

Revised July 3, 2014


I.  INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1


A.  Rights and Responsibilities 1

B.  Academic Freedom and Responsibility 2

C.  Non-Discrimination and Harassment 3

III.  FLORIDA BOARD OF GOVERNORS …………………………………………………………………….. 3

IV.  ORGANIZATION OF THE UNIVERSITY ………………………………………………………………… 4

A.  UWF Board of Trustees 4

B.  President 4

C.  Division of Academic Affairs 4

D.  Division of Administrative Services 8

E.  Division of Student Affairs 8

F.  University Advancement Division 8

V.  DEFINITION OF FACULTY STATUS ………………………………………………………………………. 8

A.  Ranked Faculty / Regular Status 8

B.  Visiting Faculty 10

C.  Adjunct 10

D.  Faculty Associate 10

E.  Other Faculty Pay Plan Employees 10

VI.  EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION ………………………………………………………………………….. 12

A.  Hiring, Search and Screening Guidelines 12

B.  Appointments 16

C.  Reclassification of an Employee to a Non-Unit Classification 16

D.  Separations from Employment / Non-Reappointment 17

E.  Terms of Employment 17

F.  Conflict of Interest / Outside Employment 18

G.  Additional State Compensation 19
(Dual Employment and Overload Compensation)

H.  Layoff and Recall 19

I.  Disciplinary Action and Job Abandonment 20

VII.  LEAVES ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… 20

VIII.  FACULTY ASSIGNMENTS ……………………………………………………………………………………. 21

A.  Assignment of Responsibilities 21

B.  Office Hours 21

C.  Faculty Activity Reporting 22

IX.  PROMOTION, TENURE, AND EVALUATIONS ……………………………………………………… 22

X.  SALARIES/BENEFITS/RETIREMENT ……………………………………………………………………. 22

A.  Salaries 22

B.  Departmental Merit Salary Increases 23

C.  Benefits 23

D.  Retirement 24


XII.  FACULTY ADVISING ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 25

XIII.  FACULTY DEVELOPMENT …………………………………………………………………………………… 26

A.  Sabbaticals 26

B.  Faculty Service and Development Leaves 27

C.  Professional Development Leave 27

XIV.  RESPONSIBILITIES AS INSTRUCTORS ………………………………………………………………….. 28

A.  Class Hours 28

B.  Class Rosters 28

C.  Grading 29

D.  Student Academic / Non-Academic Misconduct 29

E.  University-Wide Attendance Policy 34

F.  Syllabi 34

XV.  INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY POLICY ……………………………………………………………………… 35

XVI.  FACULTY CONDUCT IN RESEARCH ……………………………………………………………………… 36

A.  Institutional Policy 36

XVII.  GENERAL INFORMATION …………………………………………………………………………………… 36

A.  Nepotism 36

B.  Financial Disclosure Law 37

C.  Payroll 37

D.  Insurance 37

E.  Workmen’s Compensation 37

F.  Campus Bank Teller Machine 39

G.  Nautilus Identification Cards 39

H.  Automobile Regulations 39

I.  Holidays 39

J.  Learned Societies 40

K.  Research 40

L.  Travel 40

M.  Committees and Councils 40

N.  Electronic Mail 40

O.  Computer Resources Usage Agreement 40


A.  Library 41

B.  Information Technology Services (ITS) 44

C.  WUWF 44

D.  ELearning 44

XIX.  EXTENSION CREDIT INSTRUCTIONS ……………………………………………………………………. 45

A.  Course Coordination 45

B.  Procedures for the Assignment of Faculty 45

C.  Responsibilities of Instructors 46

D.  Continuing Education and Distance Learning 46



The primary purpose of the handbook is to provide information concerning policies and procedures which directly affect the faculty at The University of West Florida. In addition, appropriate information of a more general nature is included. This edition of the handbook has been revised by the Office of the Provost for Academic Affairs.


MISSION STATEMENT - http://uwf.edu/about/at-a-glance/missionvisionvalues/

STRATEGIC PLAN – http://uwf.edu/about/at-a-glance/strategic-plan/






The major portion of the financial resources of The University of West Florida is provided by the State of Florida. Secondary sources of funds are student’s fees, donations, contracts, and grants. Local governmental bodies have provided funds for land acquisition and roads.



As citizens, members of the faculty enjoy the same basic rights and are bound by the same responsibilities to respect the rights of others, as are all citizens. Among the basic rights are freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of peaceful assembly and association, freedom of political beliefs, and freedom from personal force and violence, threats of violence, and personal abuse.

Freedom of press implies the right of freedom from censorship in campus newspapers and other media, and the concomitant obligation to adhere to the canons of responsible journalism. It should be made clear in writings or broadcasts that editorial opinions are not necessarily those of the institution or its members.

Each member of the campus has the right to organize his or her own personal life and behavior, so long as it does not violate the law, the rights of others, or the educational process. It is understood that the campus is not a sanctuary from the general law.

All members of the faculty have unique responsibilities and rights based upon the nature of the educational process and the requirements of the search for truth and its free presentation. These rights and responsibilities include the obligation to respect the freedom to teach, to learn, to conduct research, and to publish findings in the spirit of free inquiry. Institutional censorship and individual or group intolerance of the opinions of others are inconsistent with this freedom. Freedom to teach and to learn implies that the teacher has the right to determine the specific content of his/her course, within the established course definition.

Each faculty member has an obligation not to interfere with the freedom of members of the campus to pursue normal academic and administrative activities, including freedom of movement. He/she is obligated not to infringe upon the rights of members of the campus to privacy in offices, laboratories, or dormitory rooms, and in the keeping of personal papers, confidential records, and effects, subject only to the general law and to conditions voluntarily entered into.

In accordance with University regulations, a faculty member has the right to identify himself/herself as a member of the campus and a concurrent obligation not to speak or act on behalf of the institution without authorization, and the right to hold public meetings in which members participate, to post notices, and to engage in peaceful, orderly debate.

Florida Statutes 1001.02, 1001.705

UWF History
Employee Ethical Obligations and Conflicts of Interest


Article 5, Academic Freedom and Responsibility, Collective Bargaining Agreement


5.1 Policy.

It is the policy of the Board and the UFF to maintain and encourage full academic freedom. Academic freedom and responsibility are essential to the full development of a true university and apply to teaching, research/creative activities, assigned service, and the activities set forth in sections 11.4(f) regarding participation in governance and 11.4(g) regarding other assigned University duties.

5.2 Teaching and Research.

Consistent with the exercise of academic responsibility, faculty will have freedom to present and discuss their own academic subjects, frankly and forthrightly, without fear of censorship, and to select instructional materials and determine grades in accordance with University and Board policies. Objective and skillful exposition of such subject matter, including the acknowledgment of a variety of scholarly opinions, is the duty of every such faculty member. Faculty will also be free to engage in scholarly and creative activity and publish the results in a manner consistent with their professional obligations.

5.3 Academic Responsibility.

Academic freedom is accompanied by the corresponding responsibility to:

(a)  be forthright and honest in the pursuit and communication of scientific and scholarly knowledge;

(b)  respect students, staff, and colleagues as individuals; treat them in a collegial manner; and avoid any exploitation of such persons for private advantage;

(c)  respect the integrity of the evaluation process with regard to students, staff, and colleagues, so that it reflects their true merit;

(d)  indicate when appropriate that one is not an institutional representative unless specifically authorized as such; and

(e)  contribute to the orderly and effective functioning of the faculty member’s academic unit (program, department, division, and/or college) and/or the University.

5.4 In addition to their assigned duties, faculty have responsibilities arising from the nature of the educational process. Such responsibilities include, but are not limited to, observing and upholding the ethical standards of their discipline; participating, as appropriate, in the shared system of collegial governance, especially at the department level; respecting the confidential nature of the relationship between professor and student; adhering to one’s proper role as teacher, researcher, intellectual mentor, and counselor; and conducting oneself in a collegial manner in all interactions.


Florida Statutes 110.201(2), 1006.60

The following information about non-discrimination and harassment policies can be found on UWF’s Human Resources – Employee Relations website:


·  Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy Statement

·  Introduction/General Provisions Governing Personnel Matters

·  Americans with Disabilities Act

·  University’s Policy on Harassment and Discrimination

·  Discrimination and Harassment – A Guide for Faculty, Staff and Students

·  Consensual Relations Policy

·  Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation

·  Faculty and Staff Guide to the ADA

·  Procedure for Investigation and Disposition of Formal Complaints of Discrimination



Florida's public university system includes eleven universities with an enrollment of more than 294,000 students, approximately 50,000 faculty and staff, and an annual operating budget of $8 billion.

Article IX, Section 7 of the Florida Constitution was amended in 2002 to establish a statewide system of governance for all Florida public universities. As a result, the Florida Board of Governors was created in 2003 to operate, regulate, control, and be fully responsible for the management of the entire system consisting of eleven public universities. Responsibilities include defining the distinctive mission of each university and ensuring the well-planned coordination and operation of the system.

The Board is comprised of seventeen members, fourteen of whom are appointed by the Florida Governor and confirmed by the Florida Senate for a term of seven years. The remaining members include the President of the Advisory Council of the Faculty Senate, the Commissioner of Education, and the Chair of the Florida Student Association. The Board of Governors appoints a Chancellor who serves as the chief executive and administrative officer of the university system.


UWF Board of Trustees
President’s Division
Division of Academic Affairs
Division of Administrative Services
Division of Student Affairs
University Advancement Division

The University of West Florida organizational charts can be found online at:



The UWF Board of trustees is the 13-member governing body for the institution. The Governor of Florida appoints 6 of the members, who serve four-year terms and the Board of Governors appoints 5 of the members who serve five-year terms. All of these must be approved by the Senate. The president of the Faculty Senate holds one of those places. The final member is the president of the Student Government Association.


- http://uwf.edu/offices/presidents-office/


The President, appointed by the Board of Trustees, has the full authority and responsibility for the operation of the University under policies, rules, and regulations of BOG and within budgets approved by the Board; is expected to take the initiative in shaping and maintaining the educational policies and the character of the University within the framework of the Role and Scope approved by the Board.

C. DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - http://uwf.edu/academic/

The Division of Academic Affairs functions as the primary coordinating unit for academic programs and academic support operations. The division coordinates the allocation of instructional and research funds and other resources, works to improve the quality of instruction, correlates the evaluation of instructions, and establishes policy on faculty appointment, evaluation, promotion, and tenure.


The Provost, as chief academic officer of the University, is responsible for the allocation of resources for the academic program, the improvement of instruction, the correlation of instructional activities, the evaluation of University educational activities, the establishment of policy with respect to employment, evaluation, promotion, and tenure consonant with existing BOG/United Faculty of Florida contractual agreements, and the maintenance of personnel records of the academic staff. In the absence of the President, he/she assumes the authority and responsibility of the President.


The Deans, under the supervision of the Provost, are the chief administrative officers of their respective colleges and are responsible for administering the academic programs in their colleges. In addition, the Deans are responsible for the nomination of faculty chairpersons and the assignments of their duties, for planning, for the supervision of the use of funds, space, and equipment allocated to their colleges, and for the preparation of their college budgets and administrative reports. The Dean usually holds rank and tenure in one of the departments in the University.

COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES - http://uwf.edu/cas/

The College of Arts and Social Sciences is the traditional cornerstone of any University.The numerous and diverse offerings prepare students for the world of today and the challenges of tomorrow by fostering enduring and adaptive skills, including critical thinking, communication, and project management. Studentsdevelop expertise ina variety of traditional and applied disciplines. Students also have ample opportunitiesadopt and demonstratethe values ofacademic integrity and relevant professional ethics.

As the largest college at The University of West Florida, The College of Arts and Sciences isorganized into independent departments (e.g., History, Communication Arts, and Psychology) and affiliated departments (e.g., The School of Fine and Performing Arts housesArt, Music, and Theatre). Within thiscomplexstructure,each specialized area is headed by aschool director, departmentchair,or program coordinatoror director. The wide variety of disciplines represented in the college is reflected in the number of degree programs offered, most of which include more than one area of specialization.

The College of Arts and Sciences also provides critical services to the university, including Student Success, the Advising Center, and the Honors Program.

COLLEGE OF BUSINESS - http://uwf.edu/cob/

The mission of the College of Business is to provide a high quality, student-oriented, educational experience to baccalaureate and master’s degree business students primarily from the northwest Florida region. With a focused priority on teaching excellence, supported by scholarship and service, the College of Business prepares students for successful careers in business and society and, in doing so, advances the educational and economic development of northwest Florida