West Garfield Campus
Rev. 10/8/13
I. Course and Instructor: NUA170, Nurse Aide Clinical Experience, Eastlund.
Format: Preceptor clinical experience at local health care facilities under the management of the CMC instructor with an orientation class and a post-conference class.
Course Information
Course Title: Nurse Aide Clinical Experience Synonym Number: 81488
Course Code: NUA 170-RL01 Credits: 1
Semester: Spring 2014 Prerequisite: NUA 101
Meeting Times and Days: to be arranged 45 contact hours
Class Location: E.D. Moore Care Center, Grand River, Hospital and West Garfield Campus,
Room 163 (for lab classes)
Start Date: 03/31/14 End Date: 05/02/14
Refund Date: 04/04/14 Withdraw Date: 04/25/14
Instructor Information
Instructor Name: Marcia Eastlund RN
Phone: (Office) (Home, optional) 970 597-0525
Fax: (Office)
E-Mail: (Office)
Instructor Office Room #:
Office Hours: By appointment only or up to 30 minutes before class
Rifle Campus Closure Line:
Information on whether the Rifle Campus will be closed for any reason may be found by calling 625-6990. This includes but is not limited to inclement weather and emergencies.
II. Course Description: Applies knowledge and skill gained in NUA 101 to patient care.
From the Colorado Community College Common Course Numbering System (6/16/06)
III. Student Learning Outcomes, Competencies, and Skills
Standard Competencies
I. Form a relationship, communicate and interact competently on a one-to-one basis with patients/residents.
II. Demonstrate sensitivity to residents`/patients` emotional, social and mental health needs.
III.Assist residents/patients in attaining and maintaining independence.
IV. Exhibit behaviors that supports and promotes residents`/patients` rights
V.Demonstrate observational and documentation skills needed in the promotion of residents`/patients` health, physical condition and well-being.
VI. Demonstrate beginning competency in the provision of patient care.
From the Colorado Community College Common Course web site.
IV. Learning Outcomes and Skills: The student will be able to practice at least 50 clinical skills and successfully complete the terminal objectives described on the “Lab and Clinical Skills Checklist”
V. IDEA Objectives
· Gaining factual knowledge (terminology, classifications, methods, trends).
· Learning fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories.
· Developing specific skills, competencies, and points of view needed by professionals in the field most closely related to this course
VI. Required Course Materials:
Provided by CMC:
· School approved scrub uniform
· Identification name tag from CMC
· Gait belt
· Stethoscope
Provided by student
· Watch with second hand
· Notebook or folder for lab checklist, contact information, and resource materials
· Textbook and workbook from NUA 101
VII. Attendance and No-show Reporting
Attendance and early engagement are important elements for your success in this course. All students who do not attend the first class(es) or meet early attendance requirements must be reported by the instructor to the Registrar’s Office. Financial aid students who do not attend the first class(es) or meet early attendance requirements will be dropped from the course and may not receive financial assistance (http://coloradomtn.edu/financial_aid).
VIII. Students with Disabilities
If you have a disability protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and you feel you may need classroom accommodations based on the impact of your disability, please contact the Disability Services Coordinator on your campus.
Ø Alpine and Vail-Eagle Valley Campuses: Deb Farmer at 970-870-4450
Ø Aspen, Rifle, and Roaring Fork Campuses: Dr. Anne Moll at 970-947-8256
Ø Summit and Timberline Campuses (including Chaffee County): Sandi Conner at 719-486-4200
IX. Withdrawal from this Course
Students wishing to withdraw from this course must INITIATE the course withdrawal/drop process at the site Registration Office.
This class could be cancelled one week prior to the census date if a sufficient number of students are not enrolled by that date.
X. Grading System & Options
Information about grading is available in the Colorado Mountain College catalog. Grades will be posted to https://webadvisor.coloradomtn.edu/ by Thursday of the week following the last day of classes at the end of each semester. After logging into WebAdvisor students should click on “Grades” under the Academic Profile heading.
After selecting the term they will see the classes in which they are registered and the corresponding grades.
XI. Virtual Library Information http://library.coloradomtn.edu/
The Virtual Library has its doors open 24/7, providing access to thousands of online journals and newspapers, e-books and art images, downloadable videos and audiobooks, career resources and practice tests.
Login Instructions
Use CMC Libraries link from Canvas course menu to access CMC libraries web site. The link will pass authentication credentials that will allow you to use online library collections. It will also take you directly to the libraries’ home page.
Ask a Librarian
If you need assistance with your research project, you can ask a librarian online. Select AskAcademic chat box on the library’s home page and type in your question. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also email or call us at 800-621-8559, extension 2926.
XII. Evaluation Methods and Class Management
NOTICE: A student judged to have engaged in academic misconduct as defined in the “Academic Policies and Requirements” section of the Colorado Mountain College Student Handbook will, at a minimum, receive a “zero” for the work in question. The student may also be removed from the class, resulting in a failing grade. All student course material may be submitted to turnitin.com (or another anti-plagiarism program) at the instructor’s discretion. “Academic Expectations,” the “Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Process,” and more information about academic misconduct can be found in the Student Handbook.
Students are responsible for course materials from assigned text(s) and reading, lectures, labs, and other assignments as required. The instructor may alter any, or all, of this syllabus during the semester as the learning environment requires. Students will be notified in writing of changes. Attendance at all class meetings is expected.
CNA Program: Class management:
· An orientation to each facility or agency will be provided prior to the clinical experience on the first day of class. The student must attend this orientation.
· The student will attend assigned shifts at health care facilities to practice the nurse aide skills. For each shift, the student will be assigned a nurse aide preceptor who is supervised by a nurse from that facility.
· The CNA program coordinator will available by phone or email for communication from the student or facilities staff. If another CMC CNA instructor will be the contact person for a specific length of time, that information will be distributed to the students and facility staff via email or Canvas announcement page.
· The student will have the “Lab and Clinical Skills Checklist” from the NUA 101 during clinical time. When a skill is completed, the skill will be dated and initialed by a preceptor (clinical instructor). No skill will be performed unless it has first been demonstrated in the lab and initialed by a NUA 101 CMC instructor.
· An individual schedule was made and distributed during the NUA 101 class that indicates where and when the student will work at the health care facilities. If there is a change in the schedule, the student must notify the coordinator 2 hours before the shift and work with the coordinator to schedule additional hours if needed.
· The student will be given the name and phone number of the contact person at each health care facility or agency. The facility and agency will be given the student’s name and phone number.
· Six hours of the course will be at the CMC lab where a review of the skills, post conference, evaluations and final instruction is completed.
· The student must notify the instructor if there is any unusual occurrence, such as an incident report, injury, unsafe working conditions, or a difficult situation. The instructor will determine if an incident report will be completed. This report is only for the use of CMC staff to address quality improvement activities.
Grading: The following chart indicates the mandatory requirements and graded learning activities. Three examples are given of how the grading might be calculated for different students.
clinical / Example of excellent clinical
Clinical Hours Attendance: Completed 16 hrs supervised clinical hours and 45 hours of total clinical hours.
See time sheet on skill list. / Mandatory / Completed / Completed / Completed
Reduction in grade:
2 points for each unexcused tardy more than ½ hour and 5 points for each unexcused absence (including not calling in 2 hours before scheduled hours)
Clinical Skills: less than 50 skills = 0 points
50-70 skills = 1 point per skill (including the
Terminal Objectives) / 70 / 50 / 54 / 68
Reports on Canvas Discussion:
at least a 3- sentence report
Due 5 days after the first 10 or more hours / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5
Due 5 days after 20 or more hours of clinical / 5 / 0 / 5 / 5
Due 5 days after 30 or more hours of clinical and before the last day of class. / 5 / 0 / 0 / 5
Terminal Objectives: evaluated by an RN or LPN with a rating at a 2 or 3 level / 5
Mandatory / 5 / 5 / 5
Clinical Skill Review (completes 5 of 6 stations) / 5 / 0 / 4 / 5
Final Evaluation of clinical sites (completed during last day of class at CMC learning lab) / Mandatory / Completed / Completed / Completed
Test (50 questions): / 5 / 3 / 4 / 5
Total / 100 / 63
F / 76
C / 98
Clinical Hours Extra Credit: Total of 51 or more hours / 5
Descriptions of Assignments:
Clinical Hours: A record of the hours attended of clinical was designed by the CMC instructor and is found on the front of the “Lab and Clinical Skills Checklist. On the last day of class, the instructor will review the time sheet to make sure that there is 16 hours of nurse supervised clinical experience and a total of 45 hours of clinical time, including the 6 hrs at the CMC facility..
Clinical Skills: The total number of skills that were initialed by the nurse aide or nurse preceptor will be added up. These skills were suggested by the Colorado Board of Nursing and are listed in the “Lab and Clinical Skills Checklist.”
Reports: The student will complete three reports of clinical experience on Canvas. Each entry will demonstrate the student’s application of the following: confidentiality, legal issues (including negative comments about staff members), the role of the nurse aide, teamwork, and identifying learning situations. Report Grading:
· 5 points: 5 sentences or more. Excellent readability. Insight into own experience or refers teamwork. Identifies relationship between clinical and class learning. Indicates that student was active in pursuing learning experiences.
· 4 points: 4 sentences or more. Readability. Aware of learning experiences. Understands interaction with team.
· 3 points: 3 sentences or more. Basic information with some description of experience. Little awareness of team.
· 2 points: less than 3 sentences. Facts only with no insight into experience
· 1 points: less than 3 sentences. Poor writing. Unable to find learning experiences
The following screen shots show how the reports will be submitted via Canvas assignments:
Terminal Objectives: At the end of the “Lab and Clinical Checklist” are the terminal objectives provided by the Colorado Board of Nursing. In bold print below each objective, are examples of how a student can meet those objectives. For a student to pass this class, all the terminal objectives must be at a 2 or 3 rating.
Clinical Skill Review: 2 days
· Look on the schedule to see which days you are assigned to return to the lab at CMC for the Clinical Lab Review. You will attend during the same hours you had class in NUA 101. Bring your “Lab and Clinical Checklist, workbook, state Candidate Handbook, a pen or pencil, your gait belt, and a watch with a second hand. On the last day you must also have your ID badge from CMC.
· Day One:
1300 -1345 1800-1845 Turn in “Lab and Clinical Checklist” to instructor for review
Discussion of the stations, selection of partner, and assignment of station
Test (50 questions). Break
1345-1430 1845-1930 Clinical Skill Review (first station) and break- 45 minutes
1430-1515 1930-2015 Clinical Skill Review (second station) and break – 45 minutes
1515-1600 2015-2100 Clinical Skill Review (third station) and break – 45 minutes
· Day Two
1300 -1345 1800-1845 Turn in checklist to instructor. Do not leave until instructor verifies that
you have enough clinical hours
Evaluation of clinicals: verbal and written. Break
1345-1430 1845-1930 Clinical Skill Review (fourth station) and break- 45 minutes
1430-1515 1930-2015 Clinical Skill Review (fifth station) and break – 45 minutes
1515-1600 2015-2040 Make up of any work and discussion with instructor, as needed
· The lab stations will be the same as in NUA 101, except that Station 6 will be divided among the other 5 stations. You will be expected to know the steps of the skills by memory. Please utilize any memory tools that your instructor or you have designed to remember the steps that are frequently at the beginning and the end of most of the skills. Each student will have 20 minutes to complete all the skills to earn the 1 point per station. All the supplies will be on a table in the middle of the room.
Station 1 (Bed A)Dress Client with Affected (Weak) Right Arm
Assist with Use of Bedpan
Positions on Side
Counts and Records Respirations
Station 2 (Bed B)
Performs (PROM) for One Shoulder
Performs Passive Range of Motion (PROM) for One Knee and One Ankle
Transfers From Bed to Wheelchair Using Transfer Belt
Assists to Ambulate Using Transfer Belt
Measures & Record Wt of Ambulatory Client
Station 3 (Bed C)
Gives Modified Bed Bath (Face and One Arm, Hand, and Underarm)
Provides Foot Care on One Foot
Feeds Client Who Cannot Feed Self
Measures and Records Blood Pressure (if not done in Station 1)
Station 4 Stretcher (or table) with female manikin
Measures and Records Urinary Output
Provides Catheter Care for Female
Provides Perineal Care(Peri-care) for Female
Applies One Knee-High Elastic Stocking
Station 5 Clean utility area / sink & counter
Washes Hands
Donning & Removing PPE (Gown & Gloves)
Cleans Upper or Lower Denture
Provides Mouth Care
Counts and Records Radial Pulse
Final Evaluation: A written evaluation of the clinical experience