Return to


Information Booklet




Programme Aims……………………………………………………………...3

Expected Outcomes………………………………………………………...... 3

Vehicles to Demonstrate Outcomes..……………………………………….4

Eligibility…………………………………………………………………...... 4

Participants Responsibility……………………………………………………4

Functional Relationships………………………………………………..…....4

Programme Structure…………………………………………………...…….5

Programme Dates and Location……………………………………………..5

Programme Fees…………………………………………………...…………5

Theory Course Content……………………………………………………….6

Requirements Prior to Starting……………………………………………....7



Recruitment and retention of nursing staff is a current local, national and international issue. One of the strategies devised to assist with the immediate and future nursing resource needs of Southern District Health Board (Southern DHB) and other healthcare providers is the development and implementation of a Return to Nursing programme.

Such a programme is targeted at New Zealand Registered and Enrolled Nurses who have been out of the nursing workforce for five years or more.

A needs assessment of interested people identified several common themes including:

·  supervised clinical experience

·  theory/clinical update

·  appropriateness of lecture times

This Return to Nursing (RTN) programme is delivered by the Southland site and allows participants to re-enter nursing practice with up-to-date knowledge and skills and the confidence necessary to meet the competencies for Registered or Enrolled nurse practice. Southern DHB’s RTN programme is accredited by the Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ).

There is an expectation that within the designated time frame, programme participants will meet the requirements of the Nursing Council’s competency assessment tool in order for their annual practicing certificate (APC) to be re-issued.


Working in partnership with nurses we provide quality education whilst promoting the enhancement of professionalism through an ongoing supportive learning process. Our prime focus is the maintenance of quality patient care and best practice by utilising evidence-based practice and acquired skill models.

Programme Aims

The aims of Southern DHB’s RTN programme is to:

·  Facilitate a supportive transition back into practice.

·  Provide an overview of current healthcare practice.

·  Encourage personal and professional development.

·  Actively recruit participants to Southern DHB and other healthcare providers.

·  Assist New Zealand Registered Nurses and Enrolled Nurses in regaining their APC.

·  Meet the Standards for Competence Assessment Programmes as determined by the NCNZ.

Expected outcomes

On completion of the programme the nurse will:

·  Demonstrate competency in clinical / technical skills pertinent to the area and within their scope of practice (as per HPCA Act 2003)

·  Have met requirements of compulsory certification as designated by Southern DHB - Southland or Primary/Community setting

·  Have met Nursing Council of New Zealand competencies for the registered or enrolled nurse scope of practice

·  Have acquired the skills and confidence to practice in a safe and competent manner

·  Have achieved effective teamwork processes and learnt how to work in a practice setting within a multidisciplinary team

·  Demonstrate evidence-based practice

·  Contribute to enhanced patient care and service outcomes

·  Practice in a culturally safe manner

·  Be able to apply the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi to practice

Vehicles to demonstrate outcomes

·  Sign off of area specific orientation process

·  Clinical judgment and decision making that facilitates safe patient outcomes

·  Clinical assessment of patients/clients

·  Clinical feedback from mentor/buddy nurse

·  Certificate of attainment RTN programme issued by Southern DHB - (and endorsed by NCNZ)

Eligibility for Programme

·  New Zealand Registered or Enrolled Nurses who have been out of nursing practice for five or more years

·  Interim Practicing Certificate issued with mention of “assessment against the competencies for a nurses scope of practice”

·  If not holding current practicing certificate, verification of NCNZ registration must be provided (letter from NCNZ)

Participants Responsibility

Programme participants are responsible to:

·  Nurse Educator – Nursing Entry to Practice Programme and Return to Nursing

·  Clinical Nurse Manager/Associate Clinical Nurse Manager/Manager from clinical placement area

Functional Relationships

·  Nursing preceptor

·  Nursing staff

·  Nurse Unit Managers and Coordinators

·  Practice Development Team

·  Acute Care Nurse Managers

·  Directors of Nursing

·  Quality and Risk Unit

·  Nurse Coordinator – Professional Development and Recognition Programme (PDRP)

·  Nurse Coordinator - Occupational Health and Safety

·  Infection Control

·  Specialist Nurse Educators

·  Maori Health Unit/Te Huinga Tahi

·  Pacific Island Nurse Specialists

·  Medical Staff

·  Allied Health Staff

Programme Structure

You may choose to complete the programme either full time (5 days a week for 5 weeks), or part time (requiring no longer than 3 months to successfully complete). It is divided into a theory and clinical skills update (see table below) as well as clinical practice shifts. The theory dates require compulsory attendance. There is also a self directed learning component that is expected to be completed by each participant.

Theory and Clinical Skills

A series of ten study days will be held at Southland Hospital. This will ensure the NCNZ’s minimum requirement of at least 60 hours theory in RTN programmes is met. Further clinical and theory time can be negotiated. (e.g. of full time programme below)


Week / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
1 / Theory / Theory / Theory / Clinical / Clinical
2 / Theory / Theory / Theory / Clinical / Clinical
3 / Theory / Theory / Clinical / Clinical / Clinical
4 / Theory / Theory / Clinical / Clinical / Clinical
5 / Clinical / Clinical / Clinical / Clinical / Clinical

(Clinical days may vary dependent upon DHB/facility availability).

Clinical Practice

Placements are negotiated according to your previous experience, options for employment and resources available (i.e. preceptor availability) at Southern DHB and where appropriate, in partnership with other providers in Southland. Each programme participant will be supported in clinical practice by working alongside a designated nursing preceptor. This will ensure that NCNZ’s requirements that participants undergo a period of supervised nursing practice and assessment of competencies is met. At least 15 clinical shifts are required. Shifts are negotiated by the participant with the Clinical Nurse Manager/Associate Clinical Nurse Manager/Nurse Manager.

Potential participants in Primary & Community Health settings are expected to negotiate Clinical Placements for themselves. Advice may be obtained from Nurse Educator NETP/RTN or the Nurse Educator – Primary Health.

Programme Dates and Location

The next programme for 2017 will be commencing on July 31st. Compulsory theory dates are July 31st, August 1st and 2nd, 7th, 8th and 9th, 14th and 15th and 21st and 22nd.


All theory days will be held onsite at Southland hospital’s education centre.

Programme Fees

The course fees for NZNC Registered applicants for 2017 is expected to be $ 1,500.

The fee covers the theory and clinical components as well as the associated administration costs. This is payable at the commencement of the programme. It is important to note that there is no reimbursement for your clinical work as this experiential component is part of the structured programme. In some cases the applicant’s prospective employer may wish to ‘sponsor’ a nurse through the course.

The commitment to update, up skill and support a person returning to nursing by those already trained in our region is a smart investment. However, there is no guarantee of employment with Southern DHB or the Primary/Community setting at the completion of this programme.

Theory Course Content

An assortment of topics relevant to current practice are offered within the programme. Some of the topics covered within the theory course may include:

·  Nursing Assessment

·  Direction and Delegation

·  Discharge Planning

·  Infection Control

·  Privacy and Documentation

·  Diabetes Management

·  Occupational Health and Safety

·  Wound Management

·  Pain Management

·  Cardiac Assessment and Management

·  Introduction to the Library

·  Evidence based Practice

·  Biculturalism, Cultural Safety and Treaty of Waitangi

·  Drug Calculations and Intravenous Therapy

·  Mental Health

·  Quality & Risk Management

·  Manual Handling

·  Nutrition

·  Continence

Requirements Prior to Starting

Requirements before commencing on the Return to Nursing programme include:


Send in your fully completed application form to the Nurse Educator – RTN Programme c/- Southern District Health Board.

It must include:

·  Your CV including referees

·  Copy of letter/e-mail correspondence from NCNZ verifying registration number and requirements to complete RTN Programme

Pre-Course Interview

You may be required to undertake a pre-course interview. The time and method (i.e. skype, teleconference) will be negotiated.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

You will need to arrange indemnity insurance cover if you do not already have this. NZNO is a suggested provider for nurses.

MRSA Clearance

Prior to commencing the RTN programme you will require MRSA clearance.

Computer Skills

We require that you are literate in basic computer skills including e-mails.

Prior Learning

You will be sent learning packages to go over before the course starts.


Nursing Council of New Zealand. (2010). Competencies for the Enrolled Nurse Scope of

Practice. Wellington: Author.

Nursing Council of New Zealand. (2012). Competencies for the Registered Nurse Scope of

Practice. Wellington: Author.

Nursing Council of New Zealand. (2008). Standards for competency assessment

programmes. Wellington: Author.

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