I’m having problems passing integers to Crystal reports XI (11.5) , I have no issue with passing lists of string from the DB, The system is UCCX 7.01 SR5 , with MSDE (not SQL). The integers are to define the number of seconds for abandon reporting.
The stored procedure works fine and delivers the data I require. The example that is shown here is one combination that does not work and uses strings for the parameter into the stored procedure (which converts to integer interally). Ive also tried the Type=”STRING” two.....
<SQLParameter ParamName="$Bucketint1" ParamDefaultValue="45">
<ParamNameText>No of Seconds 1st Bucket Interval</ParamNameText>
<ParamHelpText>No of Seconds 1st Bucket Interval</ParamHelpText>
<TextBox GUIComponentName="Interval 1" Type="STRING"/>
Each time I change the combination , I regenerate a Crystal report for it to ensure there is no misalignment.
Which ever combination I pick the historical client allows me to pick the parameters, trys to execute and then errors with the following errors in the log file REGARDLESS OF THE COMBINATION , I would expect it to at least give and error. I have also removed the ' from around the $Bucketint parameter and the result is the same ..... what am I doing wrong ?
Stored procedure header .....
ALTER PROCEDURE OBS_Procs_1 (@StartDate DateTime , @EndDate as DateTime , @ServiceName varchar(40) ,@Bucketint1 varchar(10) , @Bucketint2 varchar(10), @BucketInt3 Varchar(10), @SortBy int) – again I have tried all combinations of INT and varchar.
Error - 94: 12/2/2011 08:14:13 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-3-UNK:SQLInterpreter: variable($Bucketint1) can only have alpha characters
Full log file enclosed.
I have tried to compare it against integer parameters in Cisco reports and I cant see what I’m doing differently.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Copyright © 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved -->
<ReportTemplateDefinition xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=".\reports.xsd" version="1">
<Report ReportName="OBS Abandon Report" BasetemplateFile="OBS Abandon Report" ReportCategory="ICD">
<ReportDescription>Abandoned Call Detail Activity Report shows the details of the calls abandoned By Service.</ReportDescription>
<ReportSQLCommand>Exec db_cra.dbo.OBS_Procs_1 '$StartDate', '$EndDate',N'$ServiceName','$Bucketint1','$Bucketint2','$Bucketint3', $SortBy</ReportSQLCommand>
<ReportParameterList MutualExclusive="false">
<SQLParameter ParamName="$ServiceName" ParamDefaultValue="NULL">
<ParamNameText>Service Name</ParamNameText>
<ParamHelpText>Names the service that you wish to report on</ParamHelpText>
<DBListToList GUIComponentName="SRVNAME SelectionBox" SingleSelection="1">
<SQL>SELECT distinct customVariable5 FROM db_cra.dbo.OBS_Custom_View_1</SQL>
<SQLParameter ParamName="$Bucketint1" ParamDefaultValue="45">
<ParamNameText>No of Seconds 1st Bucket Interval</ParamNameText>
<ParamHelpText>No of Seconds 1st Bucket Interval</ParamHelpText>
<TextBox GUIComponentName="Interval 1" Type="INT"/>
<SQLParameter ParamName="$Bucketint2" ParamDefaultValue="45">
<ParamNameText>No of Seconds 2nd Bucket Interval</ParamNameText>
<ParamHelpText>No of Seconds 2nd Bucket Interval</ParamHelpText>
<TextBox GUIComponentName="Interval 2" Type="INT"/>
<SQLParameter ParamName="$Bucketint3" ParamDefaultValue="50">
<ParamNameText>No of Seconds 3rd Bucket Interval</ParamNameText>
<ParamHelpText>No of Seconds 3rd Bucket Interval</ParamHelpText>
<TextBox GUIComponentName="Interval 3" Type="INT"/>
<ListOption OptionSelected="true" OptionValue="0">No Option to Sort</ListOption>
ALTER PROCEDURE OBS_Procs_1 (@StartDate DateTime , @EndDate as DateTime , @ServiceName varchar(40) ,@Bucketint1 varchar(10) , @Bucketint2 varchar(10), @BucketInt3 Varchar(10), @SortBy int)
Declare @tmp_Start DateTime,
@tmp_DayNo int,
@tmp_Var5 varchar(40),
@tmp_Var6 varchar(40),
@tmp_Contacts int,
@tmp_Bucket_1 int,
@tmp_Bucket_2 int,
@tmp_Bucket_3 int,
@tmp_Bucket_4 int,
@tmp_bucket_thresh1 int,
@tmp_bucket_thresh2 int,
@tmp_bucket_thresh3 int,
@tmp_startsearch DateTime,
@tmp_endsearch DateTime,
@tmp_displaydate varchar(10),
@tmp_dayname varchar(10),
@tmp_handled int,
@tmp_lost int
set @tmp_bucket_thresh1 = convert(int,@Bucketint1)
set @tmp_bucket_thresh2 = convert(int,@Bucketint2)
set @tmp_bucket_thresh3 = convert(int,@Bucketint3)
set @tmp_startsearch = @StartDate
set @tmp_endsearch = @EndDate
set @ServiceName = replace(@ServiceName,'OR|','')
create Table #Temp ( Start DateTime,
DayNo int,
Var5 varchar(40),
Var6 varchar(40),
Contacts int,
Bucket_1 int,
Bucket_2 int,
Bucket_3 int,
Bucket_4 int,
Displaydate varchar(11),
Dayname varchar(10),
Handled int,
Lost int
insert into #Temp (Start,DayNo,Var5,Var6,Contacts,Bucket_1,Bucket_2,Bucket_3,Bucket_4,Displaydate,Dayname,Handled,Lost)
,max(datepart(dw,startDateTime))as DayNo
,Count(*) as NumberOfContacts
,Count(queue_time) as Bucket_1
,Count(queue_time) as Bucket_2
,Count(queue_time) as Bucket_3
,Count(queue_time) as Bucket_4
,dateadd(dd,0,DATEDIFF(dd,0,startDateTime)) as Displaydate
,' ' as Dayname
,count(queue_time) as Handled
,count(queue_time) as Lost
from OBS_Custom_View_1 where
(startDateTime > @tmp_startsearch and startDateTime < @tmp_endsearch) and
customVariable5 = @ServiceName
group by dateadd(dd,0,DATEDIFF(dd,0,startDateTime)),customVariable5,CustomVariable6
Declare Trawl CURSOR for
Select * from #Temp
Open Trawl
fetch next from Trawl into
while @@FETCH_STATUS =0
update #Temp
set Bucket_1 = (select count(*) from OBS_Custom_View_1 where
customVariable5=@tmp_Var5 and customVariable6=@tmp_Var6 and
queue_time < @tmp_bucket_thresh1 and
(dateadd(dd,0,DATEDIFF(dd,0,startDateTime)) = Displaydate) and
contactDisposition = 1) where Var5=@tmp_Var5 and Var6=@tmp_Var6
update #Temp
set Bucket_2 = (select count(*) from OBS_Custom_View_1 where
customVariable5=@tmp_Var5 and customVariable6=@tmp_Var6 and
(queue_time >= @tmp_bucket_thresh1 and queue_time < @tmp_bucket_thresh2) and
(dateadd(dd,0,DATEDIFF(dd,0,startDateTime)) = Displaydate) and
contactDisposition = 1) where Var5=@tmp_Var5 and Var6=@tmp_Var6
update #Temp
set Bucket_3 = (select count(*) from OBS_Custom_View_1 where
customVariable5=@tmp_Var5 and customVariable6=@tmp_Var6 and
(queue_time >= @tmp_bucket_thresh2 and queue_time < @tmp_bucket_thresh3) and
(dateadd(dd,0,DATEDIFF(dd,0,startDateTime)) = Displaydate) and
contactDisposition = 1) where Var5=@tmp_Var5 and Var6=@tmp_Var6
update #Temp
set Bucket_4 = (select count(*) from OBS_Custom_View_1 where
customVariable5=@tmp_Var5 and customVariable6=@tmp_Var6 and
queue_time > @tmp_bucket_thresh3 and
(dateadd(dd,0,DATEDIFF(dd,0,startDateTime)) = Displaydate) and
contactDisposition = 1) where Var5=@tmp_Var5 and Var6=@tmp_Var6
update #Temp
set Handled = (select count(*) from OBS_Custom_View_1 where
customVariable5=@tmp_Var5 and customVariable6=@tmp_Var6 and
(dateadd(dd,0,DATEDIFF(dd,0,startDateTime)) = Displaydate) and
contactDisposition = 2) where Var5=@tmp_Var5 and Var6=@tmp_Var6
update #Temp
set Lost= (select count(*) from OBS_Custom_View_1 where
customVariable5=@tmp_Var5 and customVariable6=@tmp_Var6 and
(dateadd(dd,0,DATEDIFF(dd,0,startDateTime)) = Displaydate) and
contactDisposition != 2 and contactDisposition != 1) where Var5=@tmp_Var5 and Var6=@tmp_Var6
fetch next from Trawl into
close Trawl
Deallocate Trawl
--Select * from #Temp order by Var5,Var6,Displaydate
select Displaydate,'Day'=
when DayNo = 1 then 'Monday'
when DayNo = 2 then 'Tuesday'
when DayNo = 3 then 'Wednesday'
when DayNo = 4 then 'Thursday'
when DayNo = 5 then 'Friday'
when DayNo = 6 then 'Saturday'
when Dayno = 7 then 'Sunday'
,Var5,Var6,Contacts,Handled,Bucket_1,Bucket_2,Bucket_3,Bucket_4,Lost from #Temp order by Var5,Displaydate,Var6
1: 12/2/2011 08:11:29 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Logging Init with: LogLevel=3 ,Max# LogFiles=10 ,Max Size Per LogFiles=1024000 Bytes
2: 12/2/2011 08:11:29 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Log Files Path: 'C:\Program Files\Cisco UCCX Historical Reports\logs\'
3: 12/2/2011 08:11:29 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Scheduler Root Directory Path: 'C:\Program Files\Cisco UCCX Historical Reports\scheduler\'
4: 12/2/2011 08:11:29 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Scheduler Exports Directory Path: 'C:\Program Files\Cisco UCCX Historical Reports\reports\'
5: 12/2/2011 08:11:29 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Scheduler SQL Files Directory Path: 'C:\Program Files\Cisco UCCX Historical Reports\scheduler\sql\'
6: 12/2/2011 08:11:29 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Scheduler DB File Path: 'Scheduler\HistoricalReportScheduler.mdb'
7: 12/2/2011 08:11:29 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Scheduler DB Provider: 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'
8: 12/2/2011 08:11:30 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Application initialization successful
9: 12/2/2011 08:11:30 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:CiscoAppReports7.0 (1.50)
10: 12/2/2011 08:11:30 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Current Time Zone: GMT Standard Time
11: 12/2/2011 08:11:30 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Attempting to read commandline arguments
12: 12/2/2011 08:11:30 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Commandline arguments received before parsing:
13: 12/2/2011 08:11:30 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Ignoring all command line arguments
14: 12/2/2011 08:11:30 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Arguments recieved are: Empty Array
15: 12/2/2011 08:11:30 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-4-UNK:'authRelUrl' key was not found in ini file (C:\Program Files\Cisco UCCX Historical Reports\hrcConfig.ini). Using default authentication relative URL /histRepWebSrvrComp/histRepClientsServlet
16: 12/2/2011 08:11:46 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Sending authentication request to server ( for user (vocsupport)
17: 12/2/2011 08:11:46 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-4-UNK:Downloading info from URL(
18: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Authentication response was received from (
19: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Attempting to load XML response from authentication servlet
20: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Attempting to read authentication result from XML response from authentication servlet
21: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Recieved Successful authentication result from XML response from authentication servlet
22: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:XML Response version recieved was (3)
23: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server AUTH('1') of 'CRA_DATABASE
24: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server PORT('4433') of 'CRA_DATABASE
25: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server NETWORK('dbmssocn') of 'CRA_DATABASE
26: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server MAXCONNECTIONS('5') of 'CRA_DATABASE
27: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server DRIVER('SQL Server') of 'CRA_DATABASE
28: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server SERVER('\CRSSQL') of 'CRA_DATABASE
29: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server DATABASE('db_cra') of 'CRA_DATABASE
30: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server IP('') of 'IPAR6000
31: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server nodeID('1') of 'IPAR6000
32: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Successfully loaded XML response from authentication servlet
33: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Overwritting the DRIVER('SQL Server') of 'CRA_DATABASE' from backupDB ini section 'CRA_DATABASE_ALTERNATIVE' with value of ('SQL Server')
34: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Overwritting the NETWORK('dbmssocn') of 'CRA_DATABASE' from backupDB ini section 'CRA_DATABASE_ALTERNATIVE' with value of ('dbmssocn')
35: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Overwritting the AUTH('1') of 'CRA_DATABASE' from backupDB ini section 'CRA_DATABASE_ALTERNATIVE' with value of ('1')
36: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Overwritting the PORT('4433') of 'CRA_DATABASE' from backupDB ini section 'CRA_DATABASE_ALTERNATIVE' with value of ('4433')
37: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Overwritting the SERVER('\CRSSQL') of 'CRA_DATABASE' from backupDB ini section 'CRA_DATABASE_ALTERNATIVE' with value of ('\CRSSQL')
38: 12/2/2011 08:11:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Overwritting the DATABASE('db_cra') of 'CRA_DATABASE' from backupDB ini section 'CRA_DATABASE_ALTERNATIVE' with value of ('db_cra')
39: 12/2/2011 08:11:58 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:DB Layer Current Query=*****
40: 12/2/2011 08:11:59 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:[DB Connections From Clients (count=1)]|[(#1) 'program_name'='Cisco CRA Historical Reports3032','hostname'='WESMADMD068419P']
41: 12/2/2011 08:11:59 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:DB Layer Current Query=SELECT Tbl_Authentication.userID From Tbl_Authentication WHERE (((Tbl_Authentication.userID)="vocsupport@default"));
42: 12/2/2011 08:11:59 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:DB Layer Current Query=UPDATE Tbl_Authentication SET Tbl_Authentication.userPWD = "*****" , Tbl_Authentication.clusterName = "default" WHERE (Tbl_Authentication.userID="vocsupport@default");
43: 12/2/2011 08:11:59 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:DB Layer Current Query=SELECT Tbl_DatabaseCfg.AppServerIP From Tbl_DatabaseCfg WHERE (((Tbl_DatabaseCfg.AppServerIP)="") AND ((Tbl_DatabaseCfg.clusterName)="") AND ((Tbl_DatabaseCfg.clusterNodes)=""));
44: 12/2/2011 08:11:59 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:DB Layer Current Query=SELECT Tbl_Scheduler.* FROM Tbl_Scheduler WHERE (((Tbl_Scheduler.Status)="Deleted") OR ((Tbl_Scheduler.Life)=0));
45: 12/2/2011 08:11:59 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:DB Layer Current Query=DELETE FROM Tbl_Scheduler WHERE (((Tbl_Scheduler.Status)="Deleted") OR ((Tbl_Scheduler.Life)=0));
46: 12/2/2011 08:12:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Form Main loading
47: 12/2/2011 08:12:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-4-UNK:A report file template 'ICD_OBS_Abandon_Report_en_us.xml' has not been added to report list since it is missing one or more of its corresponding .rpt file template OR its name is larger than the max report template filename of: 100
48: 12/2/2011 08:12:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-4-UNK:A report file template 'ICD_OBS_Headless_1_en_us.xml' has not been added to report list since it is missing one or more of its corresponding .rpt file template OR its name is larger than the max report template filename of: 100
49: 12/2/2011 08:12:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Form Main saving report()
50: 12/2/2011 08:12:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-4-UNK:Report XML file name passed to saveReport was empty
51: 12/2/2011 08:12:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Form Main saving report()
52: 12/2/2011 08:12:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-4-UNK:Report XML file name passed to saveReport was empty
53: 12/2/2011 08:12:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Form Main loading report(ICD_Abandoned_Call_Detail_Activity_en_us.xml)
54: 12/2/2011 08:12:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:after loading frmMain
55: 12/2/2011 08:12:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:before showing frmMain
56: 12/2/2011 08:12:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Main Form_Form_Resize
57: 12/2/2011 08:12:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:after showing frmMain
58: 12/2/2011 08:12:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:main form paint called
59: 12/2/2011 08:12:03 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Main Form_Form_QueryUnload
60: 12/2/2011 08:12:03 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Form Main saving report(ICD_Abandoned_Call_Detail_Activity_en_us.xml)
61: 12/2/2011 08:12:03 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-4-UNK:Application Exiting ...
1: 12/2/2011 08:12:27 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Logging Init with: LogLevel=3 ,Max# LogFiles=10 ,Max Size Per LogFiles=1024000 Bytes
2: 12/2/2011 08:12:27 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Log Files Path: 'C:\Program Files\Cisco UCCX Historical Reports\logs\'
3: 12/2/2011 08:12:27 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Scheduler Root Directory Path: 'C:\Program Files\Cisco UCCX Historical Reports\scheduler\'
4: 12/2/2011 08:12:27 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Scheduler Exports Directory Path: 'C:\Program Files\Cisco UCCX Historical Reports\reports\'
5: 12/2/2011 08:12:27 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Scheduler SQL Files Directory Path: 'C:\Program Files\Cisco UCCX Historical Reports\scheduler\sql\'
6: 12/2/2011 08:12:27 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Scheduler DB File Path: 'Scheduler\HistoricalReportScheduler.mdb'
7: 12/2/2011 08:12:27 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Scheduler DB Provider: 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'
8: 12/2/2011 08:12:29 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Application initialization successful
9: 12/2/2011 08:12:29 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:CiscoAppReports7.0 (1.50)
10: 12/2/2011 08:12:29 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Current Time Zone: GMT Standard Time
11: 12/2/2011 08:12:29 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Attempting to read commandline arguments
12: 12/2/2011 08:12:29 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Commandline arguments received before parsing:
13: 12/2/2011 08:12:29 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Ignoring all command line arguments
14: 12/2/2011 08:12:29 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Arguments recieved are: Empty Array
15: 12/2/2011 08:12:29 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-4-UNK:'authRelUrl' key was not found in ini file (C:\Program Files\Cisco UCCX Historical Reports\hrcConfig.ini). Using default authentication relative URL /histRepWebSrvrComp/histRepClientsServlet
16: 12/2/2011 08:12:39 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Sending authentication request to server ( for user (vocsupport)
17: 12/2/2011 08:12:39 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-4-UNK:Downloading info from URL(
18: 12/2/2011 08:12:40 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Authentication response was received from (
19: 12/2/2011 08:12:40 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Attempting to load XML response from authentication servlet
20: 12/2/2011 08:12:40 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Attempting to read authentication result from XML response from authentication servlet
21: 12/2/2011 08:12:40 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Recieved Failed authentication result from XML response from authentication servlet
22: 12/2/2011 08:12:40 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Successfully loaded XML response from authentication servlet
23: 12/2/2011 08:12:40 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-3-UNK:Login Error | An Error occurred while attempting to communicate with web server. Check your user id and password and try again.
24: 12/2/2011 08:12:46 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Sending authentication request to server ( for user (vocsupport)
25: 12/2/2011 08:12:46 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-4-UNK:Downloading info from URL(
26: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Authentication response was received from (
27: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Attempting to load XML response from authentication servlet
28: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Attempting to read authentication result from XML response from authentication servlet
29: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Recieved Successful authentication result from XML response from authentication servlet
30: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:XML Response version recieved was (3)
31: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server AUTH('1') of 'CRA_DATABASE
32: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server PORT('4433') of 'CRA_DATABASE
33: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server NETWORK('dbmssocn') of 'CRA_DATABASE
34: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server MAXCONNECTIONS('5') of 'CRA_DATABASE
35: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server DRIVER('SQL Server') of 'CRA_DATABASE
36: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server SERVER('\CRSSQL') of 'CRA_DATABASE
37: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server DATABASE('db_cra') of 'CRA_DATABASE
38: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server IP('') of 'IPAR6000
39: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Obtained from Apps Server nodeID('1') of 'IPAR6000
40: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Successfully loaded XML response from authentication servlet
41: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Overwritting the DRIVER('SQL Server') of 'CRA_DATABASE' from backupDB ini section 'CRA_DATABASE_ALTERNATIVE' with value of ('SQL Server')
42: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Overwritting the NETWORK('dbmssocn') of 'CRA_DATABASE' from backupDB ini section 'CRA_DATABASE_ALTERNATIVE' with value of ('dbmssocn')
43: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Overwritting the AUTH('1') of 'CRA_DATABASE' from backupDB ini section 'CRA_DATABASE_ALTERNATIVE' with value of ('1')
44: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Overwritting the PORT('4433') of 'CRA_DATABASE' from backupDB ini section 'CRA_DATABASE_ALTERNATIVE' with value of ('4433')
45: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Overwritting the SERVER('\CRSSQL') of 'CRA_DATABASE' from backupDB ini section 'CRA_DATABASE_ALTERNATIVE' with value of ('\CRSSQL')
46: 12/2/2011 08:12:47 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Overwritting the DATABASE('db_cra') of 'CRA_DATABASE' from backupDB ini section 'CRA_DATABASE_ALTERNATIVE' with value of ('db_cra')
47: 12/2/2011 08:12:58 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:DB Layer Current Query=*****
48: 12/2/2011 08:13:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:[DB Connections From Clients (count=1)]|[(#1) 'program_name'='Cisco CRA Historical Reports3032','hostname'='WESMADMD068419P']
49: 12/2/2011 08:13:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:DB Layer Current Query=SELECT Tbl_Authentication.userID From Tbl_Authentication WHERE (((Tbl_Authentication.userID)="vocsupport@default"));
50: 12/2/2011 08:13:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:DB Layer Current Query=UPDATE Tbl_Authentication SET Tbl_Authentication.userPWD = "*****" , Tbl_Authentication.clusterName = "default" WHERE (Tbl_Authentication.userID="vocsupport@default");
51: 12/2/2011 08:13:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:DB Layer Current Query=SELECT Tbl_DatabaseCfg.AppServerIP From Tbl_DatabaseCfg WHERE (((Tbl_DatabaseCfg.AppServerIP)="") AND ((Tbl_DatabaseCfg.clusterName)="") AND ((Tbl_DatabaseCfg.clusterNodes)=""));
52: 12/2/2011 08:13:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:DB Layer Current Query=SELECT Tbl_Scheduler.* FROM Tbl_Scheduler WHERE (((Tbl_Scheduler.Status)="Deleted") OR ((Tbl_Scheduler.Life)=0));
53: 12/2/2011 08:13:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:DB Layer Current Query=DELETE FROM Tbl_Scheduler WHERE (((Tbl_Scheduler.Status)="Deleted") OR ((Tbl_Scheduler.Life)=0));
54: 12/2/2011 08:13:00 %CHC-LOG_SUBFAC-7-UNK:Form Main loading