Instructions for shareholder letters
1. Correct your letter
2. Save it to your “I” drive.
3. Open the file named “shareholder file” on the links page.
4. Enter your shareholder information.
- If you don’t have an address, go to and find it online.
- If they work for HISD, put the name of their campus in the address line and leave the city, state and zip code blank.
- If they did not want a letter sent, put “no letter” in the address line and leave the city, state and zip code blank.
5. Put your name in the student column. (Repeat your name for each shareholder)
6. Enter the number of shares sold to that person. (It should automatically fill in the amount in the next column)
- If you are sharing stock with other people, you only need to enter the number of shares the person bought in you alone. Each person will put their shares on their file.
7. Save the file as your name on your “I” drive.
8. Save the excel file onto Ms. Zinn’s jump drive. (If you are at station 3 or 7 in Ms. Zinn’s room, you’ll have to log off and switch to a different computer to save it.)
9. Save your letter to Ms. Zinn’s jump drive in the following format:
- Name#
- (your name and the number of letters to be printed)
- for example: jennifer6
10. Do NOT print anything to Ms. Zinn’s printer.