Indiana Judges Association 2012 Commendation for Excellence in Public Information and Education

Journalist Award Nomination Form

The Indiana Judges Association is accepting applications for television, newspaper, radio and Internet journalists that have made special contributions in responsible reporting of the Indiana courts. The award will be presented at the 2012 Law School for Journalists on July 20th in Indianapolis.

CRITERIA: Nominee must be an Indiana news reporter/photographer who during the past year has written, shot, or produced a story that educates the public about the work of the courts. Both individual journalists and news organizations will be considered.

Selection will be made by the Community Relations Committee of the Indiana Judicial Conference. Nominees will be judged on breadth and depth of the effort, quality, ingenuity and public response.

Please submit this application to Jenny Bauer at the Indiana Judicial Center, 30 S. Meridian St., Suite 900, Indianapolis Indiana 46204 by July 6th, 2012. Enclose the news report or a sample of the reporter’s work with this application.

Your name:
Your email address:
Nominee name or organization:
Nominee media affiliation and city:
Briefly describe the story that showcased the work of the courts.
What did the community learn about the courts from the story?