Somerby Primary School

Information for Key Stage 2 Class

Spring Term 2017


Learning Support Assistant: MRS JOANNE ALLEN

The School Day:

Morning: 8.45-12.00 noon

(Break time 10:30-10.45am)

Lunchtime: 12.00-1.00pm

Afternoon: 1.00-3.00pm

Welcome back after what is always an extremely busy holiday for kids and parents!

Daily Routine

Spring term sees a continuation of delivering our curriculum through topics. This term the topic will be ‘Active Planet’. Maths and some grammar will continue to be taught in a single daily session.

Active Planet

Through the topic ‘Active Planet’ in English we will study the following genres: narrative, report writing and persuasive writing. In addition to this the children will continue to focus on learning and understanding grammar and perfecting their handwriting. Our design technology topic this half term will be habitats in a box so as well as a shoe box we will be asking for a variety of bits and bobs from home to support their plan. After the half term break the children will be creating mosaics. Our Science work will be based around all things animal and plant, our visit to the Zoo will help us develop our learning. The children will enjoy using our brand new ICT equipment to begin to learn about algorithms and de-bugging. We will be furthering our understanding of the world by studying continents, oceans and world eco systems.


This term we aim to further our understanding of the following:

· Mental arithmetic

· The 4 calculations including problem solving

· Measures and conversions

· Fractions, decimals and percentages

· Geometry

· Times tables

Children are expected to know all of their times tables by then end of year 4. This underpins so much of the work they do in maths. We test children on their times tables regularly and give time in class to practise. Children receive a leaf on our Time Tables Tree display when they can fluently recite a set. Your child will be working on a times tables specific to their ability, this appears on the homework weekly. Please support your child whenever possible to learn them.


In spelling this term we will be focussing on a particular sound, letter string or spelling rule each week. The children will then have differentiated spelling lists to take home and learn. Children will be tested on their spellings on a weekly basis. We will be building our spelling work into much of our other work in the class to ensure the spellings are not merely learnt by wrote.


Mrs Allen and I will continue to support the children when choosing their reading books and monitoring how often they change them to ensure books are appropriate for age and ability. If possible could you please hear your child read every day. This enables them to improve their vocabulary and become fluent readers. Please record when you read at home with your child in their Reading Record books as they will be receiving recognition for their hard work on our class display.


Children will have PE on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. This term the focus will be ball skills as well as swimming. May I remind the children that PE kits should always be in school.


Homework will be given out and collected in on Mondays. All children will have spellings and times table activities to do weekly. In addition to this children will have short activities to complete linked to the work they have been doing in school. They will have a Maths and an English homework book for work to be completed in. Where possible please could this be done in pencil.

If your child has difficulty completing any aspect of their homework please encourage them to come and speak to me by Thursday to ensure I am able to provide support.

Mrs Moulds Availability

Due to the busy nature of the Key Stage 2 classroom, we request any urgent issues to be addressed in the mornings between 8:30-8:45am. Teaching will start in the Key Stage 2 classroom at 8.30 am (when the doors are unlocked) therefore I urge you to ensure your child is in school as close as is possible to this time.

We look forward to another busy term building on our work in the Autumn term. We encourage all parents to talk to your child about their school day, offer encouragement with homework and help them come prepared and well rested to start each new day fresh and ready for learning!

Many thanks for your support.

Mrs Moulds and Mrs Allen.