College of Social SciencesLUZ GONZALEZ, Dean

Department of Sociology


MATTHEW A. JENDIAN, DirectorSocialScienceBuilding, Room 218(559) 278-2891


The American Humanics (AH) Program at CaliforniaStateUniversity, Fresnois linked with American Humanics, Inc., a national organization that collaborates with affiliated college and university programs, professional organizations, and nonprofit agencies. It is involved in recruiting, preparing, and placing students in meaningful professional careers with youth and human service agencies. Participation in the Certificate Program in Nonprofit Management and Leadership builds on and enhances students' chosen major course of study and provides the tools to achieve success in the field of youth and human service agency management. This interdisciplinary certificate is open to students of all majors and community individuals. Courses may be taken part time or through Open University.

Requirements for the Certificate:

The interdisciplinary certificate in nonprofit management and leadership requires 19-23 semester units, including 300 hours of field experience with a nonprofit organization. Students will be involved in the AH Student Association, participate in one AH Management Institute and four co-curricular activities. Courses or internships may be used to fulfill requirements of other degree and certificate programs.

Core (16 units minimum)

MGT 133 Managing Nonprofit Organizations (3 units) ORENTR 189T Social Entrepreneurship (3 units)

Soc 144 Social Policy Analysis (3 units)

Soc 150T Grant Writing & Evaluation (3 units)

Soc 150T Philanthropy & Grant Making (3 units)

Soc 150T Leadership Development (1 unit)

Approved internship course (3-6 units)

Elective Options (3 units minimum)

ACCT148, Accounting for Governmental and Nonprofit Organizations (4)PLSI183, Comparative Administration (3)

COMM164, Intercultural Communication (3)PLSI185, Public Personnel Management (3)

COMM167, Leadership in Groups and Organizations (3)PSYCH155, Developmental Psychology (4)

COMM168, Communication in Organizations (3) PSYCH156, Social Psychology (4)

COMM171, Communication and Planning Change in the Social System (3)PSYCH176, Industrial Psychology (3)

COMM176, Communication Consulting and Training (3)RLS113, Serving At-Risk Youth (3)

CFS113, Working with Diverse Families (3)RLS115, Community Placements in Leisure Settings (1-3)

CFS114, Child Crisis & Community Resources (3)RLS117, Special Event Planning (3)

CFS118, Program Evaluation: Models & Tools (3)RLS121, Community & Nonprofit Recreation Services (3)

CRIM176, Victim Services (3)RLS125, Understanding Special Populations in a Contemporary Society (3)

CSH117/GERON117, Resource Management of Aging (3)RLS135, Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Marketing (3)

ECON119, San JoaquinValley Economic Problems and Promise (3)SOC130W or 130WS, Contemporary Social Issues (3-3)

GERON125/SWRK125, Social Services for the Aging (3)SOC145, Social Organization (3)

HRM150, Administration of Personnel (3)SWRK123, Social Welfare Policies & Programs (3)

HS100, Community Health (3)SWRK136, Cultural Diversity and Oppression (3)

MGT127, Contemporary Leadership (3)SWRK137, Principles in Cross-Cultural Competence (3)

MKTG100S, Marketing Concepts (4)SWRK152, Intro to Conflict Resolution for Human Service Professionals (3)

MKTG144, Services Marketing (4)

PAX110, Peacebuilding (3)

PAX120, Mediation (3)

PHIL122, Introduction to Professional Ethics (3)

PLSI181, Public Administration (3)

PLSI182, Administrative Analysis: Management and Organization (3)

*Each competency area must be satisfied through academic coursework (C/CR grade or better), and documentation of internship experience andco-curricular activities.