility of the host country.

Hosting should be organized by the host nation in such a manner that additional financial requests are not made to visiting riders. Exception: hosting countries to advise any sundry personal expenses that team members are likely to incur during the Exchange (e.g. laundry, any additional optional admission fees etc.) well in advance of the tour, in order that appropriate arrangements can be made.


A “Land Fee: for each team member including the Chaperone & Coach, of US $500 to be paid to the Host Nation two months prior to the Exchange, in the host nations’ currency. This amount to be reviewed as required. No additional charges will be made to riders.

5. LENGTH OF TOURS: 10 days min. – 20 days max. duration. Final length to be set by the host country.


Each Nations Team to comprise 5 riders only. One Coach and one Chaperone also to accompany each team.


Must be 17 years old at the start of the Inter-Pacific Rally but must not have reached their 21st birthday before the first day of January in the year of the Exchange and to be eligible for the Exchange the rider must have passed their B Pony Club Efficiency Test or equivalent.

Team members to be responsible young adults who are considered good ambassadors for their country and who are willing to comply with the Rules and Guidelines as set down for the Exchange.

It is suggested that the appointed Team Coach & Chaperone should always have some input into the selection process of their nation’s team. This is based on riding ability and social compatibility.


Acceptable reasons:

1. An injured rider

2. A rider who becomes ill

3. A rider requesting compassionate leave.

Once a substitution has been made, the original rider cannot be re-instated.


Sequence of advices:

To facilitate satisfactory contact, all invitations and Inter-Pacific communications must be addressed to the National Office of each participating country (not to individual persons).

To assist national selections and the possible necessity of arranging holidays or time away, invitations to be forwarded from the host country to all participating countries at least 12 months prior to the Exchange. The invitation to include the proposed dates of the Exchange.

Six months prior to the tour the host country to forward further information relating to the Exchange, including proposed itinerary and the number of homes in which a team member would expect to be billeted. Expected weather conditions (temperatures) to be advised.

At least two months prior to the commencing of the Exchange invited nations are to forward to the host nation, the names, sex, profile, photographs, airline, & flight arrival times and departure times and any other information required

One month prior to the commencement of the Exchange, a full itinerary and a list of Emergency telephone numbers which can be contacted in an emergency, are to be forwarded to the visiting nations’ offices.

Any special requirements or guidelines needed by the Hosting Nation for the Exchange should be made known to participating Nations well prior to the Exchange.

All Teams to provide their own formal & informal uniforms and name badges for wearing during the Exchange. Name Badges to be worn at all times as a courtesy to hosting members who the teams will meet on tour.


Billeting is to be encouraged whenever possible, to promote social interchange and to allow the visitors to learn more of the customs and culture of the country they are visiting. The participating nations have agreed that where possible, billeting is preferred to rental accommodation. It may be necessary to arrange rental accommodation during the competition days.

The Host Nation MUST notify the billeting families of any restrictions e.g. Alcohol, driving vehicles etc. applicable to the exchange.

Host Nations should carefully screen all billeting families prior to arranging hosting. Billeting families should be given a copy of the full Tour Itinerary so they will not duplicate outings for their visitors.

Suggested that team members from each country be billeted together as far as possible at the commencement of the tour, then mixed with other countries as the tour progresses.

Information should be supplied if any team members cannot speak English.

Team members must stay with their allocated hosts (or allocated residences) for the total of the their hosting, except in a real emergency. At all times Teams must be under the control of their Chaperone & Coach and act within the bounds of the rules set down for Inter-Pacific Exchanges.

Where convenient, Chaperones and Coaches to be billeted with team members for the purpose of supervision - not billeted separately.


Hosting countries should appoint a Liaison person in addition to Team Coach & Chaperone for the purpose of liaising with the visiting nations during their tour & competitions. This should be a person who is not a member of the Host Nation's Team, and to whom everyone could turn, if they have problems.


Only one official International Meeting for the purpose of discussing the current and forthcoming Exchanges to be arranged during each Exchange.

Important matters such as Rule Changes must be first notified to all participating Nations in advance and added to the agenda for the forthcoming International Inter-Pacific meeting, by the Host Nation. The meeting must approve any changes before they can be sent to the governing bodies of the participating countries, for approval.

Any participating nation wishing to propose an alteration to competition rules must firstly notify the Host Nation and all participating nations well in advance of the Exchange. This proposal to be added to the agenda for the next Inter-Pacific meeting and agreed to by all nations at this meeting, prior to the alteration of any competition rules.

The Host Nation appoints a Chairman for the international meeting (preferably the Host Nation’s National Chairman) and an official Secretary to take the minutes (preferably the National Director). Minutes to be forwarded to the National Secretariat of all participating nations within 6 weeks of the holding of such meeting.

The Host Nation to act as Secretariat of the Exchange and will hand over to the next Host Nation on 1st September, following their hosting of the Exchange.

Changes to the IPE Rules as recommended by the IPE Official Meeting will be forwarded to the National Governing Bodies, by the hosting country, immediately following the meeting. The countries have 6 months from that meeting to accept or reject the recommendations. A simple majority of participating countries will be required.

The official Inter-Pacific Rules & Guidelines to be updated by the Hosting Nation’s Secretariat following each Exchange and International meeting (if any changes have been made). Amended copies of the Rules to be forwarded to all participating nations.


For the continuity of Inter-Pacific Exchanges, the Australian National Office was appointed (1987) as the liaison agency for all future Inter-Pacific Exchanges.

This decision was taken in view of Australia helping to initiate the original Exchange and being the only country that has attended every Exchange since the inception of the competitions.

Countries undertaking hosting may request any assistance or information required from the Australian National office.

Each participating nations’ National Office is to be encouraged to archive their Exchange records and meeting minutes from each Inter-Pacific Exchange, for their own reference.


Every reasonable precaution should be taken to ensure the prevention of accidents and the personal safety and well being of all Team Members.

All participating teams are to be adequately covered by their home Pony Club Association for Public Liability, Personal Accident and Travel Insurance applicable within the hosting country, before they leave their home country. Coaches & Chaperones should also hold Professional Indemnity cover.


Irrespective of whether riders have attained the legal age for consumption of alcohol (according to the Host Nation’s law), the Host Nation should only make alcohol available to riders at any official dinner/s, functions, or equivalent. The Host Nation is asked not to supply alcohol to riders at any other time. Riders to be briefed by their national Pony Club Association prior to any Exchange, advising that the indiscriminate consumption of alcohol at any time is not acceptable whilst the Teams are on tour, and should be discouraged. Coaches and Chaperones are requested to be responsible for their own teams. This regulation has been set in place to avoid untoward behaviour which has had a negative effect on some previous Exchanges.

For health reasons, sporting teams should abstain from tobacco smoking.

Illegal drugs are not permitted under any circumstances. Any person found to be in possession will be excluded from the exchange.


Team member to be limited to one soft bag and one backpack/haversack type bag. This excludes bags with saddle blankets or any horse gear.


Any persons (parents etc.) travelling to support their Team, must understand that they are not part of the official Tour and may not take part in any of the tour arrangements including accommodation and organized outings etc. Supporters may not be included with Team transport to any venues.

Supporters should make their own arrangements whilst holidaying in the hosting nation.

They will be encouraged to attend the official competitions.



Sufficient horses and suitable gear for all invited riders is to be provided by the Host Nation at no cost to the riders. The supply of horses and gear for the riders is the responsibility of the Hosting Nation.

Visiting Teams may bring their own identifying saddle pads.

Horses of a comparable standard are divided into groups by the Host Nation. There is a ballot and Coaches draw one horse from each group. The host nation will require some spare substitute horses in case of lameness etc.

A brief written information sheet advising the experience and any special information of each horse, to be made available to each Team Coach immediately following the "draw".

A horse may not be ridden by its owner or by any person who has regularly ridden the horse.


Unsuitable mounts may be substituted (if extra horses are available) at any time up to 12 hours prior to the competition.

Riders and mounts must be declared on the evening of the day before the competition (12 hours prior to the competition).

If for any unexpected reason the Hosting Nation is unable to provide sufficient horses for any event, the host nation’s team will be the team with insufficient horses.


Scheduled and timed practice sessions to be programmed for teams prior to each competition.


Each Coach is responsible for the Safety Gear check for his own team riders or in the case of the Scrambled Teams Event, their allocated team.

Spare gear & stirrups should be made available by the Host Nation, if required.

Riders must wear their home Nation’s approved standard riding helmets / caps with the chin strap securely fastened, whenever they are mounted.


(a) Scrambled Teams One Day Event competition for the "Kangaroo Cup" to be the first competition conducted. (Being scrambled team competition, there is no actual Cup for the winning team).

If any Hosting Nation is unable to host the three phases of the Scrambled Teams Event Competition or a Combined Training Event (Dressage & Showjumping), an alternate event may be substituted, to include Dressage whenever possible.

(b) The main competition is a Nations Cup Showjumping Event. The winner holds a perpetual trophy for two years when it is returned to the Host Nation for further competition.

(c) A third competition of the host nation’s own choice may be included during the tour, if the Host Nation wishes to do so. This is purely optional.

(d) A “Horse Management” section (even if practiced by the host country) should not be part of any Inter-Pacific competition. (reaffirmation of a Motion passed in 2001)

(e). All competitions including the selected Dressage Test to be advised in writing to invited nations at least 6 months in advance of the proposed Inter-Pacific Exchange.

(f) For reasons of safety and control, Coaches & Chaperones must have access to the barns (stables) and to their team members at all times leading up to and during any competition. (reaffirmation of a Motion passed in 2001)

(g) All events, where applicable, to be conduced under current F.E.I. Rules with amendments as set out in the Inter-Pacific Rules (including gear, number of competitors in a team, equality placing etc.) These to take precedence over the FEI Rules.

16. SCRAMBLED TEAMS ONE DAY EVENT This competition to be the first competition conducted.