Dear Friend,

Chabad of the Upper East Side is about to publish its popular, high quality, full color, Jewish calendar for the coming new year. This full sized calendar will include secular as well as Jewish dates, along with popular thematic artwork and detailed information about upcoming holidays, Shabbat & Holiday candle lighting times and many of Chabad’s programs forthe entire year.

We ask you to please join us in our effort,to raise the much needed funds to support and expand our wide array of educational and communityprograms thattouch thousands of Jews on the Upper East Side. We appeal to you to become an equal partner in our work of combating darkness with light, hatred with love, and ignorance with education.

We invite you to join us by placing an ad in our 2015/2016 calendar. The calendar will be distributed to over 5,000 households and businesses on the Upper East Side. You have the unique opportunityto personalize this calendar with your ad or special date. Above each month’s page will bean eye catching space to advertise your business or to send a greeting to the community.

Unlike newspaper ads that have a very short shelf life, potentialcustomers do hold on to the calendarfor the entire year, providing maximum return for your dollar. It is displayed in homesand offices throughout the community, thus ensuring optimum visibility for your message,products or services. In addition to your ad in print, you will also have the option to have a live link to your website posted on our well visited website year-round.

The calendar will also feature space for holiday greetings, your families special occasions,i.e. Bar/Bat Mitzvah, weddings, student graduations, yahrtzeits, birthdays and anniversariesprinted in the calendar on the date of the occasion.

Your donation has a fixed cost but the exposure, the name recognition, and the good will that your generous and tax deductible donation will generate, is priceless.

To reserve an ad or place a greeting, please fill out the attached form and send it in by July 1, 2015.

In the name of the thousands of friends and ardent supporters of Chabad throughout the Upper East Side Jewish community, I want to thank you for your participation in this wonderful project!

Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski


Make Your Advertising Dollars Count!
Be a part of a highly visible and affordable marketing opportunity...


Calendar Advertising Request

Jewish Calendar 5776/2015-16

Chabad Upper East Side • 419 East 77th St. • New York, N.Y. 10075 • (212) 717-4613 x 2 • Fax: 212.879.7612


Address:______City, State:______


[] Graphics supplied -attach ad copy (Please do not use staples. Paperclip or tape on back so that ad does not rip when lifted.)

[] I will email the artwork to: JPEG - PDF and TIFF files accepted.

[] Please design our ad (no extra cost)enclose text or email text to .

Ad Price

[ ] Birthday, anniversary or Yahrzeit$36(listed on actual calendar day)

[ ] Calendar Box $125

[ ] Holiday greeting $150

[ ] Business Card (on one calendar page)$350

[ ] Banner (on one calendar page)$500

[ ] Business Card (center fold)$250

[ ] Half page (inside cover or center fold) Call for quote

[ ] Full page (inside cover or center fold) Call for quote

Text of ad or attach ad.

[] Check Enclosed

[] Charge []Mastercard [] Visa [] Amex [ ] Discover

Card #______Expiration date: ______

Name on card ______Signature: ______

Calendar Facts:

  • Months: Sept. 2015- Sept. 2016
  • Features:Information about special days, including Shabbat & holiday candle lighting schedule andnational holiday dates.


Chabad of the Upper East Side

Jewish Calendar 2015/16

Birthday, Anniversary, Yahrtzeit & Special Occasion Request Form

Please fill out this form carefully. We will use the exact information that you print here.

If you include the year of the event, we will find out the corresponding Jewish date. Please indicate if

you want the Jewish or secular date listed.This information will appear on all 4,000 calendars distributed.

For children’s birthday listings you may wish to only use their first name.

Please specify exactly how you want the name(s) listed.

  1. Name______D.O.B.______
  1. Name______D.O.B.______
  1. Name______D.O.B.______
  1. Name______D.O.B.______
  1. Name______Date______
  1. Name______Date______
  1. Name______Date______
  1. Name______Date______
  1. Name______Date______
  1. Name______Date______
  1. Name______Date______
  1. Name______Date______


  1. Name/Event______Date______
  1. Name/Event______Date______
  1. Name/Event______Date______