The University of Detroit Mercy requires all students to have primary health insurance coverage. It is best if the student remain on their parent or legal guardian’s health insurance. If the student does not have a health insurance plan and does not show proof of being insured, the student will be required to enroll in the student health insurance plan offered by the student health center. The following is the requirements for each particular student group:
Domestic Students
· Must have primary coverage by parent/legal guardian/independent insurance or they will be enrolled in the Student Health Insurance
International (Non-Canadian)
· Will be automatically enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan
International (Canadian)
· Are not required to enroll in the Student Health Insurance Plan due to the close proximity of the Canadian Border and ability to receive care under the Canadian Health Care system
· Strongly recommend purchasing an accident/illness policy (i.e. Green Shield) or purchase the Student Health Insurance Plan.
How the insurance works when this is athletic related injury
When a student-athlete is injured and requires medical attention, the student-athlete’s primary insurance will be utilized. Any bills that are not covered by the primary insurance will be submitted to the University of Detroit Mercy’s secondary insurance. (Student-Athlete manual describes the usage and the student-athlete’s responsibility of utilizing the secondary insurance policy: sending bills, second opinions, etc.)
Responsibility of Student-Athlete/Parents
Insurance information should be sent with the student-athlete when they return their medical information packet or when they report for the assigned physical. Failure to produce an insurance card, that is valid and up to date, will result in automatic enrollment in the Student Health Insurance Plan. Maintaining a primary insurance is required by the University and is the responsibility of the Student to maintain insurance on their parent or legal guardian or purchase the Student Health Insurance policy. If you do not have primary insurance and/or would like to enroll in the student health insurance, please inform the Sports Medicine Staff upon returning your physical packet or by informing us at your assigned physical.
Please process all billing claims pertaining to this patient through the primary and secondary insurance companies listed below. Administrative Concepts, Inc. will be responsible for any deductive and or co-pay that may be required by the primary insurance. Administrative Concepts, Inc. will serve as the primary insurer when the student-athlete’s primary insurance is not cover by your facility. Administrative Concepts, Inc is also the provider for students that the University of Detroit Mercy through the Student Health Center who choose to enroll in this plan and have proper referral through the University Health Services (i.e. written or verbal emergencies). Any emergencies that are needed, referral may be obtained after services are rendered. Administrative Concepts, Inc. will serve as secondary coverage for athletic injuries sustained during the University of Detroit Mercy supervised or sponsored athletic activities. Any other circumstances under which injuries occur are regarded as non-athletic in nature or pre-existing and will not be covered under the Secondary policy offered by the University of Detroit Mercy and Administrative Concepts, Inc.. Please note that the NCAA has established guidelines for athletic medical expenses, identifying what the institution is permitted to cover and what the institution is not allowed to cover financially. Accordingly, the University of Detroit Mercy Sports Medicine staff will arrange all medical appointments. The Athletic Department will not be responsible for payment of unauthorized appointments or second opinions. Should an athlete present for medical treatment, please ensure that the athletic department authorizes the visit; or, if not authorized, instruct the athlete that he or she is responsible for payment.
If you should have any questions regarding the University of Detroit Mercy Medical Insurance Policy, please do not hesitate to contact Michael Miller or Ashley VanMeter at (313) 993-1740. On behalf of the entire University of Detroit Mercy Athletic Department, we want to thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
Administrative Concepts, Inc.
Old Eagle School Road, Suite 1005
Wayne, PA 19087-1802
Phone: 888-293-9229, Fax: 610-293-9299
PPO Network: Preferred Provider Organization of Cofinity, Website: