IILT – R2 Module: Education

VTOS ~ Full-time Education Opportunities for Unemployed Adults
CDVEC Head Office, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.
Tel: 668 0614 or 1800 20 40 80

What is VTOS ?

·  VTOS means "Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme"

·  VTOS gives unemployed adults the opportunity of returning to full time education without losing their benefits.

VTOS applicants must be:

·  aged 21 or over

·  unemployed for at least 6 months

·  in receipt of Social Welfare benefits or credits for at least 6 months

·  in receipt of One Parent Family Allowance

·  in receipt of Disability Allowance

·  in receipt of Disability Benefit

What type of courses can I do ?

·  Courses are approximately thirty hours a week

·  It is possible to get certification in subjects at the Junior Certificate, Leaving Certificate, City and Guilds, FETAC, or other suitable qualifications

Facts you should know:
Take up the VTOS challenge and immediately the benefits to you are:

·  Getting back to education

·  Payments equal to your Social Welfare benefits plus €31.74 allowance if more than 312 days on Unemployment Assistance, Unemployment Benefit, Disability Benefit Allowance or One Parent Family Allowance

·  Meal and travel allowances

·  Book loan system and free materials

·  You may be eligible for a crèche allowance

After VTOS, your long term bonuses can be:

·  Being part of the mainstream marketplace

·  An increased range of lifestyle options

·  Perhaps further education

·  Skills acquisition

How do I apply ?

If you want further information contact the CDVEC Head Office, or the Co-ordinators at the following VEC Colleges:

VTOS Co-ordinators

Co-ordinator School Telephone

Mary McGrail Coláiste Íde 834 2333

Patricia McStay Coláiste Éanna 838 9577

Frank Kenny Ballyfermot College

of Further Education 626 9421

Jim Murphy Whitehall College

of Further Education 837 6011

Mary O'Brien Larkin Community College 855 7116/855 0753

Christine Metzger Pearse College 453 6661/454 4013

Co-ordinator School Telephone

Ann O'Donohue Liberties College 454 0044

Máire Walsh Ringsend Technical Institute 668 4498

Bron O'Neill Killester College

of Further Education 833 7686

Pat Dodrill Coláiste Dhúlaigh 847 4399

John Grant Coláiste Dhúlaigh, Raheny 848 0269

Mary Stokes Ballsbridge College

of Further Education 668 4806

Joan Page Inchicore College

of Further Education 453 5358

Miriam Lillis Rathmines College

of Further Education 497 5334

Brid Kavanagh Crumlin College

of Further Education 454 0662

Sylvia Caffrey Plunket College, Whitehall 837 1680

Department of Social and Family Affairs

An Roinn Gnothaí Sóisialacha agus Teaghlaigh

What is BTEA?

·  BTEA means “Back to Education Allowance”

·  BTEA is a scheme for unemployed people who want to do a second or third level course of education

BTEA applicants must be:

·  Aged 21 or over

·  Unemployed for 6 months for the second level option

·  Unemployed for 12 months for the third level option

Time spent on Fás Training courses etc can count towards the qualifying period.

How do I apply?

Contact your local second or third level school or college to get details of their courses. They will also advise you on how to get a place on the course of your choice.

When you are accepted on a course, tell us by filling in the form BTE 1, and return it to your Social Welfare Local Office.

What type of courses can I do?

VEC colleges and centres delivering BTEI offer a wide range of courses at times which suit the learners. These could be in the mornings, afternoons, evenings or at weekends. All courses offer certification usually at Junior Certificate, Leaving Certificate or FETAC Foundation, Level 1 and Level 2. It is hoped that BTEI will allow those with family, work and other commitments to return to education and training and gain qualifications in their chosen area. Courses offered include: Childcare, Office Skills, Computing, English, Landscape Gardening, Cookery and Art. The courses are available at a number of VEC Colleges and centres.

A – What is VTOS?

Read the sheet “What is VTOS?” carefully and look up any difficult words in a dictionary. Talk to the other students in your group about the information and make sure you understand it.

a. Now work with a student from another group. Tell the student about what you read. Try to remember the information and not read from the page.

b. Now listen to your partner tell you what they read. Ask your partner questions to help you understand. When you have finished talking to your partner, answer these questions about BTEA:

1.  What does BTEA stand for?



2.  How do I qualify to be a BTEA applicant?




3.  How do I apply?




4.  What type of courses can I do?




B – What is BTEA?

Read the sheet “What is BTEA?” carefully and look up any difficult words in a dictionary. Talk to the other students in your group about the information and make sure you understand it.

a. Now work with a student from another group. Tell the student about what you read. Try to remember the information and not read from the page.

b. Now listen to your partner tell you what they read. Ask your partner questions to help you understand. When you have finished talking to your partner, answer these questions about VTOS:

1.  What does VTOS stand for?


2.  How do I qualify to be a VTOS applicant?



3.  What type of courses can I do?




4.  What are the benefits of doing a VTOS course?



5.  How do I apply?


VTOS info © 2006. cdvec.ie

BTEA info © 2006. welfare.ie

Questions © IILT 2006.