General Instructions

1.  A separate form must be completed for each fiscal year.

2.  SHIP forms AR/02-1(approving) and the AR/02-1 Regulatory Certification must be used.

3.  Please do not bind the report or reduce the size of the report.

4.  All forms must be submitted to the Corporation electronically (excel).

Submission Requirement Instructions

  1. The report is cumulative and each fiscal year must be reported.
  2. In accordance with Section 420.9075(9) each county or eligible municipality shall submit to the corporation by September 15 of each year a report of its affordable housing programs and accomplishments through June 30, immediately preceding submittal of the report.
  3. Annual reports for the Closeout Fiscal Year (2005/2006), Interim Fiscal Year 2 (2006-2007), and Interim Fiscal Year 3 (2007-2008) must be included in your submission to the Corporation.

8.  The certifications must be forwarded to the Corporation and shall bear the original signature of the authorized official or the authorized official’s designee. If submitted electronically, the certifications must be sent to the corporation within three (3) working days of the report being electronically sent.

All SHIP Funds for the Closeout Fiscal Year (2005-2006) must be EXPENDED by June 30, 2008.

All SHIP Funds for the Interim Fiscal Year 2 (2006-2007) must be expended or encumbered by June 30, 2008.

All SHIP Funds for the Interim Fiscal Year 3 (2007-2008) must show all activity, if any, as of June 30, 2008.

Column/Description Instructions

FORM 1 – SHIP Distribution Summary

Submittal Date Enter date submitted

Fiscal Year Enter date in this format (2005/2006)

Local Entity Enter the name of the local entity

Form 1 Table A

Code Enter the appropriate code to match the strategy name (codes are mandatory for FY 06/07 forward). Note: (please utilize the tab labeled “Codes”).

Strategy Description: Enter the name of each strategy identified in the LHAP. (Please enter the strategies in the same order on each form). If one unit is served out of two separate strategies, count the amount of awarded funds in each strategy and count the unit in the strategy awarded the most funds.

Column A: For Closeout Fiscal Year 1, Interim Fiscal Year 2 and Interim Fiscal Year 3, enter the Total amount of SHIP Funds expended by June 30 for each strategy, and the total number of housing units assisted.

Column B: For Interim Fiscal Year 2 and/or Interim Fiscal Year 3, enter the Total amount of SHIP funds encumbered/committed by June 30 for each strategy as well as the number of units encumbered/committed. (NOTE: All of Interim Fiscal Year 2 funds should be fully encumbered by June 30.)

Column C: For Interim Fiscal Year 3, enter the Total amount of SHIP funds unencumbered by June 30 for each strategy and project the unit count that will eventually expend these funds based on the Housing Delivery Goals Chart.

Subtotal: Enter the Subtotal for column A, B, and C. (Note: The subtotal amount in Column A must equal the amount for “SHIP Funds Expended” on Form 2, Table B and “Total Funds Expended” on Form 2, Table F, Column G.)

Home Ownership Enter the amount of Ship Funds for Home Ownership Counseling which

Counseling: were Expended (Column A), Encumbered (Column B), and/or

Unencumbered (Column C) by June 30.

Admin. from Enter the amount of program income funds designated for administration

Program Income: which were Expended (Column A), Encumbered (Column B), and/or Unencumbered (Column C) by June 30.

Administration: Enter the amount of SHIP funds designated for Administration which were Expended (Column A), Encumbered (Column B), and/or Unencumbered (Column C) by June 30.

Admin from Enter the amount of Disaster funds designated for administration which

Disaster Funds: were Expended (Column A), Encumbered (Column B), and/or Unencumbered (Column C) by June 30.

Total: The total of columns A, B, and C should equal TABLE C ** Total $$ from TABLE A, columns A, B, & C.

Form 1 Table B – Total Revenue for Local SHIP Trust Fund

Column A Column B

State Annual Distribution: Enter the total amount of Local Housing Distribution provided by the State

to the local government.

Program Income: Enter the total amount of any program income, Section 420.9079 (1), F.S.,

and Chapter 67-37.008(1) (2), FAC. Program Income is subdivided out by

1. *Interest Earned 2. **Payments

*Interest Earned is the interest earned on the investment of the local housing distribution, other funds deposited into the local housing assistance trust fund, proceeds from loan repayments, and recycled funds.

**Payments are the loan repayments, recycled funds, any other funds deposited into the local housing assistance trust fund, and proceeds derived from and all other income derived from use of funds deposited in the local housing assistance trust fund. (NOTE: Program Income does not include recaptured funds as defined in Section 420.9072(25), Florida Statutes, as defined in item 3 below.)

Recaptured Funds: Enter the total amount of any recaptured funds. This includes funds that are recouped by a county or eligible municipality in accordance with the recapture provisions of its local housing assistance plan pursuant to Section 420.9075(4)(g), Florida Statutes, from eligible sponsors who default on the terms of a grant or loan award.

Disaster Funds: Enter any amount of funds which were received for a governmentally declared disaster for each fiscal year.

Carry over from Enter any amount (can be a positive or negative #) which was carried forward from the previous year previous year: (if applicable). Carry forward of funds can only be used in a Closeout Fiscal Year when the amount of funds remaining is insufficient to assist one unit. However, an interim year may be closed out only if funds have been fully expended and remaining funds are insufficient to fund a single unit.

Other Funds: Enter any other contributions and specify what they are.

Total Funds Deposited: This total should equal the combined totals of Columns A, B and C from Table A. If this is a close out year, there will be funds to carry forward to the next fiscal year.

Column C

Percentage of Funds: The percentage of funds divided by the Total Funds Deposited into the Trust Fund.

Form 1 Table C

Line 1**: The totals from Table A, Columns A, B and C. (NOTE: Remember this total will include all program income and recaptured funds which is reported in Table B, Total Funds.)

Line 2***: The amount of funds to be carried forward to next year. Carry Forward of Funds is used only in the Closeout Fiscal Year. (a credit which is a negative # can be carried forward for the close-out and the first interim year).

Line 3: The Total of lines 1** and 2***. This total must be the same as the TOTAL FUNDS from Table B, Column B “Total Funds Deposited into the Local Housing Trust Fund”.

FORM 2 – Table A

Rents Unit and Compliance Summary do not include Administration or Counseling Fees.

Column A: Enter the name of the Rental Strategy per the Local Housing Assistance Plan.

Column B: Enter the rents for each bedroom size per unit (if applicable) and by rental strategy. If rents vary for the same size unit, enter the greatest amount.

FORM 2 Table B.

Column A Column B

SHIP Funds Expended: Enter (formula) the total amount of SHIP Funds expended through June 30 for each fiscal year. This amount should be the same amount shown on Form 1, Table A, Column A, Subtotal. It does not include Administration, Admin. from Program Income, Admin. from Disaster Funds or Homeownership Counseling fees.

Public Funds: Enter the total amount of public funds leveraged with SHIP dollars expended through June 30 (do not include SHIP Funds) in Column B.

Private Funds: Enter total amount of all private funds expended through June 30 (i.e. First mortgages) in Column B.

Owner Equity: Enter the amount of the household contribution in the case of a home purchase assistance strategy or the value of the unit prior to rehabilitation in Column B.

Total Value

Of All Units: The total of Column B.

Column C:

% of Total Value: The percentage of total value; divide Funds by Total Value of Units.

Form 2 Table C

SHIP Program Compliance Summary – Home Ownership/Construction/Rehab

This table excludes administration and counseling fees.

Column A:

Home Ownership: Add the amount from Form 1; Table A, Column A, for Closeout Fiscal

Year 1 excluding administration and counseling fees, which apply to the 65% Home Ownership requirement. Enter this amount under SHIP Funds (Column B). For Interim Fiscal Year 2 and Interim Fiscal Year 3 add all funds expended, encumbered and unencumbered which apply to Home Ownership to meet this requirement.

Construction/ Add the amount from Form 1; Table A, Column A, for Closeout Fiscal

Rehabilitation: Year 1, excluding administration and counseling fees, which apply to the 75% Construction requirement. Enter this amount under SHIP Funds, (Column B). For Interim Fiscal Year 2 and Interim Fiscal Year 3 add all funds expended, encumbered and unencumbered to meet this requirement.

Column B:

SHIP Funds “SHIP FUNDS” includes a total of expended, encumbered and unencumbered funds.

Column C:

Trust Fund The Trust Fund is the Distribution Amount plus Recaptured Funds shown on Form 1 Table B. (State Annual Distribution plus Recaptured Funds.)

Column D:

Percentage of Trust The percentage of funds used for Homeownership and Construction by dividing the Home Ownership and Construction totals by the amount in the Trust Fund column. These percentages must meet the statutory set-aside requirement of 65 % Homeownership and 75% Construction Rehab for all fiscal years.

Form 2 Table D:

Program Compliance - Income Set-Asides

Counties or eligible municipalities will report set-aside requirements by the percentage of funds allocated

per income group.

Column A: Enter the actual amount of funds expended as of June 30 for each income category. (Note: All trust fund deposits for Closeout Fiscal Year 1 must be expended as of June 30. The total amounts should equal the total amount of funds expended on Form 1, Table A, Column A, Subtotal.)

Column B: Enter the total amount of encumbered funds as of June 30 for each income category. (NOTE: All trust fund deposits for Interim Fiscal Year 2 may be expended or encumbered as of June 30. The total amounts should equal the total amount of funds encumbered on Form 1, Table A, Column B, Subtotal.)

Column C: Enter the total amount of unencumbered funds as of June 30 for each income category. (NOTE: All trust fund deposits for Interim Fiscal Year 3 may be expended, encumbered or unencumbered as of June 30. The total amounts should equal the total amount of funds unencumbered on Form 1, Table A, Column C, Subtotal.)

Column D: The total of Columns A, B and C. by income category. These totals must match what is shown on Form 1, Table A, Columns A, B and C, Subtotals.

Column E: The % of Total Available Funds, Column D divided by Column F, by income category. (NOTE: For all fiscal years the minimum set aside requirement of 30% Very Low Income and 30% Low Income requirement must be met (or a combination of more than 30% Very Low Income with the remainder as Low Income.)

Column F: The Total Available Funds is the Total Funds Deposited into Local Affordable Housing Trust Fund. This amount should match the information from Form 1, Table B, Total Funds.

Form 2 Table E

Special Target Groups This table is for Expended Funds Only.

Column A: Enter the strategy description.

Column B: Enter the special targeted group.

Column C Enter the amount of funds expended.

Column D Enter the number of units.

Form 2 Table F

Project Funding For Expended Funds Only:

Column A: Enter the total expended dollar amount of all SHIP mortgages, direct loans and deferred payment loans for each income category.

Column B: Enter the total number of units expended for SHIP mortgages, direct loans and deferred payment loans for each income category.

Column C: The Average Loan Amount of all SHIP mortgages, direct loans and deferred payment loans by income category. (Column B divided by Column A)

Column D: Enter the total expended dollar amount of SHIP grants awarded for each income category. (NOTE: Do not include a grant amount that is also included in a loan amount for the same unit.)

Column E: Enter the total number of units expended for SHIP grants awarded for each income category. (NOTE: Do not include a grant amount that is also included in a loan amount for the same unit.)

Column F: The Average Grant Amount of all SHIP mortgages, direct loans and deferred payment loans by income category. (Column E divided by Column D)

Column G: The Total Funds Expended by income category. (NOTE: The combined value of SHIP mortgages, loans and DPL’s and the value of SHIP grants (added together) must balance to the subtotal amount found on Form 1, Table A, Column A.)

Column H: The Total Units Expended of all SHIP Units, by income category. (NOTE: The combined number of SHIP Mortgages, Loans, DPL’s and Grants must balance to the subtotal number of units found on Form 1, Table A, Column A.)