In The Chancery Court for
Hamilton County, Tennessee / SUBPOENA
Rule 45, Tenn. R. Civ. Pro. / Case File Number
TO: (name, address & telephone number of witness) / Plaintiff(s)
¨ Subpoena for Production of Documentary Evidence, Rule 45.02, Tenn.R.Civ.Pro.
You are hereby commanded to produce and permit inspection and copying of designated items (books, papers, documents, or tangible things, or inspection of premises) at the time, date, and place specified herein. Your personal appearance is not required provided you sign a notarized affidavit that the books, papers, documents, or tangible things are authentic to the best of your knowledge, information, and belief and state whether or not all books, papers, documents, or tangible things responsive to this subpoena have been produced for copying or inspection. Copies of this subpoena have been duly served pursuant to Rule 5 on all parties, and all material produced will be made available for inspection or copying by all parties.
¨ Subpoena for Deposition, Rule 45.04, Tenn.R.Civ.Pro. ¨ Subpoena for Hearing or Trial, Rule 45.05, Tenn.R.Civ.Pro.
You are hereby commanded to appear at the time, date, and place specified herein for the purpose of giving testimony. In addition, if indicated, you are to bring the designated items listed. Failure to appear may be punished by fine/imprisonment as provided by law.
Date / Time / Designated Items:
Place / ¨ Chancery Court, Part ____
625 Georgia Avenue, Room 300
Chattanooga, Tennessee
¨ Other:
This subpoena is issued on behalf of:
¨ Plaintiff ¨ Defendant
Attorney or pro se: (name, address, & telephone number) / Issued:______, ROBIN L. MILLER, Clerk & Master
Certificate of service attached ___Yes ___no
Deputy Clerk & Master
Service Return / 1 and 2 are for the return of an authorized officer or attorney; an attorney’s return must be sworn to.
3 is for the witness who will acknowledge service and requires the witness’s signature.
¨ 1. I certify that, on the date of service stated below, I served a copy of this subpoena on the witness by:
¨ 2. I failed to serve a copy of this subpoena on the witness because:
¨ 3. I acknowledge being served with this subpoena on the date of service stated below.
¨ notary: My commission expires ______
¨ deputy clerk Date
Sworn to and subscribed before me on ______
Signature / Date of service: ______
Signature of Witness, Officer, or Attorney

Form 113, Rev. 2017.03.31