New Chapter
Information for New Chapters of Virginia TSA
Dear TSA Chapter Advisors, Officers, and Members,
It is the primary goal of the Virginia TSA Executive Council to provide the means for chapters to thrive and grow. The strength of Virginia TSA lies in each of our chapters. We hope that the information provided in this packet will promote the continuing success and prosperity of your chapter and of Virginia TSA. Included in this packet are sample agendas, constitution, activity plans, promotional materials, and other informational documents that aim to provide your chapter, new or established, with the means to be an active part of Virginia TSA.
As always, the Virginia TSA Executive Council is available to answer any questions and we encourage you to contact us with suggestions and concerns. If you would like to make any suggestions, corrections, or additions to this Chapter Packet or have any other concerns, we would love to consider and incorporate your thoughts. Please find the officer contact listings on page 6 to contact a state officer or your regional president for more information.
We wish you all possible success with your TSA endeavors this year and hope that this packet will provide assistance and guidance to your chapter’s activities. For regular updates and information about state activities, please visit the Virginia TSA website at and view the current and past quarterly publications of The Virginia Scene. We hope to hear from your chapters about your successes this year and look forward to meeting with all of you at this year’s regional, state, and national events.
Sincerely Yours,
The Officers of the Virginia TSA Executive Council
Table of Contents
Forward 2
Virginia TSA
What is Virginia TSA? 4
Motto and Creed 5
Executive Council Officers 6
Regional Fall Rally Information 7
Spring Regional Fair Information 8
Technosphere Information 9
National Information 10
Running for a Regional, State, or National Office Information 11
Starting a Chapter
Advisor Checklist………………………………………………………………………………………...13
Important Information……………………………………………………………………………16
Running a Chapter
Role of the Advisor…………………………………………………………………………………….19
Role of the Officers 21
Statewide Activities 23
Chapter References
Sample Meeting Agenda 26
Sample Chapter Constitution 27
Sample outline of chapter meeting programs 32
Meeting Paperwork 33
Parts of A Meeting 33
Sample Meeting Activities 35
Fundraising 36
Statewide Community Service Project……………………………….…….……………………………..37
Middle School Competitive Events……………………………………………………………...38
High School Competetitive Events………………………………………………………………39
What is Virginia TSA?
The Technology Student Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) which focuses on promoting Technology Education in elementary, middle and high schools across the United States. We have a membership of over 8,600 students in nearly 200 chapters all around Virginia.
Competition, Leadership & Teamwork: Virginia has one of the largest TSA delegations in the United States, and members are able to participate fully in all the conferences offer. Spring Regional Fairs are held on a Saturday, and winners qualify for the state events. Throughout the Virginia TSA State Leadership Conference “Technosphere,” members compete in competitive events, actively campaign for state officer positions, and attend general sessions and business meetings. Members also join with each other from around the state at social events.
Competitive Events
Competitive Events are the focal point of the Spring Regional Fair and State conference, as members from around the state are able to compete in events ranging from CAD Engineering 3D to Global Manufacturing and Fashion Design. At the Virginia State Leadership Conference, Technosphere, Virginia TSA members participate in many of the 64 competitive events TSA has to offer. Members compete individually or as a team in competitions such as Agriculture and Biotechnology , Electronic Gaming and Music Production. Whether members’ strengths lay in graphic design and video production or designing and building models and displays, all competitors have the opportunity to compete against members of other state chapters in their areas of interest.
After having spent hundreds of hours preparing for competitive events, members check in their events on Friday afternoon at Technosphere and wait for a list of the top twelve semi-finalists to be posted in their respective competitions the following morning. Teams and members who make the semi-finalist listings then participate in interviews, presentations, and challenges that determine the top three competition placements. The last morning of the conference, the Annual Award Ceremony is held and the top contestants in each event are awarded the opportunity to compete internationally at the national conference the following summer.
Leadership Academy
The Annual Virginia TSA Leadership Academy hosts members of the Virginia TSA delegation who are interested in providing leadership and perhaps representing the organization as a regional or state officer. The Leadership lessons are thus focused on learning the ability to lead in a world that is continually increasing in terms of technology, size, and development rate. Members are able to apply their knowledge to situations officers in our organization often face, as well as leaders in the real world face through learning essential problem solving strategies and the importance of guidelines of procedure for meetings and business, using Robert’s Rules of Order.
Virginia TSA 2016-2017 statistics:
· How many total chapters did Virginia TSA have last year? 158
· How many total students? 9119
· How many chapters attended Technosphere? 105
· How many students attended Technosphere? 1897
· How many chapters attended the Leadership Academy in fall 2016? 23
Motto and Creed
“Learning to Lead in a Technical World”
I believe that Technology Education holds an important place in my life in the technical world. I believe there is a need for the development of good attitudes concerning work, tools, materials, experimentation, and processes of industry.
Guided by my teachers, artisans from industry, and my own initiative, I will strive to do my best in making my school, community, state, and nation better places in which to live.
I will accept the responsibilities that are mine. I will accept the theories that are supported by proper evidence. I will explore on my own for safer, more effective methods of working and living.
I will strive to develop a cooperative attitude and will exercise tact and respect for other individuals. Through the work of my hands and mind, I will express my ideas to the best of my ability.
I will make it my goal to do better each day the task before me, and to be steadfast in my belief in my God, and my fellow Americans.
The Technology Student Association fosters personal growth, leadership, and opportunities in technology, innovation, design, and engineering. Members apply and integrate science, technology, engineering and mathematics concepts through co-curricular activities, competitive events and related programs.
2017 - 2018
Executive Council Officers
President Devan Patel Deep Run High School
Vice President Tyler Stein Abingdon High School
Secretary Evan Sooklal Abingdon High School
Treasurer Jasper Leidig Abingdon High School
Reporter Archita Kadam Henrico High School
Sergeant-At-Arms Jenna Benzing Wilson Memorial High School
Historian Hansika Shah Henrico High School
Parliamentarian Nidhi Desai Henrico High School
Blue Ridge Region President Unmesha Vullikanti Blacksburg High School
Northern Region President Mithra Dhinakaran Thomas Jefferson School of Science & Tech
South Central Region President Maggie Dube Deep Run High School
Southwestern Region President Victoria Compton Abingdon High School
Tidewater Region President Sydney Fletcher Grassfield High School
Valley Region President Nick Stockner Turner Ashby High School
Immediate Past President & Jessica Strait Abingdon High School
National Vice President
National President Aala Nasir Deep Run High School
Regional Fall Rally Information
Affiliated chapters, schools interested in starting TSA, local sponsors, possible business partners, school and school board administrators, and local elected representatives should be invited to attend.
Advisors will be able to pick up their chapter’s registration information as they arrive at the event. The first General Session will be held at the beginning of the rally, consisting of the Opening Ceremony, welcome speeches, guest speakers, a rally overview, and recess to the events of the rally. Workshops will be held to encourage leadership abilities, problem solving, or other important skills. Another General Session will be held for the Closing Ceremony and adjournment. Additional events may be planned depending on the region.
The date and time of the Fall Rally will depend on the region, but the rallies are usually held between September and November.
Rally locations vary by region, but are typically held at a local high school or university.
Fall Rallies are held to get the students and advisors excited for the school year and recognized for their achievements the previous year. The rally also provides the chance for members to spend time with other members of their region and for new and interested students, parents, and administrators to learn more about TSA.
Information pertaining to registration will be posted on the Virginia TSA website under Conferences & Events, Regional, Fall Rallies. Select the Fall Rally within your specific region.
Spring Regional Fair Information
All affiliated members from across the region are invited to compete in specific competitive events against other members in their designated region to qualify, by placing in the top three, to compete in that event at the state level.
Registration is held onsite to allow advisors to sign their chapters in and receive the name badges, event labels, conference programs, and any additional papers for their chapter. Students are then given time to set up and turn their projects in to the appropriate area for judging at a later time. The first General Sessions is held, announcements and candidate speeches are made, and then students are released to attend their competitions. Competition judging will continue through the afternoon. Officer Campaigning will take place in the afternoon at a time designated by the region. A lunch option will be provided, but chapters may opt to bring their own lunches. Delegate voting will be held prior to the awards ceremony. After the judging concludes, the second General Session will be held. Trophies will be awarded to the top three winners, which allow them to compete in that event at the state level and the new Regional Officers will be installed. The conference will then be adjourned and students may remove their projects. Students and chapters must be affiliated to register for the conference. Registration forms and costs must be turned in by the deadline set by Virginia TSA. Fundraising activities can be organized to help raise the money for students to register for the conference.
The date of the Regional Fair is scheduled to be held the first weekend in March. Because of the schedules of the hosting school system, this date may be different.
Locations vary by region, but the conference is typically held at a local high school or conference center.
Allowing students to compete at a local level competition allows them to get feedback and competition experience before advancing to the state level. It also provides a time for the members in the region to elect the Regional Officer team for the coming year. Students are given the opportunity to meet and interact with other members of their region through the different events of the day.
Information pertaining to registration will be posted on the Virginia TSA website under Conferences & Events, Regional, Regional Fair. Select the Regional Fair within your specific region. Registration is completed online. Advisors must online pre-register each student that plans to attend the conference and compete in onsite events.
Link: (Advisor Login-student registration)
State Conference “Technosphere” Information
Affiliated chapters and Alumni from across the Commonwealth are encouraged to attend.
General sessions; competitions; delegation meetings; mixer; officer candidate campaigning; technology fairs; open viewing of display competitions; and lots more!
This conference is scheduled to be held the last weekend of April or first weekend of May.
Location may change yearly. Information can be found on the website and within the Technosphere registration packet.
Awesome people; application of classroom skills to real world situations; learn about other chapters and goings-on at national TSA; attend the state business meeting and other informational sessions;
Information pertaining to registration will be posted on the Virginia TSA website under Conferences & Events, State, Technosphere.
Registration is completed online. Advisors have to sign up each student that plans to attend the conference and any guests or additional advisors. Teachers will also have the option of ordering conference shirts, lapel pins, and meal options through the online registration. These items are not sold at the conference.
Advisors will need to contact the hotel to make room reservations.
Links: Advisor-login (Advisor Login-student registration)
National Information
All affiliated members of TSA across the world are invited to attend the National Conference each year. Among these members are the top competitors from each state competition, members looking to participate in the leadership opportunities offered at the national level, members competing in competitions offered without placing at states and candidates running for a national office. The Virginia TSA chapter are strongly encouraged to attend the National Conference each year to represent Virginia and demonstrate their dedication and leadership in TSA.
National Conference is a place for members to experience everything our association is about. The first night of the conference a Kick Off is held to allow members to “meet and greet” one another. Each morning general sessions take place to take care of business and inform each member about what is going on in National TSA. Among these general sessions are the delegation meeting and annual business meeting where delegates may vote on amendments and elect the next year’s officer team. Prior to the delegation meeting, officer candidates give their speeches and campaign to try and win each chapter’s votes. During the days of the conference, members have the opportunity to compete in the competitions they have worked hard on all year. Once the competitions are completed they are open for everyone to browse and observe the effort TSA members put into their work. The Leadership Academy, a great learning opportunity, is held each year to teach and help members become the leaders of tomorrow. Relay for Life, our National Service Project, holds a ceremony to celebrate, remember, and fight back to win the ongoing battle with cancer. With everything happening at the National Conference, everyone is bound to stay busy with people from all across the nation.
The conference is held in late June to July with an award ceremony as the conclusion.
The location of this conference changes every year. Information is posted in advance so that planning can be done early.
At the National Conference there are people from all across the nation. This gives members the chance to meet people with their similar interests and become friends with people from different places. Along with meeting new people, you learn about their chapter and what is going on it their part of the country. in addition to the social part of National Conference, there are also opportunities to use what you learn in the classroom everyday in real life scenarios and compete with the top competitors in the nation. .
Many believe that attending National Conference is far out of their reach, but with hard work, preparation, and fundraising, it is possible. For information on fundraising, take a look at the Official Guide to Fundraising on page 42 of this packet.