IESMA Constitution & By-Laws
ARTICLE V - Section 2 - Paragraph 2
Current By-Law
Section 2 - Qualifications for elective/Appointive Office:
With the exception of the office of Regional Vice-President, no person may be elected or appointed to an office or continue to hold an elective or appointed office unless they are a member in good standing of the Association and with at least one year consecutive membership prior to being elected or appointed.
All persons elected or appointed to office shall exhibit qualities of leadership and have an active interest in the Association and emergency management/preparedness program. The Office of President, First Vice-President, and Second Vice-President must hold a delegate or Professional Delegate membership. The Office of Secretary and Treasurer and Regional Vice-President must hold, at a minimum, a Pro/Tech Membership.
Proposed Action
Remove Professional Delegate Member.
All persons elected or appointed to office shall exhibit qualities of leadership and have an active interest in the Association and emergency management/preparedness program. The Office of President, First Vice-President, and Second Vice-President must hold a delegate or Professional Delegate membership. The Office of Secretary and Treasurer and Regional Vice-President must hold, at a minimum, a Pro/Tech Membership.
Final By-Law
All persons elected or appointed to office shall exhibit qualities of leadership and have an active interest in the Association and emergency management/preparedness program. The Office of President, First Vice-President, and Second Vice-President must hold a delegate membership. The Office of Secretary and Treasurer and Regional Vice-President must hold, at a minimum, a Pro/Tech Membership.
Proposal Submitted by:
Joseph A. Victor
ARTICLE V - Section 2 - Paragraph 2
Revised Action/Proposal
Remove Professional Delegate Member. Also remove references to First Vice President and Second Vice President. This paragraph should be referencing only President and Vice President.
Add “Commencing with the nominations and elections of calendar year 2017, the Office of President, and Vice-President must hold a delegate membership for the term of office.”, as the third sentence of the paragraph.
Amendment to Proposed Action 02/24/2016
All persons elected or appointed to office shall exhibit qualities of leadership and have an active interest in the Association and emergency management/preparedness program. The Office of President, First Vice-President, and Second Vice-President must hold a delegate or Professional Delegate membership. Commencing with the nominations and elections of calendar year 2017, the Office of President, and Vice-President must hold a delegate membership for the term of office. The Office of Secretary and Treasurer and Regional Vice-President must hold, at a minimum, a Pro/Tech Membership.
New Final By-Law
All persons elected or appointed to office shall exhibit qualities of leadership and have an active interest in the Association and emergency management/preparedness program. The Office of President and Vice-President must hold a delegate membership. Commencing with the nominations and elections of calendar year 2017, the Office of President, and Vice-President must hold a delegate membership for the term of office. The Office of Secretary and Treasurer and Regional Vice-President must hold, at a minimum, a Pro/Tech Membership.
Proposal submitted by: (02/24/2016)
Joseph Victor
The Director/Coordinator of any jurisdiction is the only delegate for IESMA. This person is the delegate because they are responsible for managing the local jurisdiction EMA. IESMA understands that, in some cases, the person at the top is not always the person that performs the functions, operations, and directions of the EMA. This, in some cases is delegated to another member. The delegate will need to lead and manage the affairs of IESMA. If an individual cannot manage a local jurisdiction, how can we expect that individual to manage the affairs of IESMA. Yes, the change reduces the pool of candidates, but it also sets the qualification bar to a higher standard.
Reviewed by:
February 25, 2016 Constitution & By-Laws Committee
Present Absent
Lee Shannon III Bethanie Albrecht
Jared Rowcliffe Ron Graziano
Ryan Buckingham
Curtis Hawk