Individual Lesson Plan Format

Class/Group: P5 Lesson: Art and Design – Lesson 3 Date: ……………..

Previous Experience
·  Children have been introduced to ‘Scottish Culture’ through cross-curricular learning in preparation for a whole school event on St Andrews Day – ‘A Celebration of Scottish Culture’
·  Children, in groups, have researched the origins and design of tartan and compiled a mood board and proto-type tartan design.
·  Children have created a 2D image of their group tartan design using the technique of wax resist, whilst exploring the visual elements of Art and Design and the deployment of different media tools.
Working towards outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence/5-14 Attainment Targets
EXA 2-03a - I can create and present work that shows developing skill in using the visual elements and concepts.
Learning Intentions
Children are learning to;
·  Consider the visual elements, within art and design, when creating a 2D image of their tartan, using the technique of weaving.
·  Explore a wide range of media, examining the appropriateness of methods and tools selected in relation to the technique paper weaving. / Success Criteria
Children will be able to;
·  Demonstrate an understanding of the visual elements, namely; Tone, Colour, Pattern and Texture in relation to the tartan they have created.
·  Demonstrate an understanding of the technique of weaving, through the adoption and deployment of appropriate media. / Methods
· Production of a 2D image of the group tartan design
-  Does the design incorporate aspects of the visual elements of art and design?
-  Have the children selected appropriate media in order to achieve the most aesthetic results? (Paper Type)
-  Have the children adopted appropriate technique/methods in their application of weaving?
Peer Assessment
· Of completed 2D image of tartan weave. This will take the form of two stars and a wish.
Timing / Resources
10mins / Setting the context/ Beginning the lesson (Introduction)
·  Revisit knowledge gained in previous lessons, and across the curriculum, in relation to the culture of Scotland.
·  Introduce lesson activity – producing tartan design from previous lesson (Lesson 1) using the technique of weaving.
·  Display/Provide examples of weaving and hold a short discussion with the children to ensure they understand the process involved.
-  Do any of the children have prior knowledge of the technique? If so can they demonstrate to the class?
-  Where might we see examples of weaving? Baskets, Housing/Shelter/Roofing, Scarves, Rugs, Clothing
-  What types of media do we think would be used in the technique of weaving? Wool/Yarn, Thread, Paper
·  WALT – (see LI)
Teaching the learning intentions (Development)
·  Introduce the technique of weaving by modelling an example to the children.
·  Short class discussion on what types of media (namely Paper) the children think would achieve the most aesthetic and effective results when using the technique of weaving to produce their tartan design.
·  Demonstrate the different types of media which can be used for weaving – highlight the varying levels of effectiveness for each tool – i.e;
-  Sugar paper achieves a better result than tissue paper/newsprint – why is this? Ask the children (properties of paper/different gsm – what does this mean, question children and explain)
-  Medium thickness card achieves a better result than cardboard – again explain the reasoning for this
-  Different gsm of paper will provide different results in the technique of wax resist.
·  Formally set the activity – Children are to experiment with different media types (namely different types/gsm of paper à Tissue, newsprint, sugar, card, cardboard) before selecting a combination of paper types which they feel will produce the most effective result for weaving.
-  Children to be given 5mins to experiment with different types of media (paper types) before moving on to begin the production of their tartan. à Children will need to exercise the following aspects of Enterprising skills;
- Decision Making
- Reasoning
- Communication
- Negotiation
·  Children to be advised that each person in the group will produce an image of their group tartan. All completed work will then be displayed in the school hall as decoration for the whole school event; ‘A taste of Scotland’s Culture’ on St Andrews Day
·  Upon selection of their paper types the children will then have the opportunity to decorate/colour their paper, in accordance with their proto-type tartan design, using a variety of media tools – crayon, oil pastels, paint, chalk, coloured paper (if available in their chosen paper type) etc. à Children will need to exercise the following aspects of Enterprising skills;
- Decision Making
- Reasoning
- Communication
·  Children will now move onto weave their decorated paper together to form their tartan design.
·  Upon completion/production of the tartan children will place finished work in the drying racks which will act as a storage facility until designs are displayed in the hall.
·  Class tidy up
Ending the lesson (Plenary)
·  Peer assessment of completed tartans (this will be done within groups à Group A will assess B and vice versa, Group C will assess D)
·  Two stars and a wish will be used as an assessment strategy
·  Review/discussion on observations noted during the activity
-  What worked well, why?
-  What did not work, why?
-  What paper types worked most effectively
- i.e. Card/Sugar/Tissue/Newsprint/Cardboard
·  Reinforce LI through WALT / Stimuli (will be used throughout lesson)
·  Scottish Music
·  Reference Books – Tartan Patterns
·  Sample of Tartan – to allow children to examine texture
Examples of Weaving –Cloth, Leafs, Roof Building (images of)
Cardboard/ Newsprint, paints, palettes, paint brushes, water/water tubs, oil pastels, crayons, chalk, glue.
Completed tartan images will be examined on drying racks.
Success Criteria Results / Next steps for the children
Going well (what worked and why?) / Areas for development (what didn’t work and why?)
Next Steps for Me