Senate Minutes

Monday, September 23, 2013

I. Call to Order: Jeff Simmons

II. Pledge: Senator Cameron Dean

III. Invocation Senator Vince Diez

IV. Roll Call: Alexis Quackenbush

a. Absent: Sarah Ford, Suraj Ayer, Adonica Reed, Cameron Dean

V. Approval of Minutes: September 16, 2013

a. Diez motions to approve minutes

i. 22-0-0

VI. Reports:

i. President: Greg Crovetto

1.Thank you to everyone who turned up for the bus ride to the Football game

ii. Coordinator: Mrs. Cherie Kay Thriffiley

1. N/A

iii. Faculty Liaison: Dr. Susan Zee

1. N/A

iv. Chief Justice: Mary Takewell

1. Homecoming Elections 9/30 – 10/2

2. Please work the voting booth for points

v. Senate Chairman: Jeff Simmons

1. Sign up to work four shifts for homecoming elections

VIII. Programs:

a. Question of the Day (2 Points)

1. Who all must sign off on every piece of legislation before it is officially approved?

a. Lauren Rose receives 2 pts.

IX. Unfinished Business:

FA13-05 Languages and Communication Department

i. Diez calls to question

1. 21-0-1

FA13-06 Fine and Performing Arts Department

i. Garner motions to table

1. 22-0-0

X. New Business

a. Diez motions to move all New Business to committees

i. 22-0-0 All new business sent to committees

1.FA13-07 Presidential Appointment Scott Knight

2.FA13-08 Presidential Appointment Brittany Groome

3.FA13-09 Homecoming Week 2013 Sponsorship

4.FA13-10 Fan Fair

XI. Announcements and Remarks

a. Simmions

i. Mocktails Thursday

ii. Capital outlay meeting room 204 9/23/13

XII. Adjournment

a. Rogers motions to adjourn at 5:17
